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Chapter 127 1 Li Jiashun who must treat

Chapter 127 Li Jiashun must treat
With the arrival of noon, the flow of people in Paris Style Street slowly began to return to normal.

It's just that this kind of normality is compared to yesterday's congestion. Although there is no need to line up today, the whole street is still congested.

There are quite a few people taking pictures, and even some students who are learning to paint come here to sketch.

Lin Rong Electronics, Shen Lin is repairing a radio. The problem with this radio is not too big. For Shen Lin who has all the tools, it can be repaired very easily.

"Brother, today we recycled more than 30 pieces of electrical appliances, and the most valuable among them is this old color TV." Qiangzi pointed to the imported color TV set under the counter, which looked a bit mottled: "Brother, wait a moment and have a look." How to fix this color TV?"

Shen Lin rubbed his wrists, and secretly made up his mind that he must let Lu Dongsheng pull up the maintenance team as soon as possible, otherwise, he would have exhausted himself to death.

"I'll take a look later." Having said that, Shen Lin said to Qiangzi, "Let's go out and have some dinner later."

Qiangzi put down the rag in his hand and said: "Brother, I see that the shops around us are basically cooking in the shop."

"Just take some steamed buns and heat them up. It's good to have pickles and hot water!"

Shen Lin was a little moved. This Qiangzi was always thinking of himself, trying to reduce costs, even wanting to save money for meals.

If you want the horse to run fast, how can you not let the horse eat grass?He accepted Qiangzi's kindness, but he couldn't do it.

He smiled disapprovingly and said: "Hey, I'm the big boss, you have to listen to me about this matter. Your brother and I don't have any other hobbies, just one sentence, you must implement it: three days no Eating meat makes me feel uncomfortable!"

"Clean up, let's go eat sliced ​​noodles."

When Qiangzi heard the knife-sliced ​​noodles, he couldn't help swallowing.He has been hungry for this sliced ​​noodles for several days.

There are even jingles in the streets and alleys that praise his family’s knife-shaved noodles for their deliciousness: "When a leaf falls into the pot, the leaf floats, and when the leaf leaves the surface, the knife is thrown out, whitebait falls into the water and turns into white waves, and willow leaves ride the wind down the treetops!"

The stewed fragrant and soft beef cubes, the soup is thick and delicious, and the skin is firm and smooth, tsk tsk, thinking about it, my throat thumped involuntarily.

"Boss Shen, old cousin, you two are busy!" Just as Qiangzi was about to pack his things, Li Jiashun walked in through the door.

Li Jiashun is too familiar with this place.After all, most of the things here were built by him and others himself.

For Li Jiashun, he felt like he was dreaming these two days. He never thought that the things he made with his own hands would be so popular.

Those city people all lined up to take pictures here as if possessed by a demon, which was something Li Jiashun could never have imagined.

"Cousin, you're here, sit down quickly." Seeing Li Jiashun, Qiang Zi hurriedly said with a smile.

Shen Lin also smiled and said: "Brother, Qiangzi and I just said that we are going to eat sliced ​​noodles, let's go there together later."

Li Jiashun thought of the purpose of his visit this time, and immediately said firmly: "Boss Shen, I am here this time to treat you to dinner."

"If you don't agree, you will look down on me and us country people."

As soon as Li Jiashun said these words, Shen Lin couldn't say anything if he wanted to decline.He has dealt with Li Jiashun a lot these days, knowing that this is not an unreasonable master, he just smiled and said: "Okay, then let brother spend the money."

Qiangzi knew Li Jiashun very well, although he couldn't say that Li Jiashun was the kind of person who wanted to spend every penny in half, but he was also thrifty.Under normal circumstances, it is rare to eat out.

However, thinking about this time, he earned more than 5000 yuan from Shen Lin in half a month, and he felt normal in his heart.

After all, for my cousin, this is a big deal that he rarely encounters in a year. It is normal to treat him to a meal now that it is over.The three of them chatted and laughed and came to the Ermei restaurant where Qiangzi and the others often ate.It was almost noon, and there were many people eating.

As the proprietress's second younger sister, she was doing calculations with her abacus, and when she saw a guest coming in, a smile appeared on her face.

But when she saw Shen Lin, she was obviously taken aback.

Second Sister is no stranger to Shen Lin. Shen Lin used to be a frequent customer in her shop. In Second Sister's view, Shen Lin is a group of young people who have been taken advantage of.

After all, he pays for most meals.

But now, Second Sister doesn't dare to think like that anymore!
She had heard too much about Shen Lin's legend in the past two days. Among other things, the Paris style street alone made her envious.

She had visited that street, and the feeling it gave her was really good.

The clean white window, transparent glass, and the black iron tower with an indescribably weird smell gave her the feeling of being in a painting.

When wandering there, the first reaction in her mind was that if one day she could open the store here, she would definitely earn a lot of money from it, and she would secretly have fun at home.

However, the annual rent of [-] was also prohibitive for her.

And all of this was caused by the young man in front of her who was taken advantage of by her. Based on this, she felt that Shen Lin was a capable person.

"Miss Boss, if you have any hard dishes today, hurry up and serve them, don't hide them." While speaking, Li Jiashun took out ten yuan and patted it in front of the Madam Boss.

Although at this time, food coupons are still required for meals, but for a small private restaurant like Ermei Restaurant, they can buy some food from nearby farmers, so their most important thing is to make money.

To them, those who sell a restaurant for ten yuan at once are high-rollers.

Although Li Jiashun's clothes made the second sister think that he was not a rich man, but the ten yuan was real.

When Li Jiashun took out the ten yuan, although he felt a little reluctant, he knew that he couldn't bear the child and couldn't trap the wolf.

"Second Sister, here's boiled peanuts, another spinach pork liver, and three bowls of sliced ​​noodles. We still have something to do." Shen Lin knew that if he didn't order food at this time, he would look down on Li Jiashun.

Therefore, without waiting for Li Jiashun to speak, he preconceived.

The things Shen Lin ordered cost about two yuan in total, which not only gave Li Jiashun enough face, but also didn't cost Li Jiashun too much.

As the treater this time, Li Jiashun wanted to order hard dishes, but Shen Lin refused: "Brother, I know you want us to have a tooth festival, but now there are a lot of things waiting in my shop, let's take advantage of the heat." Eat some."

Seeing Shen Lin's determination, Li Jiashun didn't give in.

Although the second sister felt a little bit reluctant in her heart, she also looked at Shen Lin with admiration. Not only did this person not let the treater spend more money, but he also kept the face of the other party quietly, which was better than those friends who followed him around. But much stronger.

Hey, why didn't I see it before.

Peanuts, spinach and pork liver were quickly brought out. Feeling sorry, Li Jiashun ordered three more bottles of beer. After the three drank two glasses of beer, Li Jiashun put down his glass and said, "Shen Lin, I came to see you this time to Please help me guide the maze."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me.

(End of this chapter)

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