Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 129 What should come will come after all

Chapter 129 What should come will come after all
After negotiating the cooperation agreement, Li Jiashun blushed with excitement. He had already started serving sliced ​​noodles, but he asked the proprietress to serve a bowl of steamed pork ribs with noodles.

If you want to say that the steamed pork ribs in this Ermei restaurant are authentic.Her family uses steamed meat and rice noodles to make steamed pork ribs. After steaming, the pork ribs are fat but not greasy.The pork ribs are wrapped in soft rice noodles, which are soft in the mouth, fragrant and tender. Qiangzi's mouth is full of oil while listening to the conversation between the two. It's really enjoyable!

Li Jiashun satiated with wine and food, paid the five yuan bill and left contentedly.He will go back now and talk to his buddies about what he discussed with Shen Lin, and he is going to sign a contract with Shen Lin tomorrow.

"Brother Shen, I've made it difficult for you. My old cousin just wants to do something, and he has no idea!" Qiangzi said with a bit of guilt while picking his teeth with a matchstick.

Qiangzi could tell that Shen Lin didn't care too much about the decoration team. The reason why he agreed was because of his own face.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's okay, anyway, I just want to come up with ideas, and the Li family will let them do the specific work."

"Qiangzi, apart from learning the repairing techniques these two days, you also want to see if anyone wants to come to work here."

"After all, Lu Dongsheng is a student, and most of his energy is devoted to his studies."

Qiangzi patted his chest and said, "Brother, I think I can do these tasks by myself. If you find someone else, you will have to pay an extra wage."

Shen Lindao: "Qiangzi, our store is not only as big as it is now, but we will expand our business in the future."

The two returned to the store after talking and laughing.At this time, the flow of people outside the store was not as much as in the morning. Qiangzi couldn't stay idle, so he followed the method taught by Shen Lin to clean up and register the electrical appliances received one by one, while Shen Lin lay on a chair to rest.

Just when Shen Lin was staring and about to fall asleep, someone asked, "Is Boss Shen there?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Lin opened his eyes and saw Xiao Li from the Comprehensive Department of the Second Match Factory standing not far from him.

This Xiao Li had a serious face. Although Shen Lin and Xiao Li were just nodding acquaintances, the conversation between the two was quite pleasant. At this moment, Xiao Li's posture made Shen Lin feel that things might be a little unusual.

He immediately stood up from his chair and said to Xiao Li, "Brother Li, what kind of wind brought you here, Qiangzi, go outside and get a bottle of iced soda, Brother Li and I have a good chat."

"Shen Lin, don't bother, I'm just letting you know and I'm leaving immediately." A look of embarrassment appeared on Xiao Li's face.

If possible, he would never come here. He doesn't want to do such an offending thing.What's more, the one who offended was Shen Lin who, in his opinion, was very capable.

When encountering difficulties, some people will be devastated, and some people will rebound after bottoming out, and they will impress everyone by doing some tricks.Such a tenacious person will have great prospects in the future.

Offending such a person is not a good thing.

But Ye Yichen's order, he didn't dare not to come, so at this moment, he was very uncomfortable.

After taking a cigarette from Shen Lin, Xiao Li said in a deep voice: "Boss Shen, speaking of you, I admire you very much."

"Not to mention anything else, you can make such a big mess from scratch, it's not something ordinary people can do."

"Today's matter, I was also forced to come here, and I hope that Boss Shen will look at our past settlements and not put his dissatisfaction on me, the person in charge."

Xiao Li's attitude let Shen Lin know that it would be no good for him to come. After all, a person like Xiao Li has nothing for him.

If he put his attitude down so low, it shows one thing, and the current matter has done him great harm.

"Brother Li, is your coming here related to the warehouse?"

"Boss Shen, I'm here to convey the instructions of our section chief. We have to take back this warehouse because we need it urgently. Please pack up all your things within two days and leave." Xiao Li said, There was already a handwritten notice in his hand.

Looking at the official seal on the notice, a sneer appeared on the corner of Shen Lin's mouth.

Sure enough, just as I thought, what was supposed to come finally came...

The relationship between myself and the Second Match Factory is actually this old warehouse. Now that Xiao Li, a person from the General Affairs Department, is here, it is definitely related to the warehouse.It seems that some people can't wait any longer.Shen Lin was not surprised by this situation. After all, the old warehouse had been turned into a piece of fat meat by himself, and there would definitely be people who couldn't help but want to take a bite.

This is greedy human nature.

Shen Lin has been waiting for this day to come.

So at this moment, he seemed extremely calm.

Everything is as expected.

"Brother Li, I have a contract. If your factory feels that the price of the lease contract is not good, we can still discuss it. Now that I have just opened the business, you will take back the warehouse. This is reasonable and unreasonable. "

Shen Lin said calmly: "Isn't it too difficult for us to move just by a notice?"

"Boss Shen, I am a person who handles specific affairs. If you refuse to move, our section chief has said that we will forcibly come over to take over the house."

"At that time, I'm afraid it won't look good." Xiao Li spread his hands towards Shen Lin, as if there was nothing I could do about it.

Before Shen Lin could speak, Qiangzi who was standing beside him roared angrily, "Forcibly confiscating the house, let him come over and try."

"I can leave my words here. If anyone dares to force it, don't blame me for being rude."

Qiangzi stood aside and had already heard Xiao Li's words in his ears. At this moment, he felt a flame burning in his heart.

This is an old warehouse that has only been rented for a month, and it is about to rise. If you say you will take over the house, you will take it back. You are so bullying.Brother Shen has invested so much here, is his money wasted?
After all, Xiao Li was a little guilty, but he was not afraid of facing Qiangzi. He said to Qiangzi indifferently: "This decision was made by our section chief."

"If you have any objections, you can go to our section chief. No matter how loud you yell at me, it won't help at all."

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Qiangzi and said, "Qiangzi, you have nothing to do here."

"Brother Li, please tell your section chief that my house will not be moved now. My lease is for 15 years. If he can't just say a word, let me move out."

Shen Lin's attitude was not beyond Xiao Li's expectations. His mission was to deliver a letter to Shen Lin anyway. As for the rest, it had nothing to do with him.

"Boss Shen, if you want, I will definitely bring it to our section chief. As for what to do next, it is a matter for the two of you to discuss."

"Actually, I also hope that you, Boss Shen, will continue to contract. After all, you have spent a lot of effort to make this here."

Xiao Li left, and after saying a few polite words to Shen Lin, he took his leave and left.But his notice was placed on Shen Lin's desk.

"Brother, what should we do? How about I go find that bastard Ye Yichen and give this kid a good meal." Qiangzi was furious, his whole face turned blue with anger.

However, looking back at Shen Lin, he was as calm as ever, as if he knew about it a long time ago...

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Okay, you should calm down first, the matter has not reached this point yet."

Just when Shen Lin picked up the notice and read it carefully, a middle-aged man in his 30s walked in quickly and said, "Boss Shen, why did I hear that the Second Match Factory is coming to collect the house? If so, you... ...You have to refund the rent to me!"

Seeing the person who jumped out just after Xiao Li left, a sneer appeared on Shen Lin's face.This person jumped out before Xiao Li left, it seemed that he was really unscrupulous.

But this is also good, jumping out early is better than jumping out late!

(End of this chapter)

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