Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 69 On the Memory of Contemporary Young People

Chapter 69 On the Memory of Contemporary Young People
Inside Xingbaozhai,

The shopkeeper carefully looked at the Yuan blue and white Guiguzi Descending Mountain jar.
When the shopkeeper put down the picture jar, the hearts of everyone onlookers were raised, and they were all waiting for the result.

"Sorry, we can't accept this small picture jar!" the shopkeeper's voice sounded faintly.

Crowd:! ! !
Although the words are not clearly stated, the meaning is already obvious. This Yuan blue and white Guiguzi Descending Mountain pot is fake!

The middle-aged man who bought the picture jar hurriedly asked, "Can't you, Xingbaozhai, afford the price?!"

The shopkeeper smiled faintly and did not argue. The look on his face was the answer. Xingbaozhai would not accept the Yuan blue and white Guiguzi Down the Mountain jar. As for whether it was true or false, the shopkeeper didn't say a word and naturally understood.

In the live room,

[It shouldn’t be fake, it’s because Xingbaozhai can’t afford the price! 】

【? ? ?Stop making trouble. Why are you so stubborn now? !As long as you know Xingbaozhai, you won’t say that Xingbaozhai cannot afford the price! 】

[That is Xingbaozhai. The boss behind it is worth billions. The key is that there is support from state units behind it. Will Xingbaozhai not be able to afford it?Stop being funny! 】

【Fuck!The Yuan blue and white Guiguzi Descending Mountain jar is really fake! 】

[With just a few glances from a distance, Ye Zi can tell whether it is genuine or not. This... this is more than just understanding, this is clearly an antique master! 】

[Zhao Yizhen: From now on, the anchor's ability to identify antiques is one of the few in the country. 】

With Zhao Yizhen's words, the entire live broadcast room exploded even more.

[Lock-picking, martial arts, songwriting, singing, racing... Now it’s time to appraise antiques. I just want to know, is there really anything he can’t do? ! 】

[The all-round master enters the city?Isn’t this the subject of a novel? ! 】

[This is the only novel that dares to be written like this, who knew it really existed!From now on, I won’t criticize the dog author for being outrageous. The reality is so outrageous that even novels cannot match it! 】

[I feel like the person who said Ye Zi just now is like a villain, and now he is slapped in the face by Su Ye! 】

[Don't say it, really don't say it! 】


At this time, one can imagine the mood of the entire live broadcast room. They were really shocked. Who knew they could really do it!

Inside Xingbaozhai,

The middle-aged man was almost crying. He naturally knew the name of Xingbaozhai. He was really not willing to accept the question just now!
Thirty-three million six million!
This is not a small sum!
The key is that this is a self-inflicted eye injury. There is no way to report it to the police. It just breaks the tooth and swallows it in the stomach. If it doesn't work, I will make a game myself and sell it to foreigners.

Gritting his teeth, the middle-aged man picked up the Yuanqinghua Guiguzi Down the Mountain pot and carefully placed it in the box, then left Xingbaozhai and walked away.

As the middle-aged people left, the people watching the fun outside naturally dispersed.


Su Ye walked into Xingbaozhai,
See here,

In the live room,

【?What are the leaves doing? ?The leaves can't be... want to sell those iron lumps! 】

[Fuck, no, don’t be ridiculous, are you sure that thing won’t be beaten out? 】

[Can an iron lump turn into a treasure? ! 】

[I put it here, even if the anchor really understands, this iron lump cannot be a treasure! 】

[Don’t be so sure, what if there is some mystery in it? ! 】

【Ah!Mystery is a hammer. If there is a mystery, I'll take it for granted. That's what I said! 】

[Brother, you are cruel, we will bear witness! 】

【10086! 】


Inside Xingbaozhai,

Seeing Su Ye come in, the shopkeeper said enthusiastically, "Little brother, what's wrong? Did you pick it up again?"

Su Ye replied calmly, "I'm not sure yet, please give me a look!"


Su Ye put the iron knot on the table.
Shopkeeper's:? ? ?

Little brother, are you kidding me? !Um? !

At this time, Xu Lai was digging his toes into the ground. This... Ye Zi was really serious!


It’s really embarrassing!
In the live room,

[Hahaha, looking at the face of the shopkeeper, the three words "You are kidding me" are just written on his face! 】

[Shopkeeper: Someone is here!Get him out of here! 】

[Think about it when you see the anchor being kicked out, how can you still feel an inexplicable sense of relief? ! 】


Su Ye's voice continued to sound at this time, "Shopkeeper, I am not teasing you, please take a closer look, this iron is just a coat!"


The shopkeeper picked up the iron lump that Su Ye brought and looked at it carefully.

Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but get excited. Is there really some mystery behind it? !


In other words, the iron knot is just a disguise? !
What the hell!

You can't let him pick it up!
The shopkeeper examined it for a while and then said, "It is indeed a coat. My little brother has such good eyesight! If I can believe it, how about the trumpet taking off this coat?"

"That's what I meant. Sorry to bother you!" Su Ye answered.

Xu Lai:? ? ? there a reversal? !

Suddenly, Xu Lai felt relieved. Just now he felt that the shopkeeper was going to kick people out!
In the live room,

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!No, there really is a mystery! 】

[Which hero just said that if you have a secret, you will stand on your head and eat daddy? !Come!Start your show! 】

There are a bunch of people down there @the brother who said the cruel words just now!

[That person: Huh? !What?What did I say? Why can’t I remember? Oh, I forgot!forget! 】

【? ? ?You have finally figured out the memory of today’s young people! 】

[Hahaha, there is nothing wrong with what I said. The memory of contemporary young people: I went to get a bottle of Coke. I just stood up on the sofa, took two steps, and then I forgot what I wanted to do! 】

[Log in to account→Password is wrong→Enter again→Password is wrong→Change password→The new password cannot be the same as the old password! 】

[Hey guys, install surveillance on my phone, right? 】

[Log in to account→Password is wrong→Enter again→Password is wrong→Change password→The new password cannot be the same as the old password [see]→What did I just enter? 】

【6! 】

[The memory of contemporary young people: Do you still have your ID card after touching your pocket eight hundred times on the high-speed train? 】

[You have to go back to where you were before you can remember what you want [face covering]]

[My memory is getting worse and worse, I can only remember my grudge clearly [Despair Gaze]]

[Whether various passwords can protect you from others, you don’t know how to protect yourself [Secret observation]]

[If you want to eat braised pork ribs, go to Douyin and search how to do it!Open the fighting sound: Hahahahahaha, three hours later: Hahahahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Guess why I don’t laugh? I went out to take out the trash at 7 o’clock. I didn’t bring the trash or keys with me, and I’m still waiting outside the door. 】

[After you go out, do you know whether the door is locked or not [wit]]

[Hahaha, it’s real, it’s so damn real! 】


With the excitement in the comment area, the leader of Xingbaozhai has already begun to take off this iron coat. This is a waste of time and detail.

At this time,

Everyone naturally began to look forward to seeing what kind of object was wrapped inside the iron coat, which was actually worth such painstaking efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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