Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 29 Sister Tianxian: What are you talking about?

Chapter 29 Sister Tianxian: What are you talking about?

"Sorry, I'm a serious coach and I won't show up!" Su Ye said lightly.

Liu Feifei: ? ? ?

"What wild words are you uttering?"

Xu Lai:! ! !
Ye Zi, it has to be you!

In the live room,

【wipe!You know what is coming, Ye Zi! 】

[Ye Zi, do you want to hear what you are saying? ! 】

【Fuck!Is this considered teasing the fairy sister? ! 】

[Hahaha, Sister Tianxian, what are you talking about? I’m laughing so hard! 】


"Just kidding, the main challenge today is to be a driving school instructor for a day. Whether you will follow me or not depends on the fans!" Su Ye said.

In the live room,

【Yo!You bitch, you still respect our opinions? ! 】

[Anchor, this is your excuse! ?Are you scared? 】

[You said you are a car god, just follow Sister Tianxian and stop using us as a shield! 】

【that is!If you don't dare, just don't say anything. What are you talking about? ! 】

Seeing all the comments in the live broadcast room, Su Ye said, "Okay, since the brothers in the live broadcast room have said so, let's go!"


The screen turns,
Liu Feifei took Su Ye and Xu to the Racing Club. When she looked at the words Racing Club,
In the live room,

[Yi Zi, this is a professional place, it’s not too late to give in now! 】

[You are called the God of Cars in this place, Ye Zi, you are dying! 】

[Anchor, it doesn’t matter if you give in. It’s totally late now! 】


At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room was urging Su Ye to just give up.

Liu Feifei looked at Su Ye and said, "It's still too late to leave now!"

"Why are you leaving? Traveling all the way, what a waste of time?" Su Ye was very indifferent.

Xu Lai coughed heavily at this time, reminding Su Ye that it's already this time, it's okay for us to be cowardly, why bother? !
In the live room,

【wipe!I really can't stand the anchor's tough talk. He's not allowed to leave even if he wants to. I want to see how awesome he can be. 】

【right!You can't let him leave even if he wants to, you must see the gold content of the car god! 】


【10086! 】


At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't believe it. Su Ye could really be a car god! ?
Liu Feifei nodded at this time and gave Su Ye a thumbs up, "You can do it!"

words fell,

Liu Feifei walked into the club, followed closely by Su Ye and Xu Lai. After entering the club, Liu Feifei asked someone to call the person in charge of the club.
"Sister Qianxi!" As the energetic voice came, I looked around and saw a young man walking towards me quickly. He had a short head and strong facial features. He was about 1.8 meters tall. His figure was slightly thin, but he gave off a very strong appearance. Feel.

In the live room,

【wipe!What a handsome little brother! 】

[Really handsome, sisters, I seem to be in love again! 】

[You use this very well. You fall in love with a handsome guy when you see him, right? 】

【The truth is! 】

[Looking at little brother, he looks a little familiar! 】


At this moment, the young man walked up to Liu Feifei, and Liu Feifei introduced, "This is my friend Zhao Yilong, who just won the provincial racing championship and also won the national championship."

As soon as this is said,
Xu Lai bore the brunt of the shock, the provincial champion and the former army champion!


Isn’t this the end of the leaves? !

Now, let’s make you talk harder!
In the live room,

【Fuck!I thought it looked familiar, but it turned out to be Zhao Yilong! 】

[Anyone who likes racing and pays attention to racing, who doesn’t know Zhao Yilong! 】

[The well-deserved king of the racing world! 】

[Come on, host, give up now. Compared with Zhao Yilong, you won’t be pushed to the ground and rubbed! 】

[Ye Zi, let’s just be soft-spoken, there’s no need to be so harsh! 】



At this time,

Liu Feifei introduced Su Ye to Zhao Yilong, "This is...not a friend, but he said he is a car god, so he brought you here to see if he is!"

racer? !
Zhao Yilong's eyes suddenly turned teasing, and he looked at Su Ye.

I originally thought he was a friend of Sissi's, just here to have fun, but it turned out... He said he was a car god, so he was here to cause trouble!

This guy is not old, but his tone is quite good. He is a car god?He doesn’t even dare to say that he is a car god!

"Brother, you...the car god?" Zhao Yilong asked playfully.

Su Ye waved his hands and said, "You are not the God of Cars. If you are willing to call me the God of Cars, I will have no choice but to be disrespectful!"

Zhao Yilong: "..."

Liu Feifei: ⊙⊙!
Xu Lai:? ? ?
No, my brother!When did this happen? Who are you facing? You...!
In the live room,

[Anchor, are you okay? Do you want to listen to what you said? ? 】

[I thought Ye Zi was going to be humble and give in, but...he went straight to A! 】

【This mouth is really tough! 】

【He is so crazy!Does he know who he is facing?He really thinks he is a car god! 】


But Su Ye felt that it was nothing. He was determined to be a car god, and he was just telling the truth. As a staunch socialist successor, isn't it fundamental to tell the truth? !

As for crazy... crazy?But he is so powerful!The products produced by the system must be high-quality products. Do you think you are bragging about your god-level driving skills?Forget about cars, what about planes?What about tanks?

"Okay, buddy, since you said so, I want to ask for advice! Let's have a game!?" Zhao Yilong asked. He hadn't seen this crazy guy for a long time. The key is that Su Ye is crazy and confident. Maybe ...are you really capable?
"Okay! Let's have a competition then!" Su Ye said calmly, as if he had agreed to a trivial matter.

In the live room,

【? ? ? 】

【wipe!Ye Zi, I really cried to death, how dare you!Let's just we have to be so tough on our words? ! 】

[Not to mention anything else, just call Ye Zi's tough mouth, and use your mouth to hold the bullet, there shouldn't be any big problem! 】

[Ye Zi, you still don’t know what kind of existence you are facing. Even if you are really strong, you still can’t defeat Zhao Yilong! 】

[What kind of existence is Zhao Yilong?The national championship that year was definitely a year of fighting between gods. Zhao Yilong won the first place, which shows how powerful he is! 】

[Yi Zi, please be gentle, don’t be embarrassed, we won’t laugh at you! 】

[Su Ye: Really?I do not believe! 】

[Hahaha, if you don’t believe it, that’s right. He will be soft on the front foot, but we will laugh on the back foot until he doubts life and lets him know the dangers of society. 】


Needless to say, no one thought that Su Ye could really beat Zhao Yilong at this time. Even if Su Ye showed his skills in the driving school, it was not enough. What kind of gold is a national championship? !
Su Ye wants to compete with Zhao Yilong just for fun. Some people are even betting that Su Ye might give up after getting in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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