Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 45 Let the Buddha stand up and sit down!

Chapter 45 Let the Buddha stand up and sit down!
When Liu Feifei and Xu Lai said goodbye, her pretty face turned red and she didn't dare to look at Su Ye. Xu Lai just said goodbye to her sister-in-law, and she also said goodbye. Isn't this a disguised admission? !
But seeing that Su Ye had no intention of saying anything on this topic, Liu Feifei breathed a sigh of relief.

after that,

Su Ye and Liu Feifei go to the movies, go shopping, eat, what is the process of a couple's date? This is what the process is for these two people.

After sending Liu Feifei home, Su Ye went home naturally. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xu Lai sitting on the sofa quite seriously, with his back straight and looking straight at Su Ye.

See here,

Su Ye pursed her lips and said, "Ask!"

Seeing Xu Lai's appearance, Su Ye knew what this boy wanted to ask.

Xu Lai was very satisfied with Su Ye's attitude. The young man was very smart, not bad!

"Where are you and Sister Tianxian?"

Su Ye answered, "No matter what step we take, we are friends!"

"Friend? Huh! Friend, how can you leave me and go swimming with others? You are a guy who values ​​sex over friends!" Xu Lai said fiercely, his teeth almost shattered!

Su Ye: "..."

who? !

Prefer sex over friends?

I? !

How can it be!

Su Ye immediately retorted, "Fat man, what you said is not rigorous. How could I value sex over friends?! Brothers are like brothers and sisters, women are like clothes!"

"Oh?" Xu Lai's eyes lit up slightly, "Really?!"

"Of course!" Su Ye patted his chest.

Xu Lai nodded with satisfaction and looked at Su Ye with eyes filled with relief, "Yes, now your siblings have said not to associate with Sister Tianxian in the future. You can agree, right?"

Su Ye: "..."

damn thing!
"Without my limbs, I can still go out in a wheelchair, but without my clothes, how can I go out? Then you have to arrest me as a gangster!"

After finishing his words, without giving Xu Lai a chance to speak, Su Ye yawned and said, "Go to sleep!"

After saying that, he went straight to the bedroom. Xu Lai looked at Su Ye's back and couldn't help but nodded, "That makes sense..."


silent all night,
The next day,

early morning,

Su Ye and Xu Lai started broadcasting as usual after dinner,
"Everyone knows the process, let's get started!" Su Ye said straight to the point.

In the live room,

[Challenge: Accept me as a disciple, don’t charge a penny, and train me to become a master of Chinese martial arts! 】

【? ? ? 】

[Brother, you must be 6, you know how to challenge!Good guy! 】

[I heard this calculation even abroad! 】

[Master of Chinese martial arts, can that be cultivated overnight? ! 】

[Don’t even think about this one! 】


[Challenge: Ye Zi stays with me for a day and is at my disposal 24 hours a day! 】

[Ye Zi: Forget it, I don’t dare take this challenge, the waist is more important! 】

【?What are you talking about? Why can’t I let Brother Ye rest for two hours in one day? 】

[Sister, you have to be very good. Even the prisoners of war in Geneva cannot be exploited like this! 】

[Good guy, after listening to this, the donkeys felt very happy. 】


[Challenge: Ye Zi, how about some shocking gossip? 】

【? ? ?Is this a challenge?Is this another challenge necessary? !It’s totally unnecessary! 】

[Brother, if you want to hear it, just ask everyone in the comment area, there are many talents! 】

[Go and see the shared genes, "I" became the mother of "my" mother. "I" and grandma are biological sisters! 】【Alien: 6! 】

[I have a sister-in-law who practices "monogamy" and was fine before she got pregnant. After she got pregnant, her husband compromised and took his wife, who is my sister-in-law's girlfriend, into his home. Now I My sister-in-law gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, and the five of them lived happily together! 】

[A college classmate was envious of his roommate's good family background, so he tried every possible means to get close to his roommate's father, and later became his roommate's little mother. (My roommate’s parents later divorced because of this classmate, and the mistress succeeded)]

[The couple who got motion sick caught the vomit in their mouths! [tears][tears][tears]]

[Good guy, I made up the picture in my mind and I'm already vomiting. Who can bear this! 】

[I know someone, she is a girl, and then she has a girlfriend, and her girlfriend is a bisexual, and she has a girlfriend and a boyfriend. All three of them know each other [awkward laughter] Four people are living together A happy life. 】

[Alien: Look at the level of human civilization!
Alien: 6! 】

[My dormitory classmate washed the trash can more than ten times and used it to make eight packs of instant noodles! 】

[Outrageous, this is actually the most normal one! 】

[This comment section is really outrageous! 】



Su Ye's phone rang suddenly, and when he answered the call, it was the director of the Wild Tiger Rescue Park.

"Mr. Su, I'd like to excuse you if you have time. I want to send a tiger back to the jungle today, but the tiger's temper is a bit irritable. I'm afraid that the process of sending it back will be difficult. To be on the safe side, I want to I want Mr. Su to come, of course, but if Mr. Su doesn’t have time, forget it.”

words fell,

Su Ye replied, "It's okay, I'll just go over and lie down!"

"Thank you, Mr. Su!"

"You're welcome, Director!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye said to the camera, "You may have heard the call just now. Let's stop our challenge mission for a moment and go to the Wild Tiger Rescue Park first."

In the live room,

[This is okay, I also want to see Brain Ax! 】

[Come on, straighten your tongue, big tiger! 】

【Brain Ax! 】



In a flash,
Su Ye had already arrived at the Tiger Park. When he first entered the park, he saw a woman cleaning the windows. She was about 30 years old. She looked like she was a staff member of the park.

At this moment, a big tiger swayed closer behind the woman.
"Ye Zi!" Xu Lai suddenly shouted anxiously.

Only Ye Zi can solve this situation. If this is not good, the woman may be in danger.

And at this time, it's better not to shout, otherwise it will scare the tiger and make it more troublesome.

"Peace of mind!" Su Ye said and hurriedly walked towards the tiger.

In the live room,

[This is too dangerous, why is the cage not closed! 】

[Come on Ye Zi, we must save that girl! 】


[Brother Ye Zi, please pay attention to your own safety. If it is not possible, ensure your own safety first! 】

[You are right, saving people is a good thing, but risking your own life to save others is not okay! 】

【well!Now this man, look at our revolutionary martyrs!As long as you are saving people, you don't care about your own safety. 】

【? ? ?Then you go to rescue?How many people have you saved?Easier said than done? ! 】

[Who is morally kidnapped?Saving people is an obligation, not a necessity, understand? ! 】

[Come, there is a giant Buddha in Leshan. Let it rise. Sit down. What are you pretending to be? 】

[I believe Ye Zi can definitely appease the tiger and save the girl! 】


At this moment, everyone was hoping that Su Ye could save the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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