Chapter 1232

Shen Lin was half complaining and half joking about Zhong Tianyang, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He smiled and said: "Brother Zhong, you will be on a journey of ten thousand miles with your visit, we two should have a good drink today."

"Hey, a few drinks is a must, but it's a long way to go. If I had confidence before, I don't dare to think so now."

Speaking of this, Zhong Tianyang rubbed his temples and said, "I asked someone to find out about the situation over there, and it was more difficult than I thought."

"Until now, I still don't know how to open the situation."

Looking at the troubled Zhong Tianyang, Shen Lin immediately thought of the highway connecting Dongzhou in later generations.

It was that expressway that brought about huge changes in Dongzhou and other places.

The most obvious change is where Zhong Tianyang is going now.

It's just that the money needed to build a highway is not at 01:30!

Shen Lin pondered for a while, and finally said: "Brother Zhong, there is such a saying, if you want to get rich, build roads first."

"Your work, I think as long as the road is repaired, everything will be solved."

Zhong Tianyang was not too surprised by Shen Lin's suggestion, he smiled wryly and said: "I have thought about road construction, but it is too difficult."

"Do you know how much it costs to build a road leading to the provincial capital? We can't afford it."

"What's more, the funds needed are too much, and it is impossible to win the support of the above!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Zhong, what I mean is not to build ordinary roads."

"It's about building a highway connecting the provincial capital, Dongzhou and our area."

While speaking, Shen Lin came to the map wall chart behind Zhong Tianyang, picked up a pen, and drew a line beside the map.

"Brother Zhong, what do you think of building a highway here?"

Zhong Tianyang looked at the line drawn by Shen Lin, and after being stunned for a moment, surprise flashed across his eyes.

He has managed the company for many years and has his own unique insights in many aspects.The reason why I couldn't figure it out this time was simply that things were too difficult to handle.

At this time, looking at the line drawn by Shen Lin, and thinking of the benefits that would be brought if these places were fully connected, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh and said, "Shen Lin, no wonder everyone said, you just turned around, You can turn a stone into gold.”

"Now it seems that speaking of you like this is still a little underestimating you. This move of yours can directly turn a stone into a golden mountain."

"However, how much money will it cost to build this expressway!"

Money, money!
When Zhong Tianyang was in the General Iron and Steel Plant, he always felt that he was short of money, but the situation in his new position made him feel that the General Iron and Steel Plant was as good as it could be.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Zhong, sometimes you don't have to spend your own money to do things."

"Brother Zhong, do you know? Tolls can be charged on the expressway, and once this expressway is turned into a business, the funds can flow in."

"What's more, where this expressway passes, there is basically a high enthusiasm to repair this expressway."

In Zhong Tianyang's mind, it was all about the benefits after the road was completed. He took a sip from his teacup and said, "Shen Lin, if Mi Ke hadn't had such a big business now, I really hope you can follow along." I will work together hand in hand.”

In this sentence, Zhong Tianyang spoke the truth, and he admired Shen Lin's ability from the bottom of his heart.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Zhong, we should not praise or praise ourselves." Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin's smiling face and laughed and said, "Since you Shen Lin proposed this idea, then I won’t bother the second master with anything, please Shen Lin, please go back and help me come up with a feasible plan.”

"Don't shirk, I don't think this is a big deal to you."

Seeing Zhong Tianyang's solemn appearance, Shen Lin could only smile and said: "Brother Zhong, I think the following methods can be adopted for the source of funds."

In one breath, Shen Lin said three ways.

Zhong Tianyang listened very seriously. From Shen Lin's method, he felt that the huge amount of funds seemed to become easier all of a sudden.

Especially when Shen Lin mentioned that he could use this expressway to be built to register a company and then push the company to go public to raise funds to build the expressway, which made him feel incredible.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this method is really feasible.

"Shen Lin, why do you have such a long head, why do you have so many golden ideas, hey, when I get familiar with the environment, I must drag you to our side and help me come up with some good ideas." idea."

Zhong Tianyang had already cleared his mind at this time, and his whole body seemed relaxed. He looked at Shen Lin and said with emotion: "Mr. Shen, please support me a lot when the time comes!"

Just as the two were chatting and laughing, Liang Jialuo had already walked in holding the small fruit shell.

"Brother Zhong, my sister-in-law is going to cook fish head with chopped peppers. He said you are the best at this dish, so please go over and cook it yourself."

"As for the matter of accompanying Shen Dong, a distinguished guest, leave it to me."

Liang Jialuo sat down on the chair opposite Shen Lin, and said carelessly.

Regarding Liang Jialuo, Zhong Tianyang had no way out. He shook his head towards Liang Jialuo and said, "You have such a temper. Let's see who dares to marry you in the future."

While speaking, he walked out of the study.

Seeing Liang Jialuo's appearance, Shen Lin knew that she had something to say, so he took a sip of water from his teacup and said, "If you have anything, just say it."

"Shen Lin, my friends persuaded me to invest in real estate on the island. I see that they have made a lot of money, so they want to test the waters?"

When Liang Jialuo said this, he put a piece of candy in the mouth of the small fruit shell and said, "Guo shell, go and play while I talk to your father about something."

Shen Lin frowned, he was very clear about the real estate over there.Some time ago, he had persuaded Liang Jialuo once on this matter, but he did not expect that Liang Jialuo was still moved.

He waved his hand and said, "You decide for yourself. My opinion has been told to you before."

"However, if you want to enter the game, you'd better end the business over there within two years."

"Let me tell you, some things need to be observed and thought about more, so as not to make mistakes."

Having said that, looking at Liang Jialuo's solemn expression, he couldn't help but said, "Don't believe that there are pies in the sky, that kind of thing is easy to go wrong."

"The business in our hands has already started. The most important thing for you now is to follow Sister Zhong to make ice dew drinks."

"Especially for the two products of iced black tea and iced green tea, we can't relax at all now, otherwise it will become very troublesome when new competitors appear and whether you have consolidated your market."

Listening to Shen Lin's nagging, Liang Jialuo not only didn't get angry, but showed a bright smile on his face.

"Thank you, Chairman Shen, I just realized that you still care about me so much."

"Let's go!" Liang Jialuo picked up the small fruit shell and said, "Let's go, let's go eat."

(End of this chapter)

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