Chapter 1052

Although Li Qingbo had already told him before the meal that everyone should not let Mr. Shen drink too much wine, in the end, he could not stand up to the enthusiasm of everyone present. Some said that the relationship was so deep that the wine had to be drunk; some said He said that listening to Dong Shen's words was better than studying for ten years. Despite various invitations, Shen Lin still drank a little too much.

Fortunately, Shen Lin didn't overdose, so the next day, he was still full of energy.

"Brother-in-law, I heard you drank a lot yesterday?" Lu Xiaoshan asked gossipingly while pouring water for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at the smiling Lu Xiaoshan and said, "It's not too much, it's just a little bit more than usual, and I'm still a little dazed."

"By the way, this time you represent me to participate in the work before the trade fair, you must be sure."

"That's when it's time to be humble, and be humble."

"It can't be too strong, making people feel that Mi Ke is arrogant and looks a little floating."

Looking at the solemn Shen Lin, Lu Xiaoshan nodded and said, "Don't worry brother-in-law, I know what to do."

"Okay, then you go, remember, listen more, watch more and talk less." Shen Lin told Lu Xiaoshan again before leaving.

Lu Xiaoshan nodded heavily and said, "Brother-in-law, I've been the chief of the sales department for these years, and I've gained some knowledge. Don't worry, I know it well."

Seeing Lu Xiaoshan leaving, Shen Lin smiled.

Originally, he planned to follow Li Qingbo all the way to the trade fair.

But yesterday's situation made him feel that following him would not be a good thing for himself or others.

As far as he is concerned, although he doesn't like everyone's flattery, he can't say nothing about it.

But for other people, if they go by themselves, it is not good for them not to get close to them.But letting people always treat me like a star, wouldn't it increase the psychological burden of others!

So, Shen Lin decided to let Lu Xiaoshan go.

As for himself, before the start of the trade fair, he directly followed Mi Ke's motorcade to the trade fair.

When he mentioned this idea to Li Qingbo, Li Qingbo not only did not object, but rather agreed with it.

It's not that Li Qingbo is jealous of Shen Lin, but Li Qingbo obviously feels that it's really inappropriate for Shen Lin to participate in this trade fair with Director Li of the Bamboo Weaving Factory and others.

This kind of inappropriateness mainly refers to Shen Lin's identity.

With the rapid expansion of Mi Ke, the gap between the factory directors and Shen Lin has become wider and wider.

While waiting, letting everyone mix with Shen Lin would be like mixing with a lion among the sheep.

Everyone is not very comfortable.

After sending Lu Xiaoshan away, Shen Lin picked up the phone and called Liang Jialuo's office.

Because the ice dew purified water factory was built near the reservoir on the Danjiangkou side, Liang Jialuo, the assigned deputy general manager, also worked there.

When Shen Lin called, Liang Jialuo was losing his temper.

Although she is the deputy general manager, Zhong Qing has left most of the management and operation to her.

Don't look at Liang Jialuo, who has always been a little silly in front of Shen Lin, as if barely able to keep up with Shen Lin's thoughts.

But in fact, Liang Jialuo is still the master of management who studied abroad, and he is also the master who has worked with Shen Lin for a period of time.

"Director Ma, you are also the first workshop director of our factory. Now, please tell me, can you do a good job in this matter?"

Liang Jialuo looked in front of him, this middle-aged man in his 40s with a slightly fat body, said very straightforwardly: "If I can't do it well, I will find someone to do it."

Although Director Ma is old enough to be Liang Jialuo's father, he doesn't dare to say anything now.

He had already seen how this young vice-president was drastic. He sent two unconvinced workshop directors directly to the front line of the workshop to produce them himself.

However, with Liang Jialuo's performance in the past few days, he was also somewhat convinced of Liang Jialuo.If nothing else, although Liang Jialuo has a bad temper, he is indeed capable.

The factory, which was still a bit messy, has become well-organized now, and its production efficiency and other aspects have improved a lot.

If it was a good factory in the past, now it is the most well-managed factory in the surrounding area.

Some people say that Witch Liang used to work next to important people, and she seems to be a personal secretary.

For this kind of rumor, Director Ma felt that it must be deliberately disgusting her.He didn't believe that the rumors were true at all. After all, who had ever seen a secretary with such a temper?Aren't those secretaries always talking about people, talking nonsense, full of slavishness?

"Mr. Liang, don't worry, we will definitely finish this matter. If there is any problem, you can ask me."

Liang Jialuo snorted and said, "Director Ma, quality is the life of an enterprise."

"If you don't even realize this, then you, the workshop director, don't need to do it."

"I have only one principle of employing people: go up to those who are capable, let go to those who are mediocre, and go down to those who are mediocre! I can raise wages for those who do well. Of course, I can also let those who do not do well and have no factory in their hearts go home."

Speaking of this, Liang Jialuo paused and said, "Okay, let's not talk about other things for now."

"No one is allowed to relax when it comes to quality."

Just when Liang Jialuo had finished speaking, the phone rang. Liang Jialuo looked at the ringing phone, hesitated for a moment, and finally picked it up.

"Liang Jialuo, how is the vice president doing?" Shen Lin's voice came from the phone with a smile.

Hearing Shen Lin's voice, Liang Jialuo's nose felt sore for no reason.

This hateful guy actually still has the heart to talk to him about this, why don't you know how to care about me?Back then, I was so determined to help you with all kinds of chores, and you ignored my efforts like this, what a heartless guy!

When I followed him as a secretary in Mi Ke, although I worried a lot, the whole process went smoothly, but when I came here, I felt that my blood pressure was about to soar almost every day.

"Abandoned by a black-hearted boss, what do you think will happen to me?"

"Hmph, but just wait and see, I will definitely let others see that your abandonment of me is your greatest loss."

When Liang Jialuo said this, there was a sense of gnashing of teeth in his tone.

Listening to Liang Jialuo's words, Shen Lin couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

This Liang Jialuo just likes talking nonsense.

Director Ma and others standing in Liang Jialuo's office looked at each other almost simultaneously.

It is said that Liang Jialuo once stayed with the big shots, it seems that this rumor is really true!
And it was abandoned.

In fact, it was right to be abandoned. After all, Witch Liang was pretty enough and had a good-looking figure, but her temper was too hot.

No matter how much the boss likes her, I'm afraid this temper is enough to bear.

But when it comes to organizing production, Witch Liang seems to be a good hand.

"Get out!" Liang Jialuo suddenly realized that something was wrong with what he said, and waved at Lao Ma and the others.

Although Lao Ma and the others were unwilling, they wanted to listen to the conversation between Witch Liang and the boss who abandoned her, and gloated over her misfortune. After all, once a small spark emerges from the heart of gossip, it can immediately become a prairie fire. The momentum is blazing.

Unfortunately, Liang Jialuo never gave them this chance.

Under Liang Jialuo's gaze, Lao Ma and the others left with interest, but at this time, Shen Lin on the other end of the phone had already laughed and said: "Then I'll wait, I'd like to see if the Witch Liang can turn the corner !"

Listening to Shen Lin's casual ridicule, Liang Jialuo almost burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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