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Chapter 1282 Everyone is really saving face

Chapter 1282 Everyone is really saving face
Shen Lin was also startled when he received a call from Lu Xiaoshan.

Someone came by plane from Pengcheng to congratulate his father-in-law on his birthday, which is too much face!
Tsk tsk, people are giving face like this, and as the master, in this matter, there is absolutely no way for people to argue.

After all, they came from thousands of miles away!
Letting Lu Xiaoshan deal with it first, Shen Lin said to Fang Xiaomei: "Please inform me that all personnel below Mr. Cheng and above P7 should come to my office."

When Fang Xiaomei answered the phone in Shen Lin, she was rushing to report to Shen Lin.

She knew very well that the boss's father-in-law celebrated his birthday today, so she probably didn't have much time left for her, so she reported today's events to Shen Lin first.

But at this time, listening to Shen Lin's words, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help swallowing, this matter is really a bit too surprising.

Fang Xiaomei was very aware of Shen Dong's father-in-law's birthday, and Shen Dong didn't inform the outside at all.

But these people not only knew about it, but also ran over from thousands of miles away.

Such a situation is really uncomfortable!

Thinking in her heart that she was about to run out, Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "Mr. Cheng doesn't need to notify, I'll go find him."

Cheng Zhenyuan's office is very close to Shen Lin's office.

When Shen Lin knocked on the door and walked into Cheng Zhenyuan's office, he saw Cheng Zhenyuan processing documents.

Seeing Shen Lin walking in, Cheng Zhenyuan stood up and said, "Mr. Shen, do you have any arrangements?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, I'm afraid you're going to do me a favor at noon today!"

"Chairman Shen can arrange anything, do you want me to persuade Master Lu to drink less?" Cheng Zhenyuan said speculatively.

He is ten years younger than Lu Dahai, and because he is almost 50 years old, calling Lu Dahai his uncle is a little hard to say.

So Cheng Zhenyuan adopted a compromise method, calling Lu Dahai Master Lu.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "It would be great if this is really the case."

"My brother-in-law called just now and said that many unexpected guests have come." Having said this, Shen Lin frowned and said: "The most exaggerated thing is that there are partners, and I don't know how to get the news , the plane turned twice and came over.”

Speaking of this, Shen Lin spread his hands, looking helpless: "Tell me, people are so enthusiastic, what should we do?"

According to Cheng Zhenyuan's guess, the number of people who came to celebrate Lu Dahai's birthday would definitely exceed Shen Lin's expectation, but now he was a little surprised to hear that a partner came from a long distance.

The reason why these partners came here was not because of Lu Dahai's [-]th birthday, but because of Shen Lin.

But no matter what, if they came over with such sincerity, how could they not receive them well.

So Cheng Zhenyuan also smiled bitterly and said: "Director Shen, it seems that this time, your reception level will be improved."

"The food is secondary, the main thing is to accompany the guests, Mr. Cheng, clean up the things on the table and come with me."

"Well, no matter what, we should at least make people feel at home this time, what do you think?"

Just when Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan walked out of the office, all the P7 and above executives who worked here at the hardware machinery factory came over.

When they heard Shen Lin calling them to a meeting at this level, many people wondered if Chairman Shen had made any big moves.

However, when they heard the reason why Shen Lin summoned them, none of them knew what to say.

After Shen Lin made some simple requests, they followed Shen Lin to the Ermei Hotel.Outside the Ermei Hotel, there was no parking space at this time.

All kinds of vehicles took up more than half of the entire road. Even so, there were still some cars parked in other people's yards.

And when Shen Lin and the others came, there was even someone who was responsible for the parking arrangements here.

"Brother-in-law, you are here!" Seeing Shen Lin approaching, Lu Xiaoshan seemed to have seen a savior, his face was covered with sweat.

"That...the Second Sister Restaurant probably can't accommodate so many people for dinner. I found that our partners seem to have come over."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaoshan pointed out: "The rooms where you can sit are basically full."

At this time, Shen Lin didn't ask why so many people knew about his father-in-law's birthday. It's already too late to talk about it now.

There are not enough restaurants, so we must look for them again.

For Shen Lin, this was not a big problem. He directly arranged for Fang Xiaomei and others who followed him to find a high-end hotel nearby.

Just as he was speaking, a few more cars stopped, the wheels were filled with mud, and they looked like guests coming from a long way.

"Hahaha, Mr. Shen, congratulations!" A big fat man shook out from the car and clasped his fists at Shen Lin with a smile on his face.

Shen Lin was very impressed with this big fat man, so he also smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Jiang, I'm really glad to meet you!"

Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "Your brother's work is not interesting, Mr. Shen, uncle's birthday, and it's his [-]th birthday, why didn't you inform me?"

"Look, it was a little late for me to get the news. I'm going to hurry up. It's only now that I've arrived in Dongzhou. Fortunately, it's not too late."

Shen Lin said helplessly: "Mr. Jiang, if I say that I really just want to celebrate my father-in-law on a small scale, are so thoughtful to rush here from Beijing in person!"

Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, shouldn't this be the right thing to do? I don't have any other requirements. If Mr. Shen has similar happy events in the future, I can't hide it anymore. Otherwise, it will appear that I am too ignorant." Already!"

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Jiang, and couldn't help but said: "Okay, I will listen to you in everything."

While the two were chatting and laughing, they invited Mr. Jiang to a private room that was not yet full.

After Shen Lin greeted the guests a few more times, he left with a smile, while Mr. Jiang and the others started chatting.

Everyone is in business, and helping each other will be indispensable in the future. When you come here, that is your network.

So when I smoked a little, I chatted enthusiastically.

"I'm Lao Jiang. I'm from Beijing. Two drivers took turns to drive. I didn't arrive too late. I don't know what to call you?" Mr. Jiang asked with a smile while passing cigarettes.

His enthusiasm was also echoed by everyone present, and someone said: "My surname is Lu, and I come from Pengcheng. I am mainly engaged in..."

"I came from Jinguan City, hahaha, fortunately I got the news earlier and caught up with the plane coming here."

"Haha, I drove here by myself. We are only two hundred miles away from Dongzhou, and it takes more than two hours to drive there."

"I am from……"

After listening to these introductions, Mr. Jiang felt that he was under a lot of pressure, because there are too many people who have the same thoughts as him!

(End of this chapter)

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