Chapter 67
at this time,

Su Ye was not in a hurry, just watching the development of things quietly,
Under the shouts of everyone, the old farmer completely revealed the half-covered Yuan Qinghua to everyone's eyes.

For a time,

There were more and more people around, looking carefully and talking incessantly.

"Plain bottom with wide round feet, straight mouth, short neck, slightly thick lips, sloping shoulders and rounded belly, gradually widening below the shoulders, gradually narrowing under the belly, and slightly tilted at the bottom.

Look, it should be painted with blue and white patterns using imported cobalt materials. It is divided into four layers. The neck of the first layer is decorated with water ripples, the shoulders of the second layer are decorated with twining peonies, the belly of the third layer is decorated with the theme of Guiguzi going down the mountain, and the lower part of the fourth layer is deformed. Chen Bao is painted inside the lotus petal pattern. This is... Yuan blue and white jar with Guiguzi descending the mountain! "

The moment he finished speaking, the eyes of everyone around him lit up. This was a truly priceless treasure.

"Old man, I want this jar of yours, can you let me have a look?!" someone in the crowd said.


The owner of the stall was not happy at first, "This old man wants to give it to me, brother, it's against the rules!"

"Boss, what are you talking about? Have you given anyone money? Since there is no money, the one with the highest price will get it! Old man, if you want to give it to me, I will give you 1000 million!"


"1000 million? You have the nerve to say this? I want 500 million!"


at the same time,

In the live room,

[I checked, the Yuan blue and white Guiguzi Descending Mountain jar is a truly priceless treasure. These people are really ruthless in their bids. If I win it for 500 million, I will wake up laughing at night! 】

[@ Zhao Yizhen, teacher, is the Yuan blue and white Guiguzi going down the mountain pot true or false? 】

[Zhao Yizhen: It looks real, but that’s not necessarily true. After all, I’m watching it on camera and haven’t gotten started, so it’s hard to say. 】

[Teacher Zhao said it looks real, so there’s at least half a chance it’s true. Leave it on! 】

[This one, if you get it within 6000 million, you will make a lot of money! 】



The lively discussion in the live broadcast room was all caused by Su Ye, but Su Ye quietly walked away at this time,

See here,

Xu Lai was the first to breathe a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of Su Yeshang!
6000 million is not a small amount. It is not certain whether it is true or not. The risk is really too great.

fine!fine!The leaves are still wise!
In the live room,

【? ? ?Ye Zi, why did you leave silently? ? 】

[Damn it, you’re scared of this great opportunity! ? 】

[No, Ye Zi, we promised to pick up the leaks, but how can you pick up the leaks like this? When it’s time to do it, we can’t be cowardly! 】

【have to!This is nothing to see, just missing one piece, and you are satisfied?Then it can be broadcast directly. 】


Regarding Su Ye's silent departure and not fighting for the Yuan Qinghua Guiguzi Down the Mountain pot, many people in the live broadcast room felt that Su Ye was too stubborn and they should act decisively at this time.

Of course, there are many who support Su Ye. Tens of millions is not a small amount, so there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Everyone on the Internet is a millionaire, but in reality there are a few who have seen millions, let alone tens of millions. Ordinary people may not even have seen hundreds of thousands.

at this time,

Su Ye said lightly, "No one in the live broadcast room really thinks that is true!?
It was just a game. The old farmer and the boss were in the same group, and there were also people bidding for the price among the onlookers.

As for whether something is real, is there any need to say more? "

In the live room,

[A round?That uncle doesn’t look like him!With his acting skills, he can dominate the entertainment industry, so why are he just a shill? 】【Watch the uncle acting! ?Is acting important?It’s true that you are good-looking, have a strong audience, and can make money!Understand? ! 】

[Ye Zi, how can you tell it’s a game?Furthermore, if you only look at something from a distance, how can you be sure that it is not real? 】

[The anchor is just making an excuse for himself. The reason he failed to get the certificate before was luck. One hundred and two hundred thousand is not much money to the anchor, but tens of millions is different! 】


Su Ye's voice continued, "Yuan blue and white generally has a thick body and a moderate feel in the hand. There is no glaze on the bottom of the vessel. Most of the vessels have obvious swirl patterns on the bottom. Some of them have knife marks and are filled with sand.

There are two kinds of blue and white colors: rich and gray. Both have rust spots. The outer wall of the circle foot is beveled. There are often finger marks when dipping the glaze. The exposed part is brownish red. There is no glaze on the bottom of large pieces. The tire part often has a large area of ​​glaze stuck on it.

It is made in sections and spliced ​​together, and the traces of the bottom joint are very obvious, especially the uneven glaze on the inner wall of the can.

The mouths of all plum vases are trapezoidal, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.The cup body and foot of the goblet are jointed by wet tires. The top of the foot is unglazed and often has a cuboid-like bulge. The foot is hollow and has no bottom seal.

These are the main points for identifying the characteristics of Yuan blue and white. Although I have not used it or looked at the inner wall, I can only tell the difference between the outer glaze color and the bottle body and bottom. That thing is not real. I have to say that the person who made the imitation is indeed He is a master, and for many people, it is enough to fake the real thing. "

Su Ye continued, "As for why, the Internet is so developed now. You can search it online. Even if you are old and don't know how to operate, you must have children, right!? With such a big treasure, the old farmer is alone. It's doubtful.

It is assumed that he has no children, but although his hands look rough, they are not farm work hands.

One more point, after seeing such a treasure, how could the boss be willing to let it appear in public?

This kind of game does not require cleverness, but it is definitely a killer move against those who are new to the industry or those who have just entered the industry. "

Enough said,
Su Ye didn't say anything more and walked forward on his own.

In the live room,

[Don't say it, really don't say it, what Ye Zi said... makes sense! 】

[Thinking about it this way, it seems... it may be a bureau. The key is that Ye Zi seems to be really good at identifying Yuan Qinghua! 】


[This is all the anchor’s own conjecture, and the probability of it being true is very high! 】

[If it’s true, the anchor really missed it! 】

[Just looking for a good excuse to not take risks, what are you pretending to be! 】

[That is, I don’t know where he copied those words about firming up Yuan Qinghua. 】



In short, at this time, some people believed in Su Ye, and some did not. This was naturally normal, and Su Ye ignored it at all.

Wandering around casually,

Su Ye's eyes were suddenly attracted by an iron seal. It was quite big and looked very beautiful, but it was a little rusty.

For such an object, Su Ye didn't have to hide it. He walked up to the stall owner and asked, "Boss, do you want to sell your iron seal? It looks good."

The stall owner was an old man in his sixties, "Young man, do you really want to buy it? That's a fast-iron pimple,'s not the price of iron!"


In the live room,

[Yuan Qinghua doesn’t want it, come here to buy Tie Liao Da, Ye Zi, you know how to fool fans! 】

[Just this thing, I don’t even want it for free! 】

[Garbage, it’s true garbage, Ye Zi, we can’t stop broadcasting it, it’s not interesting! 】

[Go to the grave and burn newspapers! 】


(End of this chapter)

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