Chapter 89 Prepare to confess!

As soon as he said it, Su Ye took Xu Lai home, turned on the computer, and registered a writer account on the Qidian Chinese website. The author's name was: The eldest son of the Su family!
Su Ye entered the title of the book, "Tomb Robbery Notes"

Looking at the title of the book,

In the live room,

[Ye Zi, you really write!Tomb robbing notes?Tomb robbing theme?This can be considered a new genre! 】

[Ye Zi writes about this subject very well. It would be best to include all the methods for identifying antiques. That way, no matter how bad the plot is, I will still watch it. 】

[Looking at the title of the book, I am already looking forward to it, Ye Zi, don’t let me down! 】



at this time,

Su Ye started typing the text,
"Fifty years ago, Biaoziling, Changsha.Four local masters were squatting on a mound. None of them spoke, staring straight at the Luoyang shovel on the ground..."


"Blood corpse..."

In the live room,

[Blood corpse?What is that thing? Is it similar to a zombie or a zombie? 】

[Is there really such danger in the tomb? ! 】


Regarding the comments in the live broadcast room, Su Ye didn't read them at all and continued to code crazily.

At this time,

Xu Lai looked at Su Ye who was typing furiously on the keyboard with complicated eyes. There really was no Ye Ye, right?Can he also write online novels? !
at the same time,

Qidian naturally paid attention to Su Ye, and Qidian's senior management were alarmed. With Su Ye's current popularity and the quality of his works, Qidian will become a well-deserved leader once it enters Qidian. .

"No matter what the price is, we must not let others snatch Su Ye away!" This was the fatal order given by Chairman Qidian.

For a time,

The editors of Qidian began to try every means to contact Su Ye. If Su Ye could sign with their name, his status in the company would definitely rise.

President Qidian found Su Ye’s contact information and dialed Su Ye’s phone number.
The cell phone rang. Su Ye stopped moving quickly and answered the call.


"Hello, Mr. Su, I am Chen Bin, the current president of Qidian. I am calling you to discuss the contract for your book. Qidian is willing to give you a platinum contract, the top contract. Look... Okay?" President Qidian's words were extremely polite.

Directly accepting the platinum contract, Qidian is very sincere. After all, no one can guarantee the follow-up. This is also Su Ye's first novel, and the level is uncertain.

"Okay." Su Ye said decisively, making CEO Qidian breath a sigh of relief.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Su. I will ask someone to draw up the contract. I will be personally responsible for your book from now on." CEO Qidian said hurriedly.

Su Ye gave a faint hum, hung up the phone, and continued to code.
The live broadcast room exploded because of this.
[Good guy, I’m just a good guy, it’s a platinum contract? 】

【A bit too fierce! 】

[Judging from the popularity of the leaves and the quality of the current works, this platinum is worth it. 】

[Getting started is the pinnacle that many online writers have dreamed of throughout their lives! 】



Su Ye was still coding crazily,
"When the cave reaches the green light, it suddenly opens up and turns into a very huge natural rock cave... There are green rotting corpses. It's impossible to tell whether they are human or animal. You can see rows and rows of them closest to the inside. The skeletons are very neat, they should be piled here artificially, but the ones outside are more messy, especially those beside the river, with all kinds of movements, and there are many corpses that are not completely decomposed... From time to time there are a few huge ones The corpses were broken out from the corpses. These corpses were much smaller than the one on our boat, but they were already four or five times larger than the ordinary ones. Some small corpses wanted to get a share of the pie. As soon as they climbed up to the corpse, they The big corpse bites the little one to death and eats it. 』


After finishing this chapter, Su Ye directly handed out the book and stopped typing, "I'm tired, that's it for today!"

words fell,

Xu Lai was the first to say, "No! Write for a while, brother, and I'll give you a squeeze on your shoulders."

Su Ye: ? ? ?
I'm not used to your bitch's flattery for a while!
In the live room,

[Yes, yes, yes, if you write more, you have to be a fat man! 】

【OK!Fatty is a very capable person, and he will really help you when something happens! 】

[You just saw it and stopped writing? !Brother, don’t do this, keep writing!One chapter, just write another chapter! 】

[Brother, I beg you, please write another chapter. I’m itching all over now, and I’m going to be twisted. Just one chapter. I promise I’ll never touch it again! 】


Su Ye ignored the pleas in the live broadcast room and directly chose to download it.

This made everyone very uncomfortable. If they could follow the network cable, Su Ye would inevitably get beaten.

With the release of Tomb Raider Notes, it can be said to have caused an earthquake in the Internet literary circle.
Not long after the book was released, the collection exceeded 50, which is simply incredible.

Many online writers are stupid. If a live broadcaster doesn't live broadcast properly, you're writing a novel! ?The key is that the writing is awesome, rub it!

For a time, the entire Internet was hotly discussing Tomb Raider Notes.
at this time,

Xu Lai squeezed Su Ye's shoulders diligently, "Brother, this novel is bound to be a hit. I told you not to save the manuscript quickly! Take a break and save the manuscript quickly. I'll be waiting for you!"

Seeing the fat man's attentive look, Su Ye bared his teeth and smiled, "Young man is quite sensible, but... I won't write today. What time is it now? I have something to go out for a while."

"Are you really not going to write it?" Xu Lai asked hopefully.

"Stand back, otherwise you won't have to wait by my side when I write the code!" Su Ye said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Xu Lai shut up obediently and realized that he must have this privilege before now.


Su Ye sent a message to Liu Feifei, "Sister, what are you doing?"free tonight? 』

"My free time depends on whether I can read a chapter of Tomb Raider Notes before others!" 』

"Understood, sister, wait a minute, I'm going to code now!" 』

"Brother, great kindness!" 』

Putting down the phone, Su Ye turned on the computer again and continued to code a new chapter.
Seeing this, Xu Lai's eyes were full of surprise and surprise, "Brother, aren't you going to stop writing today?"

"Why don't I write anymore? Who said I won't write anymore? So many friends love to read it, why don't I try hard to be honest? Fatty, you can't be greedy for pleasure in life!" Su Ye said righteously.

Xu Lai:? ? ?
You didn't say that just now!

Good guy!
This face just changes when you say it will, right? !

with your's!
and many more!

Who did I send a message to just now? I changed my mind after I sent it!understood!I understand!
This piece of shit, brother, it doesn’t work, why is it that someone just coded a word that was so confusing? !
Oh tui~!
This bitch values ​​sex over friends. Damn it, he really deserves to die!

Su Ye noticed the fat man's expression, but ignored it. The code word was important now. He wanted to have a big show tonight and was ready to confess to Liu Feifei. The heroine had to appear!
(End of this chapter)

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