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Chapter 1100 The train is too slow, let's fly

Chapter 1100 The train is too slow, let's fly

"Mr. Xie, I don't like to hear what you say. I don't think there is anything difficult to integrate in Shangxue Electronics Factory."

"Our Mi Ke now not only owns the shares transferred from Shangsong Electric, but most of the employees are still very yearning to join Mi Ke."

"What's more, we still have the support from above."

When Director Xie heard this, he became even more angry. You, Lu Xiaoshan, ran to me in such a way that you were showing off on purpose?How you like to integrate is your own business, does it have anything to do with me?I think back then, when I was giving advice in the business field, you were still a fucking child!

In addition to being annoyed, he wanted to throw Lu Xiaoshan out.Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaoshan got worse and sat down in front of him.

"Mr. Xie, please listen to me. The integration of Shangxue Electronics Factory is not as difficult as imagined. Anyone who is not obedient can just adjust the position. Mike does not just have a branch factory. It’s not impossible to divert people.”

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaoshan said sincerely: "The main purpose of my brother-in-law asking me to come to you is to resume production at Shangxue Electronics Factory faster."

"Xie the factory director, you are the factory director of Shangxue Electronics Factory, and you don't want the factory you have worked for for most of your life to just collapse like this."

Director Xie's face twitched, he was really moved by Lu Xiaoshan's reason.

Seeing Lu Xiaoshan who looked a little excited but full of fighting spirit, Director Xie couldn't help but retreated and said, "Okay, then tell me, I can only give you a little time."

While speaking, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "What is Shen Lin busy with?"

"The higher-ups have arranged an exclusive interview, and my brother-in-law is preparing something." Lu Xiaoshan said without hiding anything.

Hearing the interview, Factory Manager Xie felt a bit sore in his heart. He felt more and more that the gap between himself and Shen Lin was getting wider and wider.

So now, for some things, I can only hand over some things with a fledgling young man like Lu Xiaoshan. Is it true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before them die on the beach?
"The next step of Mishell Electronics is to use technological innovation as the..."

Mi Yuan stood outside the room, looking at the eloquent Shen Lin, full of pride in her heart.

Although this man is destined to have no relationship with her, it is enough to see that everything is fine with him.

The interview lasted for half an hour. After the interview ended, everyone in the room relaxed.

"Mr. Shen, today's interview with you has solved some of my doubts, so I have to go back quickly and sort out the manuscript."

"Haha, next week, it should be published in the newspaper."

The reporter who was in charge of interviewing Shen Lin said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "When can't I write a manuscript? It's almost lunch now, come and find a place to eat."

"Thank you, Mr. Shen. My mind is full of how to write this manuscript. Haha, I'd better take my leave first."

Shen Lin and Lu Daqing who followed him looked at each other, and could only politely send him out.

Lu Daqing said: "Mr. Shen, what are you planning to do next? The work on my side has been completely completed."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I've already booked the ticket, and I'm going to fly back."

"This time I have been away from home for a while, and I really want to go home."

Having said that, he said to Lu Daqing, Li Qingbo and the others: "This time because of my affairs, everyone's time was wasted, so I have already sent someone to buy air tickets for everyone, let's go back together."

Go back by plane!
Mi Yuan, who was packing her things, couldn't help but glance at Shen Lin.Shen Lin arranged for everyone to fly, of course not to show off his wealth, but because it really delayed everyone's time to go home.

"Mr. Shen, this air ticket is quite expensive. We can still get reimbursed if we go back by train." Lu Daqing waved his hand and said, "I think it's better for you to go back by plane by yourself. Let's all take the train."

"After all, the train ticket has already been bought."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "On the way, the train ticket is easy to refund, but I bought this air ticket with a favor, and it cannot be refunded."

"Let's go back on the plane together."

Facing Shen Lin's enthusiasm, Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo looked at each other, and finally could only say helplessly: "Mr. Shen, then we have to be respectful rather than obedient."

"But this kind of thing is not an example!"

Mi Yuan has been on a plane several times, so she doesn't think there is anything unusual about flying, but for Sister Dan, flying by plane is a novel experience.

Of course, more importantly, she didn't have to pay for the air ticket this time.

But when everyone agreed to go back by plane, Mi Yuan felt a little regret again.

If everyone went back by train, she could stay with Shen Lin for an extra day, but if they took a plane, they would be separated soon after the plane landed.

Just as Mi Yuan expected, they arrived at the airport in the provincial capital in just over two hours.

Looking at the familiar environment, Mi Yuan's heart was full of excitement and a trace of regret, and amidst this excitement and regret, after getting into the car sent by the Mi Ke team, Shen Lin waved to them farewell.

They went back to the provincial capital, while Shen Lin went straight back to Dongzhou by car.

Originally, Li Qing expressed his intention to follow Shen Lin back to Dongzhou, but in the end, Lu Daqing dragged him to the provincial capital on the grounds of reporting work.

Sitting in the car, looking at the familiar scenery around her, Mi Yuan silently thought about what she had gained this day.

"It's still Dong Haoqi who bought us a plane ticket. I can imagine now that Xiao Wang and the others just came back and saw the expressions on our welcome them." Sister Dan said excitedly.

She was flying for the first time and was extremely excited.

Mi Yuan didn't say a word, but Lu Daqing smiled and said, "Xiao Dan, I want to see it too after you say that."

"Well, how about we pick them up tomorrow."

"Hahaha, Lu Chu, that's what I said, let's forget about picking up the station, I still have a lot of things waiting for me at home!"

Sister Dan stretched her waist and said with a smile: "Hey, flying by plane is really good. Not only is it not tiring for two hours, but it's also very comfortable. What's the most important thing? You can look at the white clouds like cotton balls and appreciate the high altitude. The scenery in the sky!"

"Do you know on the road, looking at the free drinks, I almost asked for a glass of the most expensive drink to have a drink."

Lu Daqing laughed and said, "Yes, it's really comfortable to fly."

"However, this may be the last time we will go to the trade fair with Chairman Shen."

The people who were talking happily about flying were all surprised.Someone even asked cautiously: "What's the matter? Why didn't Chairman Shen go with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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