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Chapter 108 Brother Shen, You Are Too Talented

Chapter 108 Brother Shen, You Are Too Talented
"Brother Shen!" At the gate of the Engineering College, Lu Dongsheng's face was full of surprise after seeing Shen Lin.

For him, Shen Lin is the person he is most grateful for in this city, and also the person he trusts the most.

If it weren't for Shen Lin, although he wouldn't be hungry, he would always feel inferior.Although the class is now normal, what he thinks most in his heart is still the situation of setting up a stall with Shen Lin.

Hearing from his classmates that Shen Lin was looking for him, Lu Dongsheng almost put down the food he had just prepared and ran towards the school gate.

Lu Dongsheng was looking at Shen Lin, and Shen Lin was also observing Lu Dongsheng. He saw that this young man who came out of the countryside had grown taller, and his face was more rosy and confident.

Compared with when he was working for himself just now, he is a completely different person.

"Dongsheng, what have you been up to these days?" Shen Lin stepped forward and punched Lu Dongsheng on the shoulder affectionately, and said with a smile.

"Brother Shen, I spend most of my time in school these days. To be honest, I really miss the time when I was at the stall with you." While Lu Dongsheng was speaking, his eyes fell on Qiangzi.

Faced with Lu Dongsheng's question, Shen Lin smiled and said, "This is Zhang Xueqiang, my good friend, Qiang Zi, and this is Lu Dongsheng, a college student from the Engineering College."

In that era, college students were the envy of everyone.For workers, college students not only represent the status of cadres and have a bright future, but also represent advanced knowledge, which makes people feel awe.

Fang Boyuan was promoted to the deputy director of the factory office in a hardware and electrical materials factory where seniority was serious. Why did everyone think it was reasonable and no one was jealous? The most important reason was that he was a college student.

From the workers' point of view, it was a matter of course that Fang Boyuan, a college student, was promoted.

Qiangzi didn't expect that a college student set up a stall with Shen Lin. After Shen Lin's introduction, he and Qiangzi said hello to each other, and they knew each other.

"Let's go, the small steamed braised noodles near your school are delicious, let's eat two steamed dumplings." Shen Lin waved his hand and drove towards the side street on his motorcycle tricycle.

Qiangzi and Lu Dongsheng got on the back of the car with familiarity, and everyone sat on one side, naturally and calmly.But the two of them looked at the face sitting across from them and smiled almost at the same time.

"Brother Shen, how is the preparation of your shop? I can't wait to work with you right now." Lu Dongsheng sat down in the Xiaolong Braised Noodle shop, and said impatiently.

While asking the boss for braised noodles, Shen Lin said, "It was originally planned to open this week, but due to renovations, it will take a while."

Seeing the disappointed look on Lu Dongsheng's face, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Dongsheng, although the store is not open, we need to do the preparations."

"That's why I'm looking for you this time."

Lu Dongsheng immediately said happily: "Brother Shen, if you need anything, just tell me!"

After Shen Lin ordered the dishes and braised noodles, he took out a copy of the remaining leaflet from his pocket and said, "Look at this."

Lu Dongsheng took a closer look, and saw a piece of red promotional paper. On the first line, there was an exciting sentence: friend, have you ever been to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower?Been to Paris to see the Arc de Triomphe?Have you ever been to Paris and seen the style of Western Europe?
Looking at this line of words, Lu Dongsheng felt that his first reaction was to want it!

He wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower, he wanted to see the Arc de Triomphe in France, but the reality told him right away that he couldn't go because there was only one reason, and that was poverty!

Even the living expenses depended on Shen Lin's salary and bonus, how could he have the money to go to Paris.

After reading the leaflet in one breath, Lu Dongsheng looked at Shen Lin and said, "Brother Shen, this is definitely written by you!"

Shen Lin didn't deny it either: "That's right, I have rented more than 30 warehouses, planning to turn them into a Western European-style street, and rent out these stores."

"Brother Shen, I heard that the Eiffel Tower is more than 200 meters high. How can do you let people see it?" Lu Dongsheng hesitated for a moment and finally asked the question.In Lu Dongsheng's feeling, Shen Lin must have a way, but now, he is really curious.

"I'm going to build a two-meter-high miniature iron tower on the roof." Shen Lin touched the stubble on his chin and said, "Of course, this Eiffel Tower is made of wood and black paint."

The wood was painted with black paint, and it was two meters high and had to be erected on the roof. At this moment, Lu Dongsheng really admired it.

"Brother Shen, then... what about the Arc de Triomphe?"

"Arc de Triomphe, I'm going to remodel the gate of the warehouse. The style is still the same. Try to paint it with wood." Shen Lin picked up the small cage noodle that had already been delivered, and said with a smile.

At this moment, Lu Dongsheng felt that he didn't know what to say. Brother Shen's operation was really...

It's really amazing. From Lu Dongsheng's point of view, college students like him can't help but want to see the advertisements, let alone ordinary people.

These people also hope to open their eyes, even if they know that things are not true, but in this kind of time when they can't go at all, who doesn't want to open their eyes.

"Brother Shen, your Louvre..."

"Hehe, don't worry about this. Anyway, when the time comes, it's fine if you can look like it." Shen Lin took his chopsticks and pointed at the braised noodles: "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Qiangzi understood Shen Lin's plan, so he was calm at this moment, but Lu Dongsheng felt as if his heart was overwhelmed.

"Brother Shen, what arrangements do you have with me this time, just tell me."

Shen Lin was also polite: "Dong Sheng, I'm looking for you this time because I want you to organize ten classmates and help me distribute these leaflets."

"We're still a while away from starting work, so these ten people can be replaced, just two a day."

"Salary, two yuan a day, what do you think?"

Lu Dongsheng carefully read the flyer twice, hesitated and said, "Brother Shen, two yuan a day is a bit high."

"I think a dollar a day will do."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "You can figure it out. I'll give you 200 yuan for the activity, and you will distribute all the advertisements to me within half a month."

"I don't care how much money is spent, and how much money is left is yours."

Lu Dongsheng's expression immediately became agitated.Now, after following Shen Lin for these days, he also knows how to do business.

"Brother Shen, don't worry, I promise to handle it properly for you!"

Shen Lin immediately took out ten Great Unity cards from his pocket and handed them to Lu Dongsheng, "You take the money first, and after the task is completed, I will give you the remaining half."

Looking at the Great Unity that Shen Lin handed over, Lu Dongsheng was not polite. He quickly finished his meal and ran back to school, ready to gather his good classmates and do a good job.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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