Chapter 125 Ah Sent Your Face

Following the flow of people, Shen Lin came to the outside of the store. Although there were far fewer people gathered than yesterday, there were still many people taking pictures and buying things.

Just when Shen Lin was about to enter the store, he found a familiar figure at the door of the store.

Fang Boyuan!
Why is this guy here? Shen Lin, who didn't have the slightest liking for Fang Boyuan, walked towards Fang Boyuan after a moment of pondering.

"Bo Yuan, why are you here?" Shen Lin asked with a smile.

Fang Boyuan was full of resentment at this time, he wanted to support Shen Lin's plan, but now he made a mistake and helped Shen Lin earn a lot of money.

This alone made him extremely uncomfortable.He even felt that he was the stupidest person in the world.

The people who came in and out of Shen Lin's store were, in Fang Boyuan's eyes, his greatest enemy at this moment, but he never expected that Shen Lin would appear behind him at this time.

His face was originally a bit ferocious, but at this moment, he wiped off the ferocity on his face as if he had picked up a rag, and then tried his best to squeeze out a smile: "Shen Lin, I saw you here yesterday. I can't see the building very clearly, so I came here specially today to take a good look at it."

After saying this, Fang Boyuan felt his face twitch.

It's uncomfortable, I am a dignified director of the factory office, when did I become so obscene?He walks his way, and I walk my bridge. Do you think that earning a few filthy money can cover up the fact that your education is lower than mine!
How could Shen Lin believe Fang Boyuan's nonsense, he basically messed up these things according to some of his own memories.

Although it looks full of Western European style, it is not enough to make a college student like Fang Boyuan come here to visit and study.

This guy is purely a wolf with a big tail, and he doesn't have any good intentions.

"Oh, Bo Yuan, you are really hardworking and studious. I designed most of this place. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he grabbed Fang Boyuan and said, "It happens that I'm fine now, why don't you let me tell you about my design concept."

"Let me tell you, most of my designs are based on..."

Seeing that Shen Lin was going to introduce himself, Fang Boyuan's face turned dark. He waved his hand at Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, you are running a shop and you are so busy, so ignore me. Let me see for myself. Ask you if you don’t understand anything.”

This guy made things difficult for him, and now he came to his door, how could Shen Lin let him go so easily!
"Brother, I always thought you were a straightforward person. Why, don't you treat me as one of your own?"

"For me, Shen Lin, earning money is important, but the brotherhood between you and me, can money buy it?"

"If you don't let me introduce you, then you have an opinion on me, and you look down on me." When Shen Lin said this, he said with a righteous indignation: "Bo Yuan, you don't look down on me as an old man, do you?"

If you are rough, what should I be?
At this time, Fang Boyuan almost felt like scolding his mother.I just said this casually, you think I really want to ask you for advice!
But as a person who cares about face, he really doesn't know how to reject Shen Lin's enthusiasm.

After all, he has always been gentle and gentle, so he can't just say that I just look down on you.Therefore, Fang Boyuan, who gritted his teeth, resisted the unhappiness in his heart, and said politely: "Shen Lin, you are overthinking."

"I am afraid that because I am here, it will delay your earning money."

"Hahaha, let me just say, you, Fang Boyuan, are not that kind of person. Money is the grandson of ghosts. If you don't have it, you can work hard. It's not as important as me accompanying my brother."

"Come, come, let me explain it to you in detail from beginning to end." Shen Lin grabbed Fang Boyuan and said, "I like to say what I want the most, the kind of double-faced villain who is inconsistent with his appearance If you tell a lie, you have to find ten reasons to justify it, so you will be exhausted!"

Insinuating, pointing and cursing, what this guy said was clearly talking about himself!
Fang Boyuan almost became angry with embarrassment. He knew that Shen Lin's words were a naked satire on him, so he almost said it by name! "Yes, Shen Lin, you are so right, I hate this kind of person too."

When Fang Boyuan said something against his will, he felt that his dignity had been trampled on the ground by Shen Lin, rubbed hard, and trampled on repeatedly.

His heart, which was already extremely aggrieved, was even more distorted at this time. If possible, he really wanted to beat this guy hard.

In what way is Fang Boyuan worse than you?A bum like you is actually worthy of Lu Xiaorong's beauty?I bother!
"Hahaha, no wonder I think we are brothers, we have the same views, and we have a clear distinction between what we like and what we hate!" Shen Lin patted Fang Boyuan on the shoulder and said, "Boyuan, have you seen this Arc de Triomphe? , carefully crafted."

Fang Boyuan had seen the real Arc de Triomphe in his textbooks before, and according to his feeling, the two are really similar.

But the height of the Arc de Triomphe will definitely not be as low as what Shen Lin built.

"The Arc de Triomphe was initiated by Napoleon, but it was never built in Napoleon's time." Shen Lin pointed to his imitation Arc de Triomphe, and said in a voice full of emotion: "Bo Yuan, do you know Napoleon?"

Fang Boyuan snorted coldly in his heart, I am a college student, how could I not know about Napoleon.

"Of course I know that." Fang Boyuan pretended to be reserved: "I read a biography of him when I was in school."

Although Fang Boyuan's voice was not high, a sense of arrogance arose spontaneously when he said these words.

This posture clearly tells Shen Lin that I am a college student and I have read many more books than you.

"Oh, what a coincidence. I've seen it too. Many people think that Napoleon failed because of his arrogance, but I think the reason why he failed was because there were duplicitous people around him."

Shen Lin was filled with righteous indignation: "On the surface, this kind of person is gentle and harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, he has a vicious heart!"


Fang Boyuan was ashamed and angry at the moment, this guy Shen Lin, he was determined to make himself lose face.But although Fang Boyuan felt uncomfortable hearing it, he couldn't say anything else.

He can't even be angry, because once he gets angry, doesn't it mean that he has to wear a shit hat on his head after picking it up!
"Haha, we just need to be more careful in the future." Taking a deep breath, Fang Boyuan tried to calm himself down again.

Shen Lin looked at Fang Boyuan with a twitching face with a smile, but he didn't feel the slightest pity in his heart. This guy tried different ways to encourage Chen Hongying to want Lu Xiaorong to divorce him, which is simply an unforgivable crime.

Although it is inevitable to deal with him in the future, but now that he has taken the initiative to send him to the door, can he be worthy of him if he doesn't beat him?

"Bo Yuan, have you seen the flowers carved on that window?" Shen Lin pointed to a window lattice in a store.

Fang Boyuan looked at the carved window lattice, and thought that this time, Shen Lin probably wouldn't criticize Sang Huai.He purposely coughed lightly and said, "Why, is there something to be particular about?"

"I heard that in the West, the main reason for such carvings is to remind the master that although some people look like flowers, they are like honey and swords, which is not a good thing!"

What Shen Lin said was serious and serious!

This made Fang Boyuan's face twitch all of a sudden, what Shen Lin said caught him off guard!
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(End of this chapter)

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