Chapter 1021 Thunderbolt
"Dad, after moving the factory manager back to Dongzhou, we have to readjust. We will make appropriate arrangements for outstanding employees."

"Those who are willing to enter the new factory can arrange accommodation; as for those who are mischievous and do not work hard, the contract will not be renewed."

Shen Lin didn't seem to feel that his father attached great importance to this issue, and spoke in a very flat tone.

Shen Xingye didn't express any opinion, he had fully understood at this time, his son had grasped all the situation.

However, he did not expect that his son's knife would be sharpened so quickly.

He felt that this was no longer cutting the mess with a sharp knife, it was almost cutting the grass and roots.

After a moment of pondering, Shen Xingye said: "I see, you can figure it out."

Shen Lin pondered on the other end of the phone and said, "Dad, I understand your feelings. Unfortunately, these dissatisfied guys are too aggressive."

"So Dad, fighting rice to nourish kindness, raising rice to nourish hatred, I think it's time for them to wake up, our family doesn't owe them anything!"

Shen Xingye nodded and hung up the phone.

Although his expression was a bit dignified at this time, his heart relaxed a lot. At this time, he seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden.

Since the factory was built in his hometown, the villagers have not appreciated their son's efforts at all. They think that Shen Lin can easily earn so much money and should contribute to the village. Even though the roads have been built, street lights installed, and the village has bought Transformer. But no matter how much he does, the village still thinks that it is too selfish for his son to contribute so little to the village after earning a lot of money!Anyway, Shen Lin can't spend it all by himself, so he can take it out and give everyone a few more dollars!

"Dad, if you want me to say, some things should be let go, everyone has their own way, you can't even control us, how can you have the energy to control other people?" Shen Hong came to Shen Xingye's side and said carelessly .

Shen Xingye chuckled and said: "You're right, I don't even understand the arrangements for you guys, I take too much care of you, and in the end I'm not a human."

"Xu Zhong, call my sister, let's go shopping in the street."

Shen Rong looked at Shen Xingye who started to change clothes, nodded Shen Hong with her hand and said, "Shen Hong, isn't it too straightforward for us to do this?"

"That's how it should be, to help Dad get rid of his worries." Shen Hong said: "Shen Lin ran the factory, and originally wanted to let the old man take advantage of his residual heat and have a good rest, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a concern."

"If you want me to say, turn it off."

Shen Lin didn't go back immediately that day, but sat in the factory and asked Shao Yuquan to arrange everything, and returned to Dongzhou the next day.

For Shen Lin, the factory in Shenjia Village was just a small department. Although he was very angry, after it was closed, the matter would be over.

But this incident was a disturbance for Shenjia Village.

On this day, Shen Debao rode a motorcycle unsteadily into the factory area. He looked around and found that although several guards saw him, they ignored him, and felt a little strange in his heart.

Although none of these guards wanted to offend him, they would still pretend to yell a few times.

What is the situation now, why are these people pretending not to see themselves?

Could it be that Shao Yuquan told them not to provoke him?
Thinking that even Shao Yuquan was unwilling to offend him, Shen Debao couldn't help but feel a little excited. He felt that he finally seemed like a character at this moment.

After driving the motorcycle to the shed, Shen Debao came to his workshop unsteadily.

Along the way, Shen Debao met many people. These people usually didn't think highly of him. As long as they met him, they had to say something.

But this time, none of these people said a word.

It's as if you don't see yourself!
At this moment, Shen Debao's thoughts were further confirmed. He felt that Shao Yuquan must not want to offend him, so he arranged for others not to provoke him.

Thinking that he now has such freedom, Shen Debao couldn't help feeling excited.

Hehe, it should have been like this a long time ago, if Shao Yuquan could get enlightened as soon as possible, I wouldn't have to blow my beard and stare at him...

Just when Shao Yuquan was humming a tune happily, he saw one of his cousins ​​walking out dejectedly. "Yuan Zhui, what are you doing, did you lose money?" Shen Debao patted his cousin on the shoulder.

Shen Yuanhammer was in his 20s, looking at the smiling Shen Debao, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Shen Debao, I don't have time to talk to you, go away!"

"Oh, that's amazing. Why, you still want to compete with me? Let me tell you, you are still far behind!" Shen Debao clapped his hands with a smile and said, "But you are my cousin, so I won't punish you."

Shen Yuanhammer didn't speak any more, but like that, he didn't plan to pay attention to Shen Debao.

"What's going on? You look like you've lost your soul, you're worthless!" Shen Debao grabbed Shen Yuan's hammer and said, "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart. Don't cry in front of me face, seeing you is bad luck!"

Shen Yuanhammer looked at Shen Debao's appearance, snorted and said, "Anyway, you will find out soon. Let me tell you, Director Shao just said that this branch factory will be closed."

Shen Debao was stunned!

What, shut down the factory?Then who will arrange Shen Debao's work!

"Why is it shutting down? Did Shao Yuquan explain the reason?" Shen Debao became anxious immediately. He was in the factory, not tired from work, and had a good salary.

When he was free, he could scold his mother at will. To him, it was like a fairy life.

"This is the decision of the head office." Shen Yuanhammer lowered his head and said, "It cannot be changed."

"Shao Yuquan shut it down when he said it was closed. Does this factory belong to him? It belongs to the old and young men of our Shenjia Village. He talks like fart!"

Shen Debao jumped up and said, "Come on, follow me to him."

While speaking, Shen Debao pulled up Shen Yuanhammer and walked directly towards the factory director's office.

Shen Yuanhammer didn't want to go at first, but being dragged by Shen Debao, a trace of expectation rose in his heart.

If Shen Debao makes a fuss, it would be great if he could not close the factory.

I don't know who leaked the letter, and soon, outside Shao Yuquan's office, many people who followed Shen Debao gathered.

"Shao Yuquan, get out of here!" Shen Debao saw that there were more and more people gathered at this time, his momentum immediately became full, and he yelled condescendingly.

As the person in charge of a factory for many years, Shao Yuquan was not shy about this situation, he walked out and said, "Shen Debao, what can you do?"

"It's you who decided to close this factory?" Shen Debao said angrily, "I'll tell you, it doesn't matter what you say, we want my second uncle to tell us."

"Yes, we want Director Shen to tell us."

"What you said is pure fart!"

Several young people who had a good relationship with Shen Debao, and whose family was even closer to Shen Xingye's family, started making noise one by one.

Even more humane said: "Shao Yuquan, I think you must be messing around behind your back, you are the traitor in the TV series."

Shao Yuquan blushed with anger, pointed at Shen Debao and the others, gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Debao, I can tell you that I can't decide on this matter."

"Mr. Shen came here yesterday and stayed here for a day. He made the decision to close the factory."

"As for the reason, don't you yourself know?" Shao Yuquan said this, turned and walked into his room.

(End of this chapter)

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