Chapter 1092

"Mr. Shen, we can help you when buying things, but when it comes to bargaining, you have to help us. Only then did I find out that Mr. Shen is worth hundreds of millions, and he is actually a master of bargaining!"

Sister Dan smiled and said, "I came to the video two days ago, and the boss kept asking me for five yuan a set, and I was never willing to buy it."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The tapes here are much cheaper than ours. You can buy some if you like."

"After all, it's a little troublesome to go to the cinema. It's a pleasure to sit and watch at home as a family!"

When Mi Yuan heard this, her heart felt inexplicably sour.It turns out that in his heart, his wife and children are the most important, so in his eyes, can he have a little weight!
Mi Yuan was preoccupied, but Sister Dan seized the opportunity and said to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, you should pay attention to Director Xie. I think there is something wrong with him recently."

"During dinner this morning, what he said was a little too much."

"Although you are not afraid of him, you should have less contact with him."

During the conversation, Sister Dan told me what happened this morning in detail.

Mi Yuan silently stayed by the side, listening to the conversation between Sister Dan and Shen Lin.

Mi Yuan was also a little worried about Director Xie's matter, but she didn't have to say anything more when Sister Dan opened her mouth.

After all, Sister Dan will tell Shen Lin everything.

Shen Lin waited for Sister Dan to finish speaking, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Lao Xie is unhappy, after eating, vent your emotions and you'll be fine."

"As for the rest, he can't do it either."

"However, I would like to thank Sister Dan for your reminder. Why don't I treat you to dinner at noon."

For Shen Lin's invitation, Sister Dan readily agreed, and she said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, for this meal, the two of us will eat a big family."

"After all, if you ask us to invite you, we can't afford this meal."

"The food is so good, our wallets can't bear it, the food is not good, and I'm afraid that I will wrong a big boss like you."

After hearing Sister Dan's joke, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Okay, then leave this embarrassing thing to me!"

While chatting and laughing, Shen Lin took Mi Yuan and the others to a restaurant with exquisite decoration and a very romantic look, and then ordered a few signature dishes, then said with a smile: "I ate here once with my friends, The price is affordable, and the taste is very authentic, just try it today.”

While speaking, Shen Lin turned to Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, how about going to the provincial capital?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "It's okay, but occasionally I still miss my time in Dongzhou."

"In the provincial capital, although everyone takes good care of me, sometimes I feel that there are too many things."

Sister Dan saw Shen Lin and Mi Yuan chatting, and while helping them pour water, she said: "Mi Yuan is creating a whirlwind in our compound now, Mr. Shen, you don't know, since Mi Yuan was transferred to our unit, their office became lively."

"There are often young talents from various units, and they go to their units if they have nothing to do."

"Haha, even Lao Lu said that they became popular all of a sudden."

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan whose face was a little red, and felt that this kind of thing was normal. In his heart, he had defined his relationship with Mi Yuan as an ordinary friend.

But at this moment, when he heard Sister Dan say that, he was still vaguely uncomfortable.

After chatting for a few words, Mi Yuan suddenly said: "Mr. Shen, I see that today you are starting to accept orders for refrigerators again. Have you already negotiated a new production line?"

"It should be [-]% to [-]% successful." Shen Lin said with a smile: "But until the matter is not confirmed, no one can say for sure."

"That's really great." Sister Dan said with a smile: "As long as Mi Ke's production capacity increases, I think the good days of snowing will come to an end."

"I see Director Xie, why is he so arrogant in the future. I really don't know why he is so arrogant. The products of the factory are not good, and he can't even receive a single order."

"What about a joint venture!"

Although Shen Lin did not agree with Sister Dan's words of shared hatred, he also smiled.Sister Dan suddenly said: "By the way, Mr. Shen, why didn't you see your arrogant female secretary come with you?"

Show your teeth and show your claws!

Shen Lin didn't expect that Sister Dan would use this word to describe Liang Jialuo. He wondered what Liang Jialuo would think when he heard it.

He smiled and said, "Liang Jialuo went to Binglu Pure Water to become the vice president."

While he was talking, he saw a few young people walking in with ice-dew purified water. As soon as they entered the door, they said loudly, "Boss, what kind of food do you have here?"

Just when the boss came out, several young people saw Mi Yuan sitting on one side, and their eyes lit up immediately.

After all, it is indeed a pleasure to meet a peerless beauty like Mi Yuan when you go out for a drink.

So their voices suddenly became louder.

However, Mi Yuan and Sister Dan didn't pay attention to these people's intentions. They also saw a lot of Binglu's advertisements, and felt that Binglu was a big company.

At this time, I heard that the little girl who usually followed Shen Lin, who was very arrogant when she spoke, and who was a little bit flabby, went to Binglu and became the vice president. I couldn't believe it for a while.

"Can Liang Jialuo do it?" Sister Dan asked in surprise, "Why does Binglu want her to be the vice president?"

"She is an authentic overseas returnee with a master's degree, and she majored in business management, so she has no problem with her work ability!" Shen Lin said with a smile.

"Then her salary must be quite a lot?" Sister Dan asked curiously.

Shen Lindao: "I didn't ask about this, but she has a business share, which should be quite a lot."

While Shen Lin was speaking, a young man suddenly said: "Beauty, don't listen to this person's nonsense, many people are liars now."

This young man was one of the group who just came in, and the person he was talking to was Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan was stunned for a moment, of course she knew that what Shen Lin said was true.

Because Shen Lin didn't need to lie to them at all.

But now, someone actually stood up and called Shen Lin a liar, which made her not know what to say for a while.

Mi Yuan, who was stunned for a moment, glanced at Shen Lin, and then said with a smile: "Thank you for reminding us, we are friends."

"Beauty, you don't know, there are some liars now, they pretend to be good people first, chat with you, and let you relax your vigilance."

"For example, a few days ago, I met a person who claimed to be Shen Lin."

"In the end, they were brought to the police station, and everyone realized that it was just the same name and surname. Hehe, now there are even people pretending to be the richest man. What kind of people do you think don't exist?"

Seeing that Mi Yuan ignored his reminder, the young man hurriedly said again.

Shen Lin was regarded as a liar by the man, and he didn't take it too seriously, but the latter sentence made him stunned.

The richest man, when did I become the richest man, why don't I know!

I am the richest man in Dongzhou, this is acceptable, but I am called the richest man here, this is really unbearable!

"Hello, I know you mean well, but there is one thing I have to correct you."

Shen Lin said seriously: "Shen Lin is really not the richest man."

Sister Dan couldn't help laughing, and Mi Yuan couldn't help laughing either.She didn't expect that she would encounter such a ridiculous thing when she was here with Shen Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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