Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 243 Cat: My main focus is stability

At this time, Su Ye did not continue writing. This time it was really time for dinner, and nothing was as important as cooking. On the way to cooking, he met a cat climbing a high fence. This cat was quite steady and climbed very well. careful,
In the live room,

[Okay, okay, this is my first time seeing such a stable cat! 】

[Cat: You humans are not all dragons [observation in secret]]

[This cat, Maomao, studied from the People's Education Press version [Leiben][Leiben]]

[It’s not like I learned it, it’s more like I didn’t forget it [smile]]

[Mao Mao: It’s your last life, don’t let it go to waste any more! 】

[Hahahaha, how can it crawl like a human? ! 】

[When you reach this age, you will know that joints are not made for anything [stay innocent][stay innocent][stay innocent]]

[Aren’t cows and cats all very nervous? [Question] Why is it so normal? [Downtime]]

[My cat didn’t know how to climb a ladder when he was a child. My dad taught it hard: “First do this (put its front paws on the ladder), then do this (put one of its hind legs up), and then use force ( Grab its last leg and simulate a hard push) Then come up?" Then my cat learned it.

From then on, other people’s cats climbed up ladders by jumping on them, while mine’s cats climbed up just like people climbing over walls. [Tears ran]】

["About the time my friend who cherished his life was reincarnated as a cow cat" [smile]]

[Cat: I know my weight well, so don’t brag about it [smile]]

[[Crying] The two most obscene things are animals that move like people, and people that move like animals]

[It has a very clear understanding of its own physique! 】


After dinner,

Su Ye returned to the set and did not continue writing. Instead, he exercised and went to sleep directly.

Everyone: "..."

Damn it, damn it!
first day,
after breakfast,
Su Ye sat in front of the computer and continued writing,

"The success of the interrogation did not make Rui Xiaodan happy. Instead, she fell into heavy thinking and made a decision that even she found unbelievable.She wanted to ask Ding Yuanying for a "myth" gift, and asked him to write a myth about getting rid of poverty and becoming rich in the impoverished Wangmiao Village.Ding Yuanying was driven by emotion and could not refuse. He decided to go to Wangmiao Village and find out the situation from the villagers first.Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming were ecstatic to receive Ding Yuanying's guidance. 』

[Good guy, what am I talking about? The real withdrawal from the worldly master is here! 】

[The poor suddenly become rich, if the thinking has not changed, it will be a terrifying thing! 】

[Let’s see how Ding Yuanying creates this myth! 】

[At the beginning, the ending was already written, either it was not successful, or they made it themselves! 】

[Obviously it's the latter, otherwise... wouldn't the theme of the master outside the world have changed? 】【……】

At this moment, Su Ye continued to write,

"The profit-seeking Liu Bing couldn't understand how Ding Yuanying could become a master when he was already so poor that he was selling records. But he was afraid of losing the opportunity to make money, so he decided to join in the fun between Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie.Ding Yuanying began to work on the plan of "killing the rich and helping the poor", and he set his sights on the No. 13 International Audio Show held by BJ.He asked Ouyang Xue for help, using her name as the controlling shareholder, and asked Rui Xiaodan to take family leave and take advantage of the opportunity to visit relatives abroad to bring sample speakers to Europe.

At the same time, in order to allow Rui Xiaodan to do more, Ding Yuanying persuaded Rui Xiaodan to resign.But due to different values, he failed to convince Rui Xiaodan.There are many kinds of secret words between lovers, but Rui Xiaodan's words in the Moonlit Villa touched Ding Yuanying a lot. 』

[If Rui Xiaodan listened to Ding Yuanying's resignation, then she would no longer be Rui Xiaodan. 】

[Alas, I just hope that Rui Xiaodan will listen to his advice and Ye Zi can change the ending! 】



"Metrics Audio Company was established, and Ouyang Xue, Feng Shijie, Ye Xiaoming and Liu Bing became shareholders of the company.

At the enlarged shareholder meeting held in Wangmiao Village, attended by the shareholders of Metrics and the villagers of Wangmiao Village, everyone pinned their hopes on Ding Yuanying, which made Ding Yuanying alertly aware of the dangers involved.
So I tell everyone: Only if you are not afraid of hardship and tiredness, and endure what others cannot bear, can you achieve what others cannot.

There is no savior, you can only save yourself.Ding Yuanying's plan was like a shot in the arm of Wangmiao Village, which changed the silence of previous years, and the poor villagers started working enthusiastically.

In order to find peace of mind, Ding Yuanying and Han Chufeng made an appointment to go to Mount Wutai together.On the way, Ding Yuanying explained to Han Chufeng his careful plan to kill the rich and help the poor, which made Han Chufeng take a breath.

Ding Yuanying went to the Buddhist Pure Land of Mount Wutai to meet Master Zhixuan. Wang Zhiwen asked for money to see the master, but was rejected by the master. Two trials gave Wang Zhiwen a sense of confidence, so he took out a letter. His best friend Han Chufeng didn't understand him very well. He felt that Even if 20 yuan can't knock on the master's door, how powerful can a letter be?

What Han Chufeng didn't expect was that the master actually invited them in. This made Han Chufeng very curious as to what was written in the letter. It was worth more than 10 yuan. Only when he saw it did he realize that it was a poem. After enlightenment, stop talking about destiny and practice. Don't take the true scriptures. One is sad, one is happy, and the other is prosperous. Which past life is doomed? The cassock is inherently impure, the mortal world is unstained, and the nature is empty. The thousands of years of ancient temples are all idiots' dreams. 』

[From the words and sentences, I saw that Ding Yuanying had a very arrogant and unreasonable attitude towards Buddhism, which I couldn't understand.Buddhism takes the mission of educating all sentient beings as its mission, so why has it become so unsightly in Ding Yuanying’s eyes that he must deny it with such an extreme attitude? 】

[Master Zhixuan is a true believer in Buddhism. Otherwise, when he saw this poem, he would immediately organize people, pick up sticks, and beat Ding Yuanying and Han Chufeng down the mountain.If you are not a true Buddhist and read Ding Yuanying's words and deny Buddhism in this way, you will destroy your job and the consequences will be serious. 】

[The essence of Buddhism revolves around birth, aging, illness and death in the human world.It is not to enlighten the people's wisdom, but to attract believers, and is deliberately mysterious.This is not the original intention of Buddha when he founded Buddhism, and it deviates from the original intention of Buddha. Therefore, Buddha believed that the end of Buddhism would eventually come. 】

[Buddhism cut off the path to Buddhahood for ordinary believers and became a tool to fool the world, and true Buddhism completely disappeared from the world. 】


"The house in Mingxin Pavilion is not very big. There are some Buddhist calligraphy and paintings on the surrounding walls. There is an old-fashioned square table and four wooden chairs in the middle of the house. Three people are sitting around the table. On the table is a poem by Ding Yuanying and a poem written on it. envelope on paper.Master Zhixuan gently pushed the letter paper and envelope forward and said: Dare I ask the donor what the true scripture is?What is the point of practicing if you don’t take the true scriptures? 』

[Fuck, I feel like the explosive scene is coming again! 】

[Discussing Taoism with such a master will definitely be wonderful, maybe it will be a scene of conferring gods! 】

【……】(End of this chapter)

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