Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 65: The antique water is very deep, you can’t grasp it!

Chapter 65: The antique water is very deep, you can’t grasp it!
words fell,

In the live room,

【? ? ?Good guy, Ye Zi, you are so brave!The water of antiques is too deep, you can’t grasp it! 】

【have to!Now someone in the antique street is going to make a lot of money! 】

[Ye Zi is already rich. He dares to touch antiques. He just wants to pay his tuition fees! 】

[That’s okay. I just came to see the anchor suffer and make a fool of himself, not to see him show off. 】




At this time, no one expected that Su Ye would actually choose to go to the antique street to pick up leaks. This is quite difficult. Without strong antique knowledge and eyesight, he would just be a fat sheep.


Xu Lai reminded, "Yi Zi, we don't understand that stuff, so go ahead!"

Su Ye nodded slightly, "Go ahead and let's go!"

Seeing that Su Ye was very sure, Xu Lai didn't say anything else. At worst, he would try to persuade Su Ye when he was buying expensive things.


Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived at the antique street. Although it was early morning, the antique street was already busy. The antique industry has been booming in the past few years. Many people have made fortunes from antiques and achieved a leap in class. Of course... more people are It was a ruin, a loss of everything.

Entering the antique street, Su Ye looked at each stall casually.

The bosses at the stalls were very enthusiastic. In this business, the most important thing is the ability to discern. They could tell that Su Ye and Xu Lai were rich and young. They were probably new to antiques. They were pure fat sheep. If they were slaughtered, One cut is enough to last a year.

At another stall,

Su Ye picked up a porcelain vase, and the stall owner said at this time, "Brother, I have a good eye. This bottle is amazing. This is a porcelain vase from the Song Dynasty. It is the treasure of my stall."


The boss nodded firmly,

Su Ye smiled slightly and said, "It's bad!"

Sorry, this is jargon!The seller said that the goods were definitely up to date, but the buyer saw that it was a new imitation and had to take into account the store's reputation, so he could only say that he didn't like it.

Just this porcelain vase, Song Dynasty?That was last week.

The boss smiled coquettishly and said, "Look at other things."

After hearing Su Ye's answer, the boss also knew that the porcelain bottle could not fool Su Ye. This young man knew this business, but it was hard to say how much he knew.

Su Ye put down the bottle and looked casually at the stall. There was something real in the pile of copper coins, copper coins from the late Qing Dynasty, but they were not worth much.

Su Ye and Xu Lai continued to stroll,
In the live room,

[Good guy, the main thing is not to buy one thing? ! 】

[He is here to pick up leaks. If there are no leaks, he will not pick them up. Is it not him who has the final say whether there are leaks?This piece of shit was planned out from the beginning, right? 】

[It’s no longer fun to play like this, so withdraw, withdraw! 】


At this time,

Su Ye wandered to a new stall again. Su Ye took a fancy to a bowl on the stall with just one glance. However, after just one glance, Su Ye did not take a second look. At this time, Su Ye was thinking, what? The bowl can be taken off smoothly.

When the boss saw Su Ye approaching, he said enthusiastically, "Brother, let's see if there is anything you like? We always do business with integrity, so don't worry."

Su Ye nodded and looked at the copper coins on the stall, and the bowl was next to the coins.
Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Su Ye was certain that it was a Yaozhou kiln celadon bowl with carved peony patterns from the Northern Song Dynasty. It had an open mouth, curved walls, and short round feet.The green glaze is applied, and the soles of the feet are exposed, with traces of glaze flow.The bowl is engraved with broken branches of peony flowers. There are grate patterns on the peony flowers and leaves. The flowers and leaves are lush and intertwined.The outer wall is plain, with neatly carved circles.The body is hard, the glaze color is uniform, and the composition is plump.

"Boss, what age are these coins of yours?" Su Ye asked.

The boss replied, "Brother, look at these coins. These are Tianming Tongbao from the early Qing Dynasty. These are from the mid-Qing Dynasty, and those are from the mid-Ming Dynasty."


Su Ye smiled secretly in his heart, this boss really dares to show his teeth!But these copper coins are indeed made, and are more real than those in the previous shop.If this copper coin was made by the boss, it shouldn't be invisible to the bowl. I'm afraid the bowl is not used as a hook, but the bowl is used to sell things.

Su Ye nodded slightly at this time, "It looks good."


Su Ye's eyes were on the bowl, "Boss, why do you put everything on the table, even broken bowls?"

The boss smiled naively and replied, "It's better to get some things together. Everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables."

Su Ye was unsure for a moment, and the topic returned to copper coins, "Boss, if I want all these coins, what's the price?"


The boss's eyes almost bulged out, "All?!"


"Wait a minute, let me do the math!" the boss said hurriedly. After a while, the boss gave the price, "You want to round it up, I will give you a cheaper price, and we also want to be lucky, 18, you pack it and take it away ."

words fell,

In the live room,

[Good guy, this boss really dares to bid! 】

[I feel like none of these copper coins are real! 】

[Not necessarily, it seems to be true. 】

[You won’t really buy Ye Zi! ? 】


Su Ye answered, "This price is really not cheap! Boss, it's eighty-eight thousand and eighty-eight thousand!"

The boss shook his head quickly, "No, no, it's not even enough to cost. So, if you really want it, how about 16?"

"Sixty-six thousand and sixty-six!" Su Ye answered.

boss:? ? ?
Why are you getting lower and lower? How can you set such a high price? ?

Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but shout: Ye Zi, you know how to set prices.

"Boss, let's do this. 10 yuan. I want all these copper coins. Give me that bowl too. I just happen to have the copper coins in it. When I get back, I will be a meal guy for our prosperous wealth." Su Ye said. .

Now Su Ye took a breath and asked if the boss knew the bowl.


Su Ye nodded, "Pay with one hand and deliver with the other!"

"Okay, I'll bear the pain and give it to you! The price is really too low." The boss replied, feeling happy.

He naturally knew that it was true that Su Ye bought the copper coins, and it was actually for the bowl. Su Ye didn't take advantage of it, but just took a few glances. Naturally, he felt that it was genuine. However, the boss himself also looked at it carefully and looked for it yesterday. The industry master has seen it, that bowl is just an imitation, but the imitation is extremely clever.

Got 10 yuan!I just like this kind of guy who knows a little bit but doesn't know much.

It's a lot of money today!
The boss put the copper coins in a bowl and handed them to Su Ye, who transferred the money.

In the live room,

[Just those copper coins, plus a broken bowl, actually cost [-]? !Even if the copper coin is real, it's not worth that much based on its condition, and besides... it looks fake. 】

[Those copper coins are indeed fake, and the counterfeiting skills are good! 】

This comment caused an explosion in the comment area. Officially certified treasure appraisal expert, industry master, and the boss of Huanbaozhai, Zhao Yizhen.

[Boss Zhao said it was fake, so it must be fake. 】

【have to!Ye Zi suffered a big loss this time! 】

[The water in the antique is so deep that Ye Zi can’t hold it at all! 】


(End of this chapter)

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