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Chapter 1284 An Unexpected Blessing

Chapter 1284 An Unexpected Blessing

As the birthday star this time, Lu Dahai has already hid in the rooms of several old brothers.

These old brothers were notified by Lu Dahai himself, and they were all his best friends in the past. Now they are gathered together, as if they have returned to the glorious years when they went to work together.

"Brother Dahai, you are the most honorable person in Dongzhou today. I just went to the bathroom and met a foreigner from the Taiyu Group. Tsk tsk, even a foreigner came over to wish you a birthday!"

At this moment, Lu Dahai really didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

He celebrated his [-]th birthday this time, and he planned to find relatives and friends, and everyone had a good meal and had a good time.

But now, he doesn't even know what to say!

Although the old guys are all here, there are too many people here.

And although everyone said that they came to celebrate their birthday, Lu Dahai knew the real purpose of coming here.

Although such a grand occasion gave him enough face for Lu Dahai, but he celebrated his [-]th birthday for the sake of being happy, not like this non-stop!

Just when Lu Dahai was talking to some old brothers helplessly, another person ran in. After seeing Lu Dahai, he smiled and said, "Brother Lu, we will have to trouble you in the future."

Lu Hai said: "If you have something to do, just say it. As for me, I will definitely try my best to do it. If I can't do it, I will help Shen Lin to talk about it."

"You can definitely do this. I just heard that someone gave you a car. Happy [-]th birthday to you!"

"Tsk, tsk, from now on, when any of us wants to use the car, we'll be looking for someone else."

Someone gifted themselves a car!

When Lu Dahai heard the news, he didn't know what to say.

Although he is traveling now, if he needs to use a car, it is just a matter of making a phone call.

But using a car and owning a car are completely different things!

After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but said to the person who spoke: "Is what you said true?"

"Isn't it true? I've seen all the cars." Someone said, "The black car looks old-fashioned!"

Although Lu Dahai still wanted to continue chatting with these old guys, but at this moment, this matter was too surprising, so he was going to go out and have a look.

As a result, when he went out, these old guys followed, and everyone wanted to see what kind of car Lu Dahai was given.

Soon, the car appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Dahai looked at the brand-new car, and he didn't know what to say. Although he didn't know much about cars, but looking at the appearance of the car, he felt that the car was definitely not cheap.

So after looking at it twice, he walked towards Shen Lin.

He was worried that there would be no problem if he accepted such an expensive gift from others.

"Shen Lin, should I return this gift?" Lu Hai said.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Dahai's expression, but still didn't understand. He smiled and said, "Dad, this car looks good, but it's actually not worth much."

"It's also produced by someone else's factory. Sending it here is to show us their strength. You don't have to take it to heart. Since they gave it to you, we want it."

"Look back, I asked Xiaoshan to make arrangements and find someone to learn to drive for you." When he asked himself to learn to drive, Lu Dahai was surprised at first, but then he quickly waved his hand and said: "I will not participate in such things as learning to drive. ”

Looking at Lu Dahai's appearance, Shen Lin thought for a while and said, "Since Dad, you don't want to drive, then I will arrange a driver for you."

Lu Dahai waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about this matter later. By the way, Shen Lin, how many guests have come, can they accommodate them?"

"No problem, I have already sent someone to contact the restaurants in the surrounding area, and they are still very willing to help."

"There are quite a few cooks at the first guest house, so I invited them over."

"Looking at the time, it should be around the same time."

Lu Dahai looked at his watch and found that it was past eleven o'clock.

In his anxious heart, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, they saw another black car slowly approaching, feeling that there was another guest coming, Lu Dahai sighed helplessly.

But when the people inside came down, he froze there.

Because the people who walked over were two foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Shen Lin, these people should be looking for you. I'm afraid they didn't come to celebrate my birthday." Lu Dahai looked at the two foreigners who came over and said with a smile.

Shen Lin didn't know these two people either, so he could only wait for them to approach before confirming their identities.

The mandarin of the two foreigners was not bad. When one of them came to Shen Lin, he smiled and said, "May I ask if you are Mr. Shen Lin?"

"I am Shen Lin." I don't know the other party's intention, so at this time, Shen Lin can only be blocked by soldiers and covered by water and earth.

After confirming Shen Lin's identity, the two foreigners smiled even more. One of them, a tall middle-aged man, said, "Mr. Shen, I'm Roberts, and I'm from Dongmen Electric." executive general manager."

"I came here this time, entrusted by the company, to congratulate your father-in-law on his 60th birthday."

"We also sent someone to customize a gift, I hope you and your father-in-law will like it."

Dongmen Electric also sent people to celebrate their birthday, this... this is too incredible!
Standing beside Shen Lin, Lu Dahai really didn't know what to say. He really didn't expect that his birthday could surprise so many people.

After being stunned for a moment, he could only look at Shen Lin.

After all, he doesn't know how to deal with the current situation!
"Thank you, Mr. Roberts, for coming. On behalf of my father-in-law and our whole family, thank you for your blessing." Although the matter was a bit outrageous, Shen Lin still responded with a smile.

Roberts looked at the smiling Shen Lin, the smile on his face increased a bit and said: "Mr. Shen, where is your father-in-law? I want to send him my most sincere blessings."

Hearing this, Lu Dahai didn't know what to say for a moment.At this moment, Shen Lin also pointed at him and said, "Mr. Roberts, this is my father-in-law, Mr. Lu Dahai."

"Dear Mr. Lu, I wish you a happy birthday. Please accept the most sincere wishes from me and our company. We wish you happiness like the East China Sea and longevity like the South Mountain."

Furu Donghai, Shoubi Nanshan, and Lu Dahai murmured, not knowing how to respond.

He looked at the two of Roberts who were bending over, and finally said: "Thank you, and I wish you too... I wish you a happy day."

After saying this, Lu Dahai's forehead began to sweat, but at the same time he was embarrassed, his heart was also full of joy.

After all, he was the first in the hardware machinery factory to have foreigners come to celebrate his birthday!
(End of this chapter)

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