Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 240: Don’t place tributes starting at 5pm, you’ll get fat!


Su Ye naturally didn't know the many comments in the comment area and continued to write,

"After returning to the ancient city after the funeral, Ding Yuanying, who was living in straitened circumstances, began to sell his beloved original records, so he met Liu Bing, who opened a record store in the ancient city.

Liu Bing took advantage of the situation and bought Ding Yuanying's collection of records at a very low price, then sold them at a high price and thought he had made a trick.

In the blink of an eye, it had been a year since Ding Yuanying arrived in the ancient city. When the rent expired, the landlord found Rui Xiaodan and asked. Rui Xiaodan then remembered that there was another Ding Yuanying in the ancient city. When she came to the door of Ding Yuanying's rented house, she was greeted by the sound coming from inside the house. Beautiful music attracts.

After Ding Yuanying played the song "Daughter of Heaven" for her, she froze as if she had been hypnotized.For the next week, Rui Xiaodan seemed to be under a spell, driving a police car all over the ancient city during working hours, searching frantically, hoping to find a set of speakers that was as shocking as the one she found in Ding Yuanying's house. He was severely punished by the police.Rui Xiaodan didn't know that Ding Yuanying's set of speakers was worth hundreds of thousands! 』

[Finally the emotional drama between the male and female protagonists is about to begin! 】

[I think it’s better not to have any emotional scenes, otherwise... Rui Xiaodan designated him as the sacrifice, Tai Dao. 】

[The teacher asked me to write an epitaph for myself. I don’t know what to write. There are many talented people in the comment area. Please help me! 】

[The wind that misses you still blows to the cemetery! 】

[Can I change it once a week? I’m new to epitaphs [see]]

[Epitaph: Advertising space for rent]

[Instructor: Write your own epitaph!

College students: Teacher, should you leave two spaces blank at the beginning? 】

[I remember someone posted that he saw an epitaph that read a scroll asking for resurrection, but there was no line of small words at the bottom, forget it [crying]]

[Don’t place tributes from [-]pm onwards, it will make you gain weight! 】

[You said the princess please come back to life! 】

["Please plant red beans in front of my tomb"

"Because, Hongdou gave birth to a male model~"]

["Don't look, there is nothing here. You know, I will be on the snowy mountains, on the coast, in every free place in the world, but not in this little mound."]

[After looking around, you must be serious! 】


"Rui Xiaodan found Ye Xiaoming, who runs Hi-Fi audio in Gucheng, and asked him to prepare an exact set for himself based on Ding Yuanying's audio.

When Ye Xiaoming saw the set of speakers described by Rui Xiaodan at Ding Yuanying's house, he was stunned. He observed them intently like a pilgrim.After auditioning, he felt that Ding Yuanying was definitely a player.

When Rui Xiaodan learned that Ding Yuanying was so embarrassed that she had sold off her records, she felt very complicated. She decided to treat Ding Yuanying to a meal to make up for it.Feng Shijie, who runs a car repair shop, is a friend of Ye Xiaoming. His hometown of Wangmiao Village is a poor village in a poor county. He has always wanted to find opportunities for his hometown to get rid of poverty and become rich. Ye Xiaoming hinted that Feng Shijie and Ding Yuanying were an expert, and Feng Shijie and Ding Yuanying came into contact.

In Ouyang Xue's hotel, Rui Xiaodan was impressed by Ding Yuanying's knowledge and magnanimity, and subtle changes took place in her heart.Ouyang Xue noticed the changes in Rui Xiaodan, and she began to aggressively and deliberately make things difficult for Ding Yuanying, but Rui Xiaodan's expectant eyes drove Ding Yuanying to go against his wishes.

Ding Yuanying wrote a poem, mocking himself!
Originally from the back mountain, I occasionally sat in the front hall as a guest. I danced drunkenly with half a volume of scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion, and sat in the well to talk about how vast the sky was.

Great ambitions play with fame, and sea battles measure blessings and misfortunes.When talking about being short of money, he angrily points out that everything is wrong.

This poem shocked everyone! 』

In the live room,

[Good guy, it has to be a leaf! 】

[Can someone please explain it to me? 】

[Me, I am big, I will come!

I am originally from the back mountain, which means a person who has never seen the world and has little knowledge. He is an occasional guest in the front hall. It is only because of an accidental opportunity that he is promoted to the elegant hall. After half a volume of the Drunk Dance Pavilion, I know it. Being intoxicated and showing off a little bit of knowledge, one of the thousands of volumes in the Sutra Pavilion, sitting in a well and saying that the sky is vast, is like a frog at the bottom of the well, with only a little bit of knowledge as big as the mouth of the well.
People with great ambitions regard fame and wealth as dirt. They measure blessings and misfortunes in the sea. They measure the blessings and misfortunes in life against the sea. They are broad-minded. When they are short of money, they touch their pockets. When he found that the money was pitiful, he angrily pointed out that everything was wrong, but he cursed loudly, saying that it was unfair to judge heaven and earth! 】【Good guy, are you sure this is self-deprecation rather than mocking those sitting here? 】

【Laugh at everyone! 】

[Good guy, isn’t the plot of Shuangwen coming soon? ! 】

[If Ye Ye is so good, I would like to have one-tenth of Ye Ye, 360 lines, all lines are broken! 】

[Those who can’t kill me might as well just kill me! 】

[If you don’t listen to the old man’s words, your ears will be free! 】

[It’s not that I have no way out, I still have a dead end! 】

[Life has repeatedly beaten me, and my flesh has become so strong and elastic! 】

[I have superpowers, but everything is beyond my ability [awkward laughter]]

[Learning without thinking is a waste, not thinking without learning is a pleasure! 】

[Sometimes if I don’t push myself, I really think I have potential! 】

[Daytime: If you eat any more, you’ll be a dog!
Evening: Dogs also need to eat dinner [see]]

[Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Don’t prepare blindly if you don’t have the opportunity! 】


At this time,

After writing this, Su Ye did not continue writing. It was already dinner time, and cooking was the most important thing.
I got up and went out to eat. This time, there was no incident.

After dinner,

As usual, Su Ye lay down on the bed and took a nap.

While Su Ye was sleeping, the other players started to take action.
Without exception, what they wrote were all in ancient costumes, either about hidden masters, fortune tellers, or counselors. Although they added a little new ideas, they still stayed true to their roots. In this way, they were completely different from Su Ye. distanced themselves.

As long as Su Ye continues to perform stably, there is no doubt that he will become the number one in this competition, not to mention whether he will be a god or not.


Although the stories of the other contestants are old-fashioned, they also have new ideas.
If Su Ye cannot produce stable output, then Su Ye may be eliminated this time.

After Su Ye woke up, he moved his body and continued writing,

"After her parents divorced, Rui Xiaodan had ignored her father since she was six years old, but this time she reached out to borrow 20 yuan from her father. Ouyang Xue's words made Rui Xiaodan understand that she had fallen in love with Ding Yuanying unknowingly. . 』

[Good guy, are you in love now?This is too fast! 】

[The feeling is instant, and the falling in love is also instant. This is normal! 】

[According to Ding Yuanying’s description, such a man is indeed very attractive. 】

【Everyone is strong-willed, men and women are the same! 】

[The two of them really have an emotional scene!This requires a knife! 】

[Woo, Ye Zi, can we change it?Is it okay if I don’t use the knife? 】

【……】(End of this chapter)

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