Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 86 The painful history should never be forgotten

Chapter 86 The painful history should never be forgotten


Under the operation of Xiaori weather weapons, the high-altitude jet stream was indeed changed by them, but the typhoon did not disappear. Instead, it became more intense and terrifying.

This made the senior management of Xiaozhi jump to the point of scolding them. It shouldn't be like this. How could it be like this? !

In Su Ye’s live broadcast room,

[Hahaha, I laughed so hard. When I was little, I wanted to change the high-altitude jet stream to make the typhoon disappear, but instead it got worse! 】

[One word, 6! 】

[Heaven wants it to perish, and nothing can change it! 】

[Yi Zi, if that doesn’t work, let’s go back early. Look at this situation, the island is going to sink in this small day! 】


There is no need to have any sympathy for the sufferings suffered in childhood. There is no need for this race to exist.

Su Ye and Xu Lai headed all the way towards the capital city of Xiaoli, and the three typhoons followed them all the way. They did not weaken at all, but intensified.

The most important thing is that along the way, Xiaoli has experienced frequent earthquakes, causing incalculable losses. From the current point of view, Xiaoli's economy will have to regress for at least several decades. It is extremely difficult to recover.

When Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived in Little Life Kyoto, three typhoons intensified and converged towards Little Life Kyoto. If these three typhoons converged, the entire Little Life Kyoto would be over.

In the live room,

【Something's wrong!Something is really wrong!Three typhoons followed Ye Zi's footsteps and gathered all the way to the capital of Xiaoli. Isn't this really Ye Zi casting a spell? ! 】

[How can there be such a coincidence? It must be Ye Ye who is casting the spell! 】

[Ye Zi, let’s be frank, are you an immortal cultivator? 】


【Shh!Don't talk nonsense, it's clearly something you did in your childhood that made people angry. What does God's punishment have to do with Ye Zi?We, Ye Zi, are just going on a trip, and we, Ye Zi, are clearly the victims.Understand! ? 】

【Yeah!That's it, we are the victims of the leaf. 】


A group of netizens all commented like this. Now that Ye Zi is still in his childhood, he cannot be exposed, otherwise he will be in trouble. Wait until Ye Zi returns to China and ask him properly,

The three typhoons all converged according to Su Ye's position. Where Su Ye went, the typhoon went. As soon as the front foot left, there was an earthquake on the back foot. This could be a coincidence! ?
ghost letter!

Sure enough, there are things in this world that they don't know about, and practice may not be illusory.

at this time,
Xu Lai also became suspicious. Is my brother a hidden immortal cultivator?
What the hell!

It's really not impossible!

National martial arts may be just a cover-up, but in fact thunder magic is the real method? !
Xu Lai didn't ask now, nor did he plan to ask. If Su Ye told him, he would naturally say it. If Su Ye didn't tell him, asking would be in vain. After all, this guy was really good at pretending to be confused.

In the early days, the entire Kyoto was in panic. Residents were afraid to leave their houses. Those who could leave were fleeing from Kyoto. Three fierce typhoons were coming. Of course, those who could run had to run, and there would be earthquakes after the typhoon.

In the small days, the government constantly reassured the people and organized evacuation in an orderly manner.
Su Ye and Xu Lai were strolling leisurely, seemingly casually. In fact, Su Ye's goal was the Jingguo Sacred Toilet, which enshrined all the war criminals who invaded China and were stained with the blood of China.

When the Jingguo Shrine appears in the live broadcast room, look at the war criminals enshrined inside.

In the live room,

[Fuck my little days, these are all war criminals who were once stained with the blood of my Chinese compatriots, but now they have been confessed. I have never acknowledged that period of history. The whole country should be destroyed! 】

[Look, some people also say that what is past is past, and the person who said this deserves to die. Can the painful history be forgotten? !If countless revolutionary ancestors hadn't paid the price with their lives, would you have the opportunity to say this now? 】

[The war criminals who are enshrined are treated as heroes! ?My heart has never died since I was little! 】

[Those who say they have forgotten that period of history are definitely the 50 people walking around! 】【If TM dares to say this in front of me, I will be so stupid that he will die! 】

[I will fucking kill your whole family and chop your Jill into pieces. Let me see if you can pass! 】

[Damn it, when you see this, your anger level is full. Let’s fight!Destroy the country, let me rush to the front! 】


As long as there is no Chinese, who can see this and not be angry? !Who doesn't want to be trampled by horses, destroying his country, destroying his species, and exterminating his descendants? !
That painful history must never be forgotten. China has fallen. How many ancestors have died at the hands of Xiaozhi, and they have accumulated blood debts. Do you mean that it can be passed by in the past?
In front of the Jingguo Divine Toilet,
Su Ye and Xu Lai's expressions were very gloomy, and they didn't stay much longer. They found a nearby hotel to stay. From the hotel, you could see the Jingguo Sacred Toilet.

That night,

The typhoon began to enter the Kyoto of Little Days, which made everyone in the live broadcast room relieved. Three strong typhoons swept through Kyoto of Little Days. It would be better to destroy the entire Kyoto of Little Days and destroy the Yasukuni Divine Toilet. into ruins.

"Fat man, I'm going out to buy something. If you want anything, I'll bring it to you." Su Ye said suddenly.

Xu Lai answered, "I'll go with you."

"No, just stay calm. I'll go and be back soon." Su Ye said, not allowing the fat man to refuse, and walked out directly.

When the door to the room closed, the fat man's eyes flickered, as if he had guessed something.

In the live room,

【? ? ?Ye Zi, what are you going to do alone? Why don't you let the fat man follow you? How about shopping without letting the fat man follow you?The leaves won’t be... Let’s go to the place of customs! ? 】

[Fuck, don’t!Ye Zi, you are confused! 】

【Probably not! ? 】

[Believe me, there is a high probability that yes, after all, I still have experience in this matter. 】

【? ? ?Come and tell your story! 】

[Yaskawa Police: Young man, you are worthy of the punishment!Come on, tell me! 】

[Hahahaha, buddy, you are in trouble, explain it to the police uncle! 】

[I... I was just joking. The police officer is really serious. I swear, I am definitely a good young man and I will never do anything illegal. 】

[If Ye Zi really goes away, then I will immediately lose my fandom and never pay attention to it again! 】



[The key is, we don’t know whether Ye Zi has gone or not!If he insisted that he didn’t, there was nothing he could do about it! 】

[Just look at the time. There is a convenience store next to the hotel, which has everything. If you just buy something, you will definitely be back within 10 minutes. If you exceed this time, you can think about it yourself. 】


As time passed little by little, 10 minutes had passed, but Su Ye still didn't come back, 15 minutes, 10 minutes...

【It’s over!Don’t think about it, you’re not doing anything good! 】

【wipe!I was quite a fan of him at first, but it turned out... the man really didn't have a good thing! 】

[Brothers, withdraw!Withdrawn! 】

【Unlock it!No fun anymore! 】


(End of this chapter)

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