Chapter 1230 Little Happiness

Mi Yuan struggled for a long time, and finally put down the phone.

Although in her heart, she longed to share everything about herself with this beloved man, whether it was happiness or sadness, she just wanted to listen to him.But in the end, she restrained her thoughts.

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, Shen Lin should be busy with his own affairs, or he is reuniting with his family.

Thinking of his family, Mi Yuan felt pain in her heart as if she was being pulled tightly by something.

Just when Mi Yuan was thinking about Shen Lin, the phone rang suddenly.

Mi Yuan answered the phone and just said hello when Sister Dan's voice came from inside.

"Mi Yuan, how are you working there?" Mi Yuan and Sister Dan are good friends. Hearing Sister Dan's concern at this time, she couldn't help saying: "Thank you Sister Dan, everything is fine."

"That's fine. I won the Mid-Autumn Festival benefits for you this year. Although you have already left our unit, you have only left for a month after all."

"I went to find Fatty Chao in the logistics. He said he couldn't beat me, so he obediently agreed that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and New Year's benefits will be added with your name."

Listening to Sister Dan's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Mi Yuan's mouth.

Although now she can't look down on those benefits, but it's really warming for someone to think about her feelings.

"Thank you Sister Dan, I can't go back soon, so you can use it for me first." Mi Yuan said sincerely.

Sister Dan smiled and said: "It's okay, I've already contacted your brother, and I'll send it to him after work. It just so happens that our jeep is not used today."

At this point, Sister Dan asked with concern: "How is Auntie's condition? I kept saying to go and have a look, but since you left the unit, everything seems to be on me. I'm so annoying."

"I even told Lu Daqing today that if he doesn't give me a helper as soon as possible, I'll give him a pick, and I won't do it!"

After saying this, Sister Dan laughed happily.

Mi Yuan didn't think there was anything surprising about Sister Dan's threats. After all, Sister Dan is an old employee in the unit, and she usually speaks straightforwardly, so even if Lu Daqing listened to her, she probably wouldn't will be angry.

She smiled and said, "Sister Dan, it's not easy for Lao Lu recently. For things like adding manpower, we should take it easy and give him some time."

Sister Dan said with a smile: "I know, he can't decide this kind of thing, but I just want to show him some color, so that he can know that I can't treat my mother like a cow or a horse every day!"

When the two of them were talking, it was as if they had returned to the state of chatting in the office back then.Sister Dan smiled and said, "How is it at Mishell Electronics? Has the salary been paid yet?"

"It was posted just a month ago." There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing, so Mi Yuan said generously.

"Oh, tell me how much money you sent from Mi Ke, so that your sister Dan can envy you." Sister Dan said, "Is it really two thousand five?"

"The salary was [-], plus the performance and festival fees, I just got [-]." Mi Yuan's speech was not fast, but she was indeed full of emotion.

When she was in the work unit, her salary plus holiday expenses was 400 yuan, but now, it is [-] yuan a month.

If it goes on like this, she will basically be able to buy a good house in a year.

Sister Dan was silent on the other end, and after a while, she heard Sister Dan yelling in surprise on the other end of the phone: "Oh, knowing that Mi Ke pays so much salary, I will resign with you and join Boss Shen!"

"Tsk tsk, I'm too envious of people who paid this money."

Mi Yuan couldn't help laughing at Sister Dan's emotion, she said in a deep voice: "Although Mi Ke pays a lot of salary, the workload is also heavy!"

"You don't know, as long as I sit at my desk, a lot of things start waiting for me, as if there is no free time."

"Sister Dan, if you want to come, you can come to my place and give it a try." Sister Dan smiled and said, "Okay, when I get tired of working in the unit, I will join you."

Speaking of this, Sister Dan said: "I heard that the higher-ups are planning to encourage some of us to go to sea. You, it's a bit early to resign."

"I think you might as well talk to Lao Lu to see if we can get you a leave of absence or something like that."

Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: "Don't make it difficult for the old road, after all, this kind of statement has been around for a long time, and it has not been implemented yet."

While the two were talking, Sister Dan smiled and said, "I heard something today. It made me laugh to death. You may have heard it too."

Mi Yuan froze for a moment and said, "What's the matter?"

"Haven't you heard about the rice shell electrical store?" Sister Dan said with a smile: "I heard that there is a store called Jiale Electric Appliances in Dongzhou. , tried my best to make a grand opening ceremony."

Mi Yuan is no stranger to Jiale Electric Appliances. Although her work is mainly related to external affairs, it doesn't mean that she keeps her ears closed.

On the contrary, Mi Yuan is very concerned about many things about the company.

Jiale Electric attacked Mi Ke and opened a store in Dongzhou, which surprised Mi Yuan. She hurriedly said, "What happened in the end?"

"Mi Yuan, this rice husk doesn't belong to your family, I think it's for you to worry about." Sister Dan teased unceremoniously, then smiled and said: "What else can I do? I'm ashamed!"

"I heard that your narrow-minded chairman not only contacted the address of the business after he found out that he was secretly opening a store, but also helped with all the things needed for the opening."

When Sister Dan said this, she laughed: "When the house opened, he appeared as the landlord."

"You can imagine the look of the person in charge of the other party at that time."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm really laughing to death!"

Listening to Sister Dan's description, Mi Yuan could imagine the situation at that time, and think of the appearance of that arrogant Boss Bai when he saw Shen Lin.

Landlord, thank goodness he can figure it out!

Mi Yuan couldn't help laughing and said, "I've met Mr. Bai once, and he's also quite a formidable person."

"It is also self-made, and has laid down a lot of industries."

"But he opened the store to Dongzhou, which is clearly asking for trouble for himself!"

Sister Dan smiled and said, "That's not true. We all said at the time that Mr. Bai didn't hit an iron plate this time, but an iron mountain."

"I heard that after the opening, it was so messy, and even the guests were all dingy, and felt that their faces were dull."

When Sister Dan said this, she said with concern: "Do you know that after you resigned, young men from several units came to our office every day to ask about the situation."

"Especially the doctor who was just assigned, he even asked directly to our boss's office, tsk tsk, if you weren't in Beijing now, maybe those guys would chase after you?"

Listening to Sister Dan's emotion, Mi Yuan shook her head lightly and said, "Sister Dan, I know, no matter who asks you, just say you don't know."

Sister Dan agreed: "I know, but Mi Yuan, you are also a big girl, you will not live alone all your life, you will have a family after all, you should think about these things."

Speaking of this, Sister Dan still wanted to say something, but in the end she just sighed and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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