Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 76 Do you think I can’t do anything to you if you die?

Chapter 76 Do you think I can’t do anything to you if you die?


Su Ye went to buy the tools needed for painting.

Xu Lai: "..."

In the live room,

【wipe!You have to buy all the tools now, Ye Zi, you are really ready to fool us! 】

[Yes, if the painting of Ye Zi really has a 20.00% likeness, I will give him a kiss directly! 】

[Yi Zi, forget it if we can’t do it, let’s find another one, you don’t want to lose all your fans! 】

[Ye Zi, we treat you as family, you can’t treat us as...ah no!Be a devil! 】

[Isn’t that great? I sat up in shock while I was dying. Am I a Sakurajima devil? ! 】

[Strongly recommend a different challenge! 】




They didn't believe Su Ye could draw the portrait originally, but they didn't believe it even more now.

You don’t even have the tools to paint, but you still paint? !You know how to do it!

【wipe!The next challenge mission should come with punishment, otherwise this thing will really fool us! 】

[Indeed, this can effectively prevent Ye Zi from playing rogue! 】

[Next time, let’s all issue a challenge and let Ye Zi go have a drink with the two brothers!Drinking it will not destroy him, let him have a long memory. 】


After buying the necessary tools, Su Ye and Xu Lai went home directly. Everything was ready to start!
A few minutes later,

At Su Ye's fast speed, the general outline was sketched out.
It looks a little messy at this time,

Xu Lai: "..."

elder brother!
What we are saying is... if it really doesn't work, don't draw it. It will be considered a mistake by the fans.

Just these two times, it seems that I have really... seen something!
In the live room,

【Good guy!I'm a good guy!I knew he was going to fool us, but I never thought he could fool us to this extent! 】

【wipe!He is really fooling fans, I am really convinced by this guy! 】

[Who said it was a challenge? Why not impose a punishment! 】

[The anchor should be challenged to go to northern Myanmar to rescue two people! 】

[But it’s not good. If you can’t save him, you don’t have to come back. His waist is broken! 】


at the same time,

Zhang Changzhou looked at the live broadcast room and frowned slightly. Su Ye's behavior was really a bit embarrassing. Is Su Ye trying to end his talents? !It doesn't matter that he is exhausted. Just with his previous live broadcast and that voice, he will have something to eat in this life, but it is true that he can't hurt his fans. It's not good to fish like this!
It seems that I have to talk to Su Ye when I have time. You can't drift, you have to be steady!

Liu Feifei was watching Su Ye's live broadcast while putting on makeup. Chen Shan, who was waiting on the side, said, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to take off a lot of fans this time.

After all, he is still young, and he found the jade seal passed down from the country before, and it is going to float! "

Of course, this is not incomprehensible, human nature is like this, and Su Ye is still young, so this kind of thing is normal.

words fell,

Liu Feifei said, "I don't think Su Ye will float, let's just watch!"

Although she had not been in contact with Su Ye for a long time, she believed that Su Ye would not drift.

Chen Shan: "..."

Got it!
Count me too talkative!

I won’t say it next time!
I’m really free too! …


Su Ye began to draw finely on the rough outline. Although the drawing was delicate, the drawing speed was very fast.
Time goes by minute by minute,
Many people in the live broadcast room stopped paying attention to Su Ye, and it became a place for chatting.
Among them, someone posted a comment like this,
[I just watched a video and suddenly realized that it would be good to find a Taoist girlfriend. 】

【? ? ?Dude, are you serious? 】

[Shit, bro, as someone who has been there, I have a piece of advice for you, don’t ask for it. After the argument, she turned around and went back to her room to change her robes, and asked you if you were panicked! 】

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!Brother, don't say it. Don't say it. I just thought about it and I'm starting to panic! 】

[Not necessarily, I suddenly remembered that my cousin is a female Taoist priest. My cousin-in-law has never been angry with my cousin. She has a very good temper. This person who has practiced Taoism is different! 】

[Brother, you are still young, and your cousin may have many things that he has not told you! 】

[Don’t forget that if you mess with her, she won’t want you to buy a bag.She asked how many thunders can you withstand! 】

[I don’t think the Taoist priest has a good temper. I remember that there was a Taoist priest who went out to preach Taoism. After returning home for more than a year, he had to buy tickets to go home. He talked about the quintessence of the Chinese nation! 】

[Hahaha, the merit I accumulated for two years is gone the moment I return home. 】

[Remember, I won’t conflict with you head-on if there is a conflict, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do things behind your back! 】

[Don’t be fooled. If you marry one person, you will have no luck with the others. The key is that if you offend her, the consequences will be serious, because your birth date is in her hands! 】

【After the quarrel,
Ordinary Girl: Come on, let's talk!

Female Taoist Priest: Come, let me open the altar! 】

[When breaking up: I am sorry for you in this life, but I will repay you by being a bully in the next life!

Taoist girlfriend: You are so proud [see]]

[If two Taoist priests get into conflict when they get married, will they turn around and go back to their rooms, then put on their Taoist uniforms and open an altar, causing lightning to strike at each other? 】

【Ha ha ha ha ~】

[The Taoist marriage certificate is the same as the status of life and death! 】

[Do you think there’s nothing she can do if you die?What a coincidence!There are more methods~! 】

[You will find that the most cruel thing to say in the future is not that I will not let you go, but that you think I can't do anything to you after you die? ! [Tears ran]】

[Fuck, this is cruel, this is really cruel! 】

[I immediately gave up the idea of ​​marrying a female Taoist priest! 】

[There must be a lot of talent in the comment area! 】

(Just a joke, please don’t substitute!)

For a while, the comment area was quite lively.
And as time goes by,
The style of the comment section has begun to change.
[Brothers, wait, look at the leaves!Look! 】

When seeing this comment, many people turned their attention to the live broadcast screen again.
I saw that part of Su Ye's painting was leaking out, and this part was quite similar to part of rmb.


The live broadcast room exploded,

【Fuck!Probably not! ?He... can he really draw well? ! 】

[I don’t even have any painting tools at home, how can he be able to paint? 】

【No!No!No!No, it’s definitely impossible to draw the image. 】

[It's just a part that's missing. You have to look at the whole thing to see if it looks like it or not. It's just a part and it doesn't determine anything. 】

[Indeed, but... based on past experience... he might actually be able to do it! 】

[Hmm...that makes sense!That makes sense! 】


At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room was divided into two groups. Some people felt that it was just a little bit missing and it was still necessary to look at the overall situation. Others naturally felt that Su Ye was really good.

Of course, we have to wait and see how Su Ye's painting turns out after the painting is finished.
In any case, because of Su Ye's leaked part, everyone in the live broadcast room was looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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