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Chapter 1172 Shen Lin who still wants to give a big gift

Chapter 1172 Shen Lin who still wants to give a big gift
It cost 2000 million more!

He was also questioned on the spot, why would he be taken advantage of like this!
This is simply deceiving too much!
But at this moment, can he, Pu Yisheng, say that he has lost his head?
Can he say, I think you are here, so I have to pay such a price as a last resort?

Whether it's for the company's image or for his own face, he has to persevere.

So after taking a deep breath, he said solemnly: "The reason why we gave this price is because this price was decided by our company's board of directors."

"Our board of directors is very optimistic about Biaowang's advertisement. We think it is worth [-] million yuan, so we paid this price."

"Mr. Shen, your guess is not right."

After saying this, a smile appeared on Pu Yisheng's face.

Regarding Pu Yisheng's smile, Shen Lin just smiled, and then said lightly that it was so.

Director Guo looked at Pu Yisheng with a stiff face, he didn't understand this partner, and he was cornered by Shen Lin at this time.

At times like this, he has to help.

"Mr. Shen, the next step is for us to sign the contract with Taiyu Electronics. If you have nothing important to do, please don't disturb General Manager Park."

Shen Lin looked at Director Guo who stood up, and said with a smile: "I was just curious just now, but now that I know the answer, there is no need to ask Mr. Park Yisheng."

"Go ahead, haha!"

Shen Lin's laughter made Pu Yisheng's face darken. Now he almost heard everyone's laughter, and felt that they were mocking him.

Especially Shen Lin, when he saw this face, he felt that he was being despised.

This annoyed him very much. If possible, he even wanted to tear Shen Lin's face to pieces.

It's just a pity that he can't do this.

Sign the contract, pay the deposit within three days, and then the banquet...

This banquet belonging to the winner should have been the winner's highlight moment, but every time he saw Shen Lin's smiling face, Pu Yisheng couldn't be happy.

He felt that every word of Shen Lin seemed to remind him that his IQ was worrying.

This made him eat as if he were suffering.

Finally, at the end of the song, Park Yisheng left the hotel that left an indelible impression on him under the farewell of Director Guo and Dou Xiaoling.

Back at his residence, Park Yisheng smashed the glass in his room almost immediately.

Although he won, in every scene today, he felt as if he had been tricked.

But after calming down slowly, Pu Yisheng still picked up the phone and quickly dialed out.

"Miss Luolisa, I'm Pu Yisheng, and I'm going to report to you about the competition for the king this time."

The moment the phone was connected, Pu Yisheng's voice became softer.

Luo Lisa said in a calm voice: "Mr. Park, congratulations on winning the bid this time."

Hearing this, Pu Yisheng's heart tightened. He was not surprised that Luo Lisa knew that he had won, because there were Luo Lisa's people among his entourage.

This person should have called Lorisa when the results were announced.

Although he felt very uncomfortable, he still held back his temper and said, "Miss Lorisa, the price for winning the bid this time is 900 million!"

"I know, the price is a bit high, but...but for our plan, that's why I...just..." Park Yisheng's voice trembled a little when he said this.

And Luo Lisa didn't say anything else after he finished speaking, but after pondering for a while, she said lightly: "Mr. Park, although we spent 2000 million in vain this time, in general, It has achieved its purpose.”

"Yes, we have already won the bid and laid the foundation for the future development of our Taiyu Electronics." Park Yisheng heard that Luo Lisa excused himself, and his voice did not feel hurried.

His complexion also became much better at this time.

And Luo Lisa continued: "Next, because of Biaowang, we will get a lot of resources. You have to seize this opportunity and promote our Taiyu Electronics products."

"I only have one request, and that is to make our [-] million dollars worth the money!"

Hearing this, Pu Yisheng knew that he had passed the test this time. Although he was still uncomfortable, at least he had passed the test this time.

Just pass!
"Miss Laurisa, don't worry, I will never let you down again."

After the two of them finished speaking, Luo Lisa hung up the phone.Listening to the beep on the other end of the phone, Pu Yisheng breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, there was more resentment in his heart.

Shen Lin, although you made me spend 2000 million in vain, I want you to know that my money will never be thrown away in vain.

Thinking of the upcoming interview tomorrow, thinking of...

Just as Pu Yisheng was full of anticipation and thinking about the upcoming publicity, Shen Lin also returned to his courtyard at this time.

"Mr. Shen, there are rumors that you let Taiyu Electronics spend 2000 million more?" Fang Feng said with a smile as he looked at Shen Lin who was pouring tea.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "I originally thought that I could make Pu Yisheng pay 1000 million more, but I didn't expect him to offer such a price."

"I'm surprised too!"

Fang Feng said with a smile: "This shows that he is still very afraid of us Mishell Electronics."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Letting Taiyu Electronics spend an extra 2000 million yuan won't actually hurt them. If we want to completely defeat this challenger, we still have a few tough battles to fight."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin took two sips of water and said: "Tomorrow is the exclusive interview to report that Taiyu Electronics won the bid king, and what we prepared should be released."

"Please contact me before it's too late."

Fang Feng said solemnly: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, we have already contacted. The interview about our hiring a high-priced image spokesperson is at the same time as Taiyu Electronics' exclusive interview."

"that would be great."

At this moment, the phone in Shen Lin's room suddenly rang. Shen Lin picked up the phone and heard Lu Xiaorong's voice from the other end of the phone.

"Shen Lin, I heard that King Biao was robbed by Taiyu Electronics, is it all right?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "What could be the matter? It's expected. Although I like Biaowang's publicity ability, for us Mishell Electronics, if it exceeds 4000 million, it is not worth investing any more."

"Actually, it's not bad to let them buy it at a high price."

Lu Xiaorong seldom cared about Shen Lin's business affairs. At this time, when Shen Lin said that there was nothing wrong, she smiled and said, "That's good. You have to take care of your health. You can't earn enough money."

"A Taiyu Electronics, you don't have to take it too seriously."

"I know, they can't turn the sky, and I have prepared a generous gift for them, and it will be delivered tomorrow." Shen Lin said with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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