Chapter 1155 Shameful Apology

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I heard in public just now, which has caused a bad influence on Mishell Electronics."

"I solemnly apologize and promise that I will never say such things again." After saying these words, Pu Yisheng felt extremely sour in his mouth.

He didn't expect that today's opening ceremony should be his highlight moment, but he didn't expect that this unreasonable Shen Lin would come!

Moreover, he listened to all his speeches, unceremoniously treating himself as a target.

At this moment, his heart was filled with hatred.

If he knew that Shen Lin would come, he would never say those words and ask for trouble.

Originally, he just wanted to attack Mi Ke, but he didn't expect that it would be self-defeating, and he would embarrass himself instead.

It's fine for him to be humiliated. A well-crafted opening ceremony is just messed up like this. This is the most embarrassing thing for him.

What he was even more afraid of was what Lorisa would think of him after seeing his fate. After all, at this time, Luo Lisa represented the Locke Consortium.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There's nothing good about being good!" Shen Lin looked at Pu Yisheng who bowed his head, and said solemnly, but after saying this, his voice suddenly became severe.

"However, I hope that Mr. Park Yisheng can deeply realize his mistakes, and the next one is no exception!"

"I can accept your apology this time, but next time, I think my tolerance is limited. Mr. Park Yisheng, although we have only met once or twice, I think it is necessary for me to remind you."

"A person in charge like you who doesn't even have the most basic ability to judge, and who follows others, it's hard for people to believe you!"

"I have to worry about the future of your company!"

Listening to Shen Lin's heartbreaking words, Pu Yisheng felt like he wanted to explode.

What will happen to our company in the future, what does it have to do with you Shen Lin, you should worry about yourself, you should think about what to do next...

Just when Pu Yisheng's face was grim, Luolisa had already stood up, and she said softly to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, our opening ceremony is not over yet. If your matter is finished, shouldn't you go back to the office?" Is there a VIP seat?"

Shen Lin looked at Luo Lisa, who had a cold smile on her face, and said with a smile, "Miss Luo Lisa is right, I really should go back."

While talking, Shen Lin walked back slowly, but before leaving, he suddenly said: "It's fate for everyone to get together. We, Mike Electronics, arranged a few tables in a nearby hotel tonight. My friends can go drink some wine and have fun!"

Listening to Shen Lin's last words, Pu Yisheng felt that his lungs were about to explode.

He wanted to yell right now, how could there be such a brazen person in this world, but in the end, he held back.

Because just now, he had already lost points because of his gaffe, and now, no matter what, he couldn't lose any more points.Otherwise, he, the general manager, might not be able to continue his job.

"Go ahead." Lorisa said coldly, looking at Pu Yisheng whose face was flushed.

At this time, Pu Yisheng no longer had the vigor he had just now. He hesitated and spoke out all the words he was going to say according to the script he had drawn up a long time ago.

"Guests, our Taiyu Electronics Factory will definitely become the top electronics factory. We not only make money for ourselves, but also for our partners to make money!"

"Now, we need partners in all aspects, and I hope everyone..."

After talking on the phone, there was sparse applause from all around. Listening to this applause, a sarcastic smile appeared on Bai Mingfu's face.When he came, he was still full of respect for Taiyu Electronics, but now, this respect has completely disappeared.

Taiyu Electronics doesn't deserve his respect at all!
"Mr. Bai, this Taiyu Electronics is a bit incompetent! This Pu Yisheng is obviously not good enough!" Sun Kang came to Bai Mingfu's side, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Cooperating with Taiyu Electronics was a strategy set by Bai Mingfu, so at this time, Sun Kang didn't know what to say!
Looking at Sun Kang who looked anxious, Bai Mingfu waved his hands and said, "It's not that Taiyu Electronics is not good, but the general manager is not good enough."

"Their billion-dollar electronics factory is still the biggest competitor in the Mishell electrical market. Therefore, we should cooperate now."

Seeing Sun Kang's suspicious expression, Bai Mingfu patted him on the shoulder lightly and said, "Shen Lin rushed over, which shows that he also attaches great importance to this Taiyu Electronics."

"What's more, we now have no other choice."

Looking at Bai Mingfu's expression, Sun Kang knew that Bai Mingfu had already made up his mind on this matter, so he didn't say anything else.

At this moment, a young man ran over quickly.

When he saw Bai Mingfu, he smiled and said, "Hello Mr. Bai, I'm Chengzi, an employee of Mishell Electronics. Mr. Shen would like to invite you to dinner. Are you free?"

Bai Mingfu didn't answer immediately, but after pondering for a moment, he said: "Let's go, I am willing to have a meal with Chairman Shen."

Speaking of this, he turned around and said: "But, this time, I and Shen Dong are just eating."

The young man smiled and said nothing else.But Bai Mingfu said to an acquaintance who was leaving in the distance: "Old Chen, you go to eat, don't wait for me."

"Chairman Shen of Rice Shell Electronics invites me to dinner. I can't shirk it. Let's meet again tomorrow."

Old Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't invite Bai Mingfu to dinner, but after hearing Bai Mingfu's voice, he immediately understood what Bai Mingfu meant.

This guy clearly took himself as a target.

However, his own products are still on display in Bai Mingfu's electrical appliance store, so he can only grumble.

Bai Mingfu's words made many people pay attention to him. Even Pu Yisheng, who had already left, looked at Bai Mingfu after hearing the report.

Bai Mingfu felt a deep malice from Pu Yisheng's eyes, but he didn't take this malice seriously.

In his opinion, Park Yisheng can't help himself.

What I value is the impression of Rolisa, not a sharp-minded but hollow-bellied sack like Pu Yisheng.

Under the gaze of everyone, Bai Mingfu quickly came to the hotel that Shen Lin had booked. He looked at Shen Lin who was watching TV with a fan blowing on him, and couldn't help saying: "Mr. Shen, what you said just now is really admirable." what!"

"Pu Yisheng, I'm afraid he won't dare to talk like this for a long time."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I couldn't hold it back this time. In fact, we don't need to pay too much attention to this kind of person who sprays shit all over his mouth."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said to the waiter who walked in: "Boss Bai, just tell me what you want to eat, don't save me money!"

Bai Mingfu waved his hand and said: "Chairman Shen, you invited me over, you didn't just want to treat me to dinner, did you? If you have anything to say, please speak up."

(End of this chapter)

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