Chapter 60 A plain business war


In the live room,

[Good guy, it turns out to be the boss!I just said there is something wrong with the boss’s mental state! 】

[It’s not that great. If there is no problem, who can make the pedicure program like that! 】

[This pedicure shop has given me a psychological shadow. From now on, when I go to a pedicure shop, I will just do the regular routine! 】

[I don’t know why, but when I see him crying like that, I not only don’t have the slightest sympathy, but I also want to laugh! 】




At this time,

Su Ye stopped the young man just now and asked, "Who is your boss...?"

The young man replied, "Hey! Don't mention it. I don't know who it is. The boss's money tree has been poured with hot water. The tree cannot be saved."

Just finished talking,
The boss stood up slowly, "It must have been the bitch across the way. Didn't I tell you? Look at the tree, what do you think?!
Kill my money tree, right? ?Bitch, just wait, I will replace the God of Wealth in your store with the King of Hell today! "

As soon as this is said,
Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: "!!!"


In the live room,

[Hahahaha, you’re laughing so hard, replacing the God of Wealth with the King of Hell? 6! 】

[Is this the legendary business war? ! 】

[Business war in the play: Ignoring the law and being vicious!
Realistic business war: no quality and shameless! 】

[Fake Wall Street: Strategizing.

The Real Wall Street: Unplugging the Cord. 】

[Business war in the novel: A senior undercover agent lurks for several years, steals business secrets, cuts off the financial chain, sets traps, and uses Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Realistic business war: wait for your opponent to make a mistake. 】

[I have to mention that Xiaorui’s coffee is full of ice, and Xiaoxue’s tea is full of tea! 】

[Xiaoxue: Xiaorui, what’s the matter with you?Are you adding so much ice to chill customers to death? 】

[Xiaoxue: Huh?what happened?Xiao Rui probably didn’t do it on purpose! ? 】

[Xiaoxue: Xuexue, I really want to laugh at Ruirui~! 】

[Xiaoxue: Xiaorui, it’s not necessary to make this coffee! 】

【Rui: New product "Green Tea Mixed Snow"

Customer: Why are you so yin and yang to us?

Snow: New product "White Lotus Lucky"

Customer: Mimi is such a resounding name. 】

【Hahahaha~ I’m really laughing to death! 】

[In a few days, Xiaoxue joined the staff!Xiao Rui sat up in the middle of the night: Bitch! 】


At this moment, the live broadcast room was really lively. The real-life business war was really a joke.


Su Ye and Xu Lai left the pedicure shop. Today's live broadcast task has been completed. Su Ye naturally wanted to go off the air, but looking at the live broadcast room, everyone asked him to broadcast for a while, even if he talked, there were constant gifts on the screen.

See here,

Su Ye thinks it can be broadcast for a while longer. It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. The main thing is to accompany the fans.

Also at this time,
In Su Ye's mind, the mechanical voice of the system sounded,

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and being rewarded with god-level painting skills!Three hundred points are awarded. 】

Su Ye: "⊙⊙!" Just a painting technique? !

gone? !

[The difficulty of the task is too low. Please don’t be greedy, host, and be a little self-aware! 】

Su Ye: Get out!

this moment,
Su Ye was a little distracted and almost got into contact with the car on the right.
"Leaf, be careful!"

With Xu Lai's shout, Su Ye suddenly came back to his senses, then stepped on the accelerator and drifted to the road to the left. The front of the car and the body of the car turned around. Fortunately, the car behind was not fast and stopped in time without colliding.
Two cars were facing each other on the road. This scene attracted many people to take pictures with their mobile phones.
In the live room,

[Senior Hongche, please... please date me, get rid of it! 】

[Good guy, let’s forget about others sending voice messages. Are you sending both voice and images? 】

[Zi Zi’s car can turn around, but she doesn’t! 】

【? ? ?Come on, get this love brain out of me! 】

[Red Car: What are you doing? !
Ye Zi’s car: Stop talking and kiss me! 】

[Zi Zi’s car: One mouth!
Red Car: No, there are so many cars! 】

[Everyone has said that you shouldn’t play Douyin when you are in love, why don’t you listen? 】

[Zi Zi’s car: Can I talk to you? 】

[If I were a red car, my heart would beat out of my chest! [Laughing awkwardly]]

[If I were a red car, I would be scared to death! 】


There was no accident, it was just a small episode, but it caused a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet. At the same time, Su Ye's live broadcast at the foot massage shop was edited, and it once again became a hot search, steadily dominating the rankings.

{Shock!In broad daylight, this foot massage shop project is like this! }
{Shock!A foot massage shop that has novel items in addition to traditional items! }
{Shock!Top Internet celebrity Su Ye, a story that must be told in the foot massage shop! }
{Shock!Su Ye actually asked for a novel item at the pedicure shop! }
{Happy sex, pink temptation, French... What exactly are these projects in a foot massage shop? ! }
{Shock!Business wars in reality are like this! }
{Shock!Su Ye, a top internet celebrity, did such a thing while driving on the road! }
For a time,

The whole Internet is abuzz with discussion. This time, Su Ye became very popular again.
In just a few days, Su Ye has frequently dominated the hot searches. Looking at the entire entertainment industry, there is no one who can beat him.

When Su Ye got home, he naturally decided to stop broadcasting. Today's live broadcast tasks were completed. It was an extra clock along the way. Then it was time to waste time. Who is still working!

"Ye Zi, it's still early, what should we do in the afternoon? It's quite boring." Xu Lai asked.

Su Ye answered, "I don't know! Just lie down at home!"

Xu Lai was unhappy, "How can we just lie down and do nothing in such a good time?!


I have to find something to do. You wait while I study it. When I finish the study, we will set off! "

words fell,

Xu Lai went to study seriously, but Su Ye's cell phone notification tone rang.

Su Ye glanced at the message from Liu Feifei, "The massage was very good!" 』

"No way, let's live broadcast the mission!"Speaking of which, although that store is weird, it’s pretty good. I’ll take you there another day! ” Su Ye replied.

"You won't ruin my brother's good deeds!" ? 』

Su Ye: "..."

Why does it feel like tea talk! ?

Jealous! ?

"What words?"What are these words? !I am the successor of socialism, I am upright and I never engage in such stupid things. You are not allowed to slander me! 』

"yes? 』

"certainly!I have been keeping myself safe, waiting for the sister I love most to show up. 』

『?Why is it the elder sister and not the younger sister? ! 』

"The main thing is that she has already appeared. It's my sister!" 』

Seeing this message from Su Ye, Liu Feifei's cheeks turned slightly red. he talking about me? !still……!
At this time, Liu Feifei pursed her lips and did not continue the topic. She changed the subject and said,
"I'm back to the devil's capital!" 』


Su Ye's eyes lit up, "Then...can we have dinner together?!"

(End of this chapter)

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