Chapter 63 My charming ancestor!

After a quarter of an hour,
The child said softly, "Brother, I've finished writing!"

Su Ye stepped forward, looked at the child's neat handwriting, and couldn't help but praise, "The handwriting is neat, not bad!"

This designation is stable. Look at the neat handwriting. The composition designation is not much different.


Su Ye began to read the composition, "My father is a lustful person..."

Su Ye's heart felt cold. Looking at the neat handwriting, he thought that the child's composition was not bad at all, but the result...that's it! ?

His prediction was indeed wrong!

In the live room,

[Hahaha, this kid, how can you tell the truth when you talk nonsense? ! 】

[Child’s father: Listen to me and thank you~]

[It’s amazing, now the whole country knows that he has a competitive and lustful father! 】

[His father would be very angry if he heard this! 】

[Ye Zi, why are you still confused?Where was your confident look just now?Please restore it. 】



At this time,

Su Ye corrected, "Fighting for good fortune is not lustful!"

The child pouted and nodded,
Su Ye continued to read, "Every day is a busy day, doing work that is worse than an animal."

Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙!
In the live room,

[Shit, although this wording sounds... very wrong, it seems like there is nothing wrong with it! 】

[Indeed... they are not as good as animals, and the Geneva prisoners did not do as much as I did. 】

[Not only do you do a lot, but you also work long hours! 】

[Damn it, I really don’t want to attend this crappy class for a whole day! 】

[Not as good as a beast, these four words really hurt my heart! 】


Su Ye skipped this sentence without refuting, and continued to read, "I can only go home one after another at night..."

This word is used...very!
"How many fathers do you have!?" Su Ye asked, looking at the child.

The child silently stretched out a finger.

In the live room,

[Hahaha, you made me laugh so hard, how many dads do you have! 】

[His father: You are such a great eldest son of mine! 】

[Hahaha, the use of the word Lu Luxunxi really made me laugh to death! 】

[Ye Zi, I’m just asking you if you are confused! 】


at this time,

Su Ye corrected, "The word Lu Lu Ru Xu cannot be used here, do you understand?"

After the child nodded to show that he knew, Su Ye continued to read, "Pounce on the dining table like a vicious dog pouncing on shit, and pour a lifetime of wine and urine~"

Su Ye: "..."

Yes, there are all sizes, it’s really complete!
In the live room,

[Hahaha, this kid knows how to use words! 】

[If I were his father, I would be really pissed off by him! 】

[He is exactly the same as the rebellious son of mine! 】

[This kid is really filial! 】


Su Ye naturally corrected him again, and then said, "If the hungry dog ​​pounces on the food, remove it and enjoy the fine wine! Understand?!"

The child nodded softly again, and Su Ye continued to read, "Dad at this moment, his face is really full of bladder!"

Su Ye:? !

"Blissful face!"

In the live broadcast room, [Hahaha, my face is full of bladder, this word is a bit weird! 】

[You think he has learned it well? He can’t even write a romantic poem!
You said he didn't learn well, he can even write about bladder! 】

[The more difficult the words are to write, the better they will be remembered. 】


at this time,

Su Ye continued to read, "Seeing him look as tired as a pig or a dog, I really cried with joy!"

Su Ye: "!!!"

Big brother gave birth to a good son!
Xu Lai: "6!"

In the live room,

[Hahahaha, not as good as a pig or a dog, I cried with joy. I have to say, my eldest brother has a good son! 】

[The child’s father: Come on, let me see how happy you are! 】

[I think what the child said was from the bottom of his heart and was deliberately written incorrectly. 】

[Hahaha, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have this possibility! 】

[Yi Zi, why are you still frowning, why are you not relaxing, why are you not smiling? ! 】

[Brother Ye Zi, forget it if we can’t do it. If we fail the challenge, we will fail! 】

[Let’s not force ourselves. If we really can’t do it, go dig the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang! 】



Naturally, the child's Chinese homework was finished. Looking at the next math homework, Su Ye's head was really big. He suddenly felt that digging Qin Shihuang's mausoleum and stealing foreign warships seemed... not difficult.

Children are already powerful, and the power of helping children with homework is even more terrifying.

After three hours of tutoring, the math homework was finally completed.

During these three long hours, Su Ye really couldn't bear the torture. It was so damn... If this was his traitorous son, it would be over if he didn't get beaten today.

too difficult!
In the live room,

Looking at Su Ye's appearance, it naturally made everyone laugh. He was advised to have a full meal. He told you at the beginning not to go, but you didn't listen. What is this called? This is called self-inflicted suffering.

Many parents looked at this scene with strong empathy.

At the same time, I admire Su Ye for being able to survive to this point and still smiling. How can ordinary people do this? !
Of course, this is also because this is someone else's son. If this was his own son, he would probably do it directly!


Looking at the next English homework, Su Ye really had a sad face!

At this time,

Su Ye couldn't help but said, "My charming ancestor Ying Zheng, doesn't he just want immortality? Give it to him! It's not like he wants the stars in the sky, otherwise who would be learning English now!" "


The whole live broadcast room exploded.
【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!It’s true! 】

[Ying Zheng will not blame you for not knowing English, he will blame himself for not unifying the world. He really makes me cry to death! 】

[What’s wrong with this damn Tang Monk giving him a piece of meat! 】

[Even a hemorrhoid will do! 】

[As long as Qin Shihuang was still alive, he would not allow so many types of charging heads on the market! 】

[My 190+ ancestor, who is handsome, has great talents, respects women, does not indulge in love, unifies weights and measures, and unifies culture, just wants a pill of longevity, what is wrong with him! 】

[That loser Xu Fu couldn’t find the elixir of immortality even if he was asked to find it, so now we have to learn English! 】

[It is said that his sword is 1.6 meters long, which is equivalent to having Cao Cao hanging on his waist! 】

[Tang Seng’s No. 80 dilemma is that netizens want to put him into Ying Zheng’s mouth. 】

[Tang Monk, you are so pretentious. What's wrong with letting Ying Zheng take a bite? It's just a piece of meat missing. 】

[As long as he lives, I estimate that he will be his 99999999th beloved concubine. 】

【? ? ?He is not lustful! 】

[He is not good, but she is good! 】

[He does not want to live forever, he just has too many political ambitions that he has not had time to realize. 】

[My short-lived and awesome ancestor [shed tears] [shed tears] [shed tears] [shed tears]]


At this moment, the entire live broadcast room exploded.
And at this moment,
Su Ye had no choice but to finish the English homework in order to complete the challenge and get rewards from the system!
(End of this chapter)

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