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Chapter 1265 An Unstoppable Favor

Chapter 1265 An Unstoppable Favor

From the conditions Lu Xiaoshan said, Shen Lin could feel full of sincerity.

However, the experience of later generations made Shen Lin feel that no matter when a company should not stretch its capital chain too tightly.

Now, although the capital chain of Mishell Electronics is loose, even if the [-] million yuan is fully invested, it is not a big deal, but there are some openings, once a crack is opened, it is easy to get stuck.

As thoughts flickered one by one, Shen Lin finally said: "We can discuss some of these new demands put forward by the higher-ups, but some of them are determined not to agree."

"For example, things like increasing the height of buildings, we can't do this."

"As for using the first and second floors as shopping malls, I don't think it's out of the question."

"Xiaoshan, you need to communicate more about this matter, and let the higher-ups understand our difficulties more. After all, our capital chain is sometimes tense!"

When Shen Lin said that the capital chain was also tense, everyone present couldn't help laughing.

As the person in charge of Rice Shell Electronics, he knows the situation of Rice Shell Electronics best. If something goes wrong with his family's capital chain, none of them will be able to laugh.

While Shen Lin was arranging things, Fang Xiaomei knocked on the door lightly and walked in.

Although Fang Xiaomei's position in the group is not high, she is Shen Lin's secretary, so many people smiled and nodded when she walked in.

"Mr. Shen, Director Zhong's call."

Hearing the words Director Zhong, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was Zhong Tianyang.

He wanted to remind his secretary that Zhong Tianyang was no longer the director of the factory and should be called a different name, but he immediately let go of this idea.

Fang Xiaomei and Zhong Tianyang don't have much contact, so even if they use their old names, there's no big problem.

"Then you continue to discuss, and I will answer the phone."

Shen Lin came to his office. After picking up the phone, Zhong Tianyang's voice came from inside: "Mr. Shen, you are a busy person, but you are really busy!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Zhong, I'm just a small business, how can you be so busy?"

"It's just that when you called, I happened to be in a meeting," Shen Lin said with a smile, "But our company's cordless phones are about to be ready for mass production, and I'll send you one later."

"With this phone, as long as I am in this office building, you can basically call me anytime."

Zhong Tianyang was stunned for a moment and said, "Is the cordless phone the same as the big brother?"

"It's really different. I'll give you one and you'll understand." Shen Lin said with a smile, "If you feel uncomfortable using it, feel free to return it to me."

Zhong Tianyang chuckled and said: "Shen Lin, after hearing what you said, I think your cordless phone is not simple."

The two chatted a few words about family and life, and Zhong Tianyang continued: "I am entrusted to call you this time."

"I know that the competition between you and Taiyu Electronics is fierce, but an old friend came to the door and wanted you to meet Wen Zaisong."

"I can't get rid of my feelings, so I can only give you a call."

"It's up to you to discuss with Taiyu Electronics. I'm just in charge so that Wen Zaisong can see you."

When Zhong Tianyang said this, he said with a smile: "This is also a favor from me."

Hearing Zhong Tianyang's easygoing words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Seeing Wen Zaisong, naturally there is no problem, but it is difficult to reach an agreement between the two of us."

"Brother Zhong, I will not hide this matter from you. The quality crisis of Mishell Electronics this time was caused by the deliberate promotion of Wen Zaisong and Bai Mingfu."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Now, they see that we have emerged from the crisis, and this quality crisis threatens them, so they are so anxious." "So, I don't want to quarrel with them at all."

Zhong Tianyang naturally heard about the quality crisis of rice shells, and he even helped Shen Lin come up with two ideas.

Hearing what Shen Lin said at this time, he immediately stated: "Then I will go back to them, and you don't need to see each other."

"Brother, since you can pay back the favor, then you just pay it back. It doesn't mean that I have to agree to their conditions after seeing Wen Zaisong."

Shen Lin said with a smile; "This is a matter of taking advantage, why should we be polite."

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said: "Okay, then I will listen to you. You can handle business matters by yourself. I believe you can handle them well."

Not 10 minutes after hanging up Zhong Tianyang's phone, Wen Zaisong called. He said with a smile that he had already bought a ticket to Dongzhou, and hoped to invite Shen Lin to stay in Dongzhou have supper.

For this kind of invitation, Shen Lin readily agreed, and the two of them hung up the phone without saying anything.

Tonight, Second Sister Hotel!
When Wen Zaisong and Pu Yisheng came to this restaurant, they couldn't help frowning.

Although the Second Sister Hotel is already very good, for Wen Zaisong and Park Yisheng who often go to five-star hotels, it is still a lot worse.

If it weren't for Shen Lin's reservation for the dining table, the two of them would never have come to this occasion.

Pu Yisheng said quietly: "Mr. Wen, Shen Lin's taste is not very good! To eat in such a small place, hum..."

Wen Zaisong waved his hand, feeling even more disappointed.At this moment, all he could think about was the conditions he could give Shen Lin.

But Pu Yisheng obviously didn't think deeply about the purpose of today's trip to Dongzhou.You care so much about face, the IQ in your head is worthy!

Judging from Shen Lin's acquisition of the semiconductor factory, he is very interested in the semiconductor industry. If some equipment from Taiyu Electronics...

Just as thoughts flashed in Wen Zaisong's mind, a young man greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Park, I'm very glad to see you both. Welcome to Dongzhou." While Lu Xiaoshan was speaking, he extended his palm towards Wen Zaisong.

Wen Zaisong met Lu Xiaoshan, he smiled and shook hands with Lu Xiaoshan and said, "Hi, Mr. Lu, I am also very happy to meet you."

"Is Chairman Shen in the room?"

Lu Xiaoshan smiled guiltily: "Originally, Chairman Shen was going to welcome you here, but we have a very difficult matter that needs to be decided by Chairman Shen himself, so Chairman Shen needs to come here later."

"He asked me to entertain the two of you first, and he rushed over as soon as he finished his work."

Lu Xiaoshan's words were very polite, but Pu Yisheng's face changed when he heard such kind words.

He said coldly: "Isn't it too rude for Shen Lin to do so?"

"We came here with sincerity, why did he hide on purpose?"

Faced with Pu Yisheng's questioning, Lu Xiaoshan said calmly: "Mr. Park, it's not that our Chairman Shen didn't see you, but something really urgent."

"How about this, you go back to the hotel to rest first, and after Chairman Shen finishes his work, he will visit you again, what do you think?"

If ordinary people said so, Pu Yisheng might have agreed, but he knew very well in his heart that now that he and Shen Lin had switched positions, it would be impossible for Shen Lin to go find him again.

So after he snorted, he stopped talking.

And Wen Zaisong said: "Everyone has something to do, let's wait for Chairman Shen!"

(End of this chapter)

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