Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 84 The Law of Cause and Effect weapons are fully loaded, and a stronger typhoon is about to

Chapter 84 The Law of Cause and Effect weapons are fully loaded, and a stronger typhoon is about to land on Xiaotian!
From the time it landed overseas until now, the intensity of the typhoon has not weakened at all, but seems to have become much stronger. Under the raging typhoon, many weak buildings were blown down, and people who had no time to escape were swept away by the typhoon. Lost his life.

In the early days, people cried and screamed. In the face of such natural disasters, people are so insignificant.

In the live room,

Because the camera installed by Su Ye was connected to the live broadcast room, they could naturally see the scene of the typhoon raging and people being taken away from their lives.

【Cool!It's so cool. I had such a great show tonight and I must celebrate it. 】

[Just having a good meal is considered a celebration?I have bought 1 yuan worth of fireworks. I must set them off! 】

[Brother, you can do it. We really thought of it together and I bought it too! 】

[Why didn’t you inform me before buying and let me buy some too, just because we don’t know each other? ! 】

[This live broadcast room is really not in vain, it’s so cool!It’s so cool, much better than those cool articles! 】

[By the way, isn’t Ye Zi awake yet?If you don’t wake up now, don’t wake up again! 】

[That’s not the case. Although the typhoon is fierce, the building of this hotel should be able to withstand it. 】


At this time, too many people poured into Su Ye's live broadcast room. Tens of millions of people were in the same live broadcast room at the same time. Even this number of people continued to grow crazily due to word of mouth.

Douyin Headquarters,

Wei Nan and Zhang Changzhou both breathed a sigh of relief. They made the right bet. They really made the right bet. Now Su Ye will be No. 1 in the live broadcast industry. After Su Ye returns to China, as long as he does not break the law or discipline, then Su Ye can dominate the entire entertainment industry alone, and even capital has to be quiet in front of Su Ye.

However, more serious problems came one after another. There were too many people in Su Ye's live broadcast room, and the server could not bear it. They knew that they must not let the live broadcast room freeze now, otherwise Douyin would be scolded by everyone.

"Temporarily close all other live broadcast rooms and focus on Su Ye's live broadcast room. No matter what method is used, we must ensure the smoothness of Su Ye's live broadcast room." Wei Nan said decisively.

Such a big deal is definitely the first time since the live broadcast.

Zhang Changzhou responded and immediately followed Mr. Wei's words.

For a time,

All Douyin anchors who were live broadcasting were forced to go offline. This caused tens of thousands of live broadcasters to rush to ask customer service, but the customer service only had one automatic reply: The live broadcast room is temporarily closed, and the server needs to be added to Suye Live. between!

These anchors have become silent. Su Ye and the others naturally know where Su Ye is live broadcasting. They also watch the content of the live broadcast. It has to be said that they are very happy. It doesn't matter if they turn off the broadcast. They also go to see Su Ye. .

After Douyin’s decision, the entire network exploded. In Su Ye’s live broadcast room,
【Good guy!My dear, all live broadcasts of Douyin have been shut down, leaving only Su Ye's live broadcast room. This guy is going to be a top-tier guy! 】

[Top-notch?These two words are no longer enough to describe it. Whose live broadcast room can stably have [-] million online viewers during a top-tier live broadcast? 】

[And this data is still growing! 】

[No wonder Douyin stopped all the anchors and stayed in Su Ye's live broadcast room. It's really impossible not to do this!Otherwise the server will crash! 】


The comments in the live broadcast room scrolled very fast. As soon as the comment was clicked to send, it disappeared in the next second.

Not only the comments, but also the gifts and gifts are constantly on the screen.

at the same time,

Liu Feifei looked at Chen Shan with a proud expression, a smile on her lips, and said nothing. Silence here is better than sound!

Seeing the look on her own Qianqian's face, Chen Shan took the initiative to relent, "It's my sister who was wrong. I should believe in your vision!"

"If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good!" Liu Feifei said in a very disgusting way.

Chen Shan: "..."

This Su Ye can really overturn her opinion every time and shock her. It seems that... my own Sissi really has a good taste!

The key is, with Su Ye's current terrifying popularity, as far as Li Lun in the entertainment industry is concerned, her own Sissi is still ahead of Li Lun when she's with him.

...In a flash,
When Su Ye woke up, it was already three hours later. After waking up and taking a nap, Su Ye looked at the live broadcast room, and then he was stunned. He was a little confused.

First make sure that this is his live broadcast room, and then make sure that the number of people online shown is correct.

Next second,
Su Ye rushed towards Xu Lai, "Fat man, fat man, wake up quickly!"


The fat man sat up in shock, "What's wrong? A typhoon is coming?!"

"No, look at this live broadcast room, is there an error in the data?" Su Ye said hurriedly.

Xu Lailai looked towards the live broadcast room, which showed that there were [-] million online viewers!

"What the hell~!? This... let me see!" Xu Lai was stunned, obviously very surprised.

In the live room,

[Hahahaha, confused, Ye Zi and Fatty are both confused! 】

[Yi Zi: After some sleep, I became the emperor of the entertainment industry! ? 】

[Brother Yezi looked so cute just now, I love it!Love is miserable! 】


[Ye Zi, you never thought, when you wake up, everyone will know about you! 】

[My Ye Ye is so awesome, what is top-notch stuff?It’s not even worthy of carrying Ye Zi’s shoes! 】

[Now Ye Zi’s attention has exceeded 5000 million, ranking first in the entire network! 】

[The cow is getting rich, my leaves! 】


Looking at the rapidly rotating comments, Su Ye and Fatty looked at each other, and then were stunned. They... were already so angry! ?Damn it!


Su Ye called Wei Nan to confirm that the data was correct. Everyone in Su Ye felt a little numb.

Good guy!
Really nice guy!
When you wake up, you are no longer worthy of carrying your own shoes? !And most importantly, how many hours of sleep did you earn tens of billions? !wipe!Such a huge wealth can't be spent all, it can't be spent all!
After hanging up the phone, Su Ye thought, "Dog system, come out quickly. My popularity has reached such a terrifying level. Is it a reward for not coming?!"

[Congratulations to the host for its surge in popularity, and the reward for reaching the full level of the law of causality weapon! 】

Hearing the voice of the system, Su Ye's eyes brightened. The system understood him, and this is what he wants now!

Now that the power of the Law of Cause and Effect weapon is fully maxed out, I want to see how powerful it can be and whether I can turn the kid Hishima into a no-man's land.

at this time,

Xu Lai has not yet recovered from the shock. The number of online viewers in their live broadcast room is 5000 million, and the number of followers of their account is also more than [-] million. This... what kind of terrifying data is this!

They are really popular all over the country!
Looking at the fat man's appearance, Su Ye said calmly, "What? Are you stupid? You're a bit promising, pack it up, it's time for us to leave!"

After understanding it, this city has been devastated in the past few hours, and... Su Ye had an intuition that the disaster in this city was not over yet, and he and Fatty had to leave quickly.

At this time,

The fat man also completely came to his senses, responded, and the two of them packed up their things and left.

Just as the two set off,

Two more powerful typhoons appeared, and their routes were also directed towards Xiaoli.

(End of this chapter)

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