Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 6 Escape Room: I ask you to solve the puzzle, but you unlock the lock?

Chapter 6 Escape Room: I ask you to solve the puzzle, but you unlock the lock?
Su Ye and Xu Lai entered the first level of the secret room. The surroundings were dark, with only a beam of light shining on the question.
I saw four words written on it, the chessboard password, and then only a series of numbers.
45 51 34 34 42 24=?
Looking at the question, Xu Lai couldn't help but said, "Yi Zi, I haven't played an escape room before, and I'm not interested in these. What's the chessboard password? What does this... mean?"

Now Xu Lai is really confused. He has never played an escape room. He has no idea at all about solving problems. He can't think of anything at all.

Su Ye rolled her eyes at Xu Lai, "It's like I'm just kidding. You don't know that I know it?"

Xu Lai: "???"

No...Brother!Didn't you say you were relieved before you came in?Neither can you!

Isn't this...isn't this pure and useless?

The key is that the popularity of such a live broadcast will inevitably decline, and fans will definitely lose their followers.

In the live room,

【What the hell!Doesn't do this?Do you dare to challenge and pass the level in 10 minutes without knowing the chessboard password? 】

【Ah!What did I say?It's just pure fooling around, no fun! 】

[If it weren’t for the fairy sister, how could he be so popular! 】

[Okay, brothers, stop looking, there’s nothing good to see! 】

[Are you playing with fans?Title party, right?Pooh! 】

[How about making a bet with someone else’s shop owner?Even if he loses, the store owner probably won't use him anymore. It's so embarrassing! 】

[Even if you don’t know how to do it, you can still pretend to be good at it. Are you trying to rub our IQ on the ground? 】


[The chessboard password is the coordinate encryption method. It uses 26 letters and ten numbers to achieve the purpose of encryption. A 5×5 chessboard puts 26 letters in it. L and J share a password, which is very simple. 】

[Upstairs, are you the only one who has good intentions?You treat the anchor as a family member, and the anchor treats you as a devil. Wake up! 】

[There is a giant Buddha in Leshan. Move it away. Can you sit on it? 】


Looking at the comments that kept scrolling, Xu Lai became really anxious.

"Yi Zi, don't make trouble. How can we clear the level in 10 minutes like this?" Xu Lai said urgently, and kept giving Su Ye eyes.

At this time, Su Ye has reached the forefront of the storm. If this matter is not handled properly, the live broadcast will be completely ruined. From now on, they will no longer have to think about the live broadcast.

"Don't worry, if you can pass the level, you can!" Su Ye replied calmly.

After saying that, Su Ye took off the backpack from his shoulders, took it in his hand, and walked towards the side of the secret room.
[No way, where does the confidence come from? 】

【Ah!This mouth is really tough. If it were placed in the war years, it would definitely be able to survive the beauty trap! 】

[Forensic doctor: This man’s death was strange, and he had a tough mouth all over his body! 】

[Reported! 】


Douyin Headquarters,

Live broadcast department,
"Minister Zhang, more and more people are reporting Su Ye's live broadcast. Should we cut off his live broadcast?" asked the ordinary-looking young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Zhang Changzhou did not respond immediately. The popularity of Su Ye's live broadcast room is now very high. No anchor in the same period can compare to Su Ye. Although there are many people reporting it, the popularity has not dropped much, and... Su Ye Ye's confident look seemed to be really confident. Besides, the matter hadn't reached the last moment yet. What if Su Ye really had a way? !
If Su Ye really succeeds this time, his future prospects will be limitless. There is a huge difference between providing help in times of need and adding the icing on the cake!
Zhang Changzhou was weighing it, and finally made a decision, "Take it a little harder and see again!"

"Yes, Minister!" the young man replied.

Going back,

At this time, Su Ye in the secret room walked to the door lock and took out a piece of wire from his backpack.
Looking at this scene,
Xu Lai was a little confused. What was Ye Zi planning to do?Want to pick the lock?Everyone in the live broadcast room was also a little confused.
[He...what is he going to do? !Isn't he trying to open the lock? 】

【unlock? !Damn it, why don’t you just pick the lock if you can’t solve the problem? !What kind of brain circuit is this? 】

[The question is...why is there still wire in his bag? Don't tell me that bag is full of lock picking tools! ? 】

[Brother Fatty, can you point the camera at Brother Ye’s backpack? 】

[Plus one, please fat brother! 】

【10086! 】

Seeing all the fat brothers in the live broadcast room, Xu Lai couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and said directly, "You guys, all of you, what kind of faces do you have? When it works, you call me fat brother, and when it doesn't, you call me fat guy! Hmph! ! I want to see it! I won’t show it to you!”

After hearing Xu Lai's words, in the live broadcast room,
[Damn fat man, I advise you not to be disrespectful and hurry up! 】

[Damn fat man, be obedient, or the Internet will bully you! 】

[Damn fat man, let me introduce myself. My name is Li Xinghe. If heaven had not given birth to me Li Xinghe, my bond would last forever like a long night!You know what I mean! ? 】


Just now, I was all fat brother, now I am all dead fat brother!

Xu Lai: Look, all of them have different faces, and their true colors are revealed. After all, I have endured something that I shouldn’t have to endure at this age. It’s so difficult for me!

At this time,

Su Ye had already inserted the wire into the keyhole.

【No!He really wants to use wire to open the lock! 】

[This kind of old-fashioned locks are all tumbler locks, which use multiple cylindrical parts of different heights to lock the lock core.When the correct key is inserted, each lock spring is pushed to the same height, and the lock cylinder is released.

It is the easiest to open this kind of lock, but it also requires skills. Most people just want to open it with a wire, but it is simply impossible! 】

[Oh, I have to say that the anchor is quite whimsical. 】

Just as the comments in the live broadcast room were scrolling, there was a click and the lock opened!
Xu Lai immediately said excitedly, "It's really... really open?! It's not Ye Zi, you are too awesome!"

He really didn't expect that Ye Zi actually had such a skill.

Su Ye turned around and said calmly, "Jicao, don't fuck!"

Everyone in the anchor room,
【? ? ? 】

[No...he really opened it? ! 】

[Isn’t it said that it also requires technology?Opened it so easily? 】

[The marble lock is simple. Sometimes if you are lucky, it is not difficult to open it. The anchor should have some experience, and with some luck, there is a high probability that it can be opened! 】

[This operation...he didn't think about solving the problem at all from the beginning, but just thought about unlocking it! 】

[It’s really not impossible! 】

[If he thought this way from the beginning, it can only be said that the anchor is naive. How could the locks used in the escape room be such low-level pinball locks, and most escape rooms do not use this kind of pinball locks at all. 】

[Yes, this road is not feasible. There are probably electronic locks behind it. It depends on how he opens it! 】


Following the discussion in the live broadcast room, Su Ye and Xu Lai have entered the secret room of the new level.

(End of this chapter)

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