Chapter 13 Property exceeding 50 yuan

Shen Lin collected electrical appliances in the past two days, and only collected three radios, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a good thing.

"Brother, your color TV is going to be sold too." Shen Lin asked with a smile as he handed a cigarette to the middle-aged man beside him.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "This color TV has been broken for three or four years, and I have sought out several repair masters, but they have not been able to fix it."

"In the end, our leader found a master from our TV factory, and the master didn't find anything wrong."

"Throwing it in this warehouse until now, if you want to remove the copper wire inside, you can take it away. But the price can't be lowered."

The middle-aged man's words made Shen Lin stunned for a moment. He looked at the color TV carefully, and suddenly understood why the color TV couldn't be repaired by a few masters.

This is a color TV imported from abroad. In some places, there is a big difference from the domestic color TV.

If you can't understand the manual, it's normal that you can't repair it.

"Brother, look at this color TV, how about I give you three yuan?" Shen Lin hesitated for a while, and offered a price that he thought was quite reasonable.

"Okay, three yuan is three yuan." The middle-aged man silently calculated in his heart, and then said to Shen Lin straightforwardly.

Shen Lin suppressed the joy in his heart. You must know that this color TV was a rare item at that time, even if you had money, you might not be able to buy it.

Full of joy, Shen Lin packed up the waste newspapers and cardboard boxes in the warehouse non-stop, then pulled the things and walked towards the waste collection station.

The fat man at the waste collection station was already an acquaintance of Shen Lin.In the past two days, Shen Lin not only offered cigarettes to the fat man every time he came, but also gave the fat man two boxes of good cigarettes.

Looking at Shen Lin who came with a full load, the fat man said with a smile: "Shen Lin, you really got rich this time, look at the things in your car, tsk tsk, you have to earn five yuan for this trip."

Shen Lin handed the fat man a cigarette and said, "Hey, I also rely on the sky to make a living. It's all about luck. If it weren't for the support of my old uncle and friends, this job would not be my turn."

"Hey, I have another four or five days to pack up the stock, and I will not have a good life!"

The fat man took the cigarette from Shen Lin, and the smile on his face became brighter and he said: "Shen Lin, with your old uncle's backing, you are afraid that you will be short of work!"

Speaking of this, he glanced at the color TV in Shen Lin's car and said, "Hey, you have taken all this big color TV? You are amazing!"

"It cost three yuan, and I'm going to bring it to my house as a decoration. Even if I can't see it, it's worth having someone at home." Shen Lin looked like he wanted to support the scene.

In Fatty's eyes, a trace of perseverance flashed.It is enviable that this kid has a good uncle, but this pattern, this vision, is a little narrow.

"Okay, go and get the money." The fat man handed Shen Lin two receipts.

Shen Lin, who was already familiar with the business here, took the slip to collect the money, and the fat man looked at Shen Lin's back and cursed: "This kid is really lucky, he earns ten yuan a day, if he comes month, almost catching up with my annual salary."

"Why don't I have such a good uncle!"

In July, the face of the child changes as soon as it is said.

Obviously the sun was shining brightly, but in a blink of an eye, a cloud covered the sky, and the big raindrops kept falling.

Shen Lin, who had collected another cart of old newspapers, was pulling the cart to the collection station. When the rain came down, he pulled the cart and ran under the eaves of the roadside.In just a few steps, dense raindrops began to fall quickly.At this time, Shen Lin didn't bother to take shelter from the rain. After putting the flatbed truck away, he quickly picked up two bundles of newspapers and rushed under the eaves.

If the newspaper is soaked too much, it will rot easily, and it will not be sold at a good price.

So, those who took shelter from the rain saw a young man in a vest rushing into the rain again and again, and moved bundles of waste paper under the eaves.

In 3 minutes, Shen Lin moved all the newspapers under the eaves, but at this time, his body was completely soaked, the sweat and rain on his face could not be distinguished, and he was panting from exhaustion.

Even so, Shen Lin didn't dare to delay, he rushed over quickly and moved down the old color TV covered by the thin plastic sheet.

After all this was done, Shen Lin breathed a sigh of relief.He looked at the flatbed cart that was soaked in the heavy rain, and felt more urgent in his heart.

The three wheels with the top must be taken out as soon as possible.

The rain came and went quickly, that is, within half an hour, the pouring rain stopped silently, and the sky after the overcast clouds revealed sunshine again.

The weather suddenly became cooler, but the potholed streets had accumulated a lot of water. Shen Lin was wearing shorts, so he was not afraid of wading in the water, but the red star rubber shoes under his feet slipped with every step.

Most of the people sheltering from the rain dispersed one after another, and Shen Lin also began to load newspapers and color TVs onto the flatbed truck.Even though he was young and strong, moving down again still made his arms ache.

Stepping on the rubber shoes and wading in the water with one deep foot and one shallow foot, Shen Lin almost fell to the ground several times.Although he was very careful, a layer of skin was rubbed off his arm by the handlebars.

It usually took more than ten minutes to travel, but Shen Lin had to walk for half an hour to reach the waste collection station.

"Xiao Shen, why are you here even in this rainy day?" Fatty Liu was drinking tea leisurely, when he saw Shen Lin, a smile appeared on his face.

Shen Lin fumbled in his pocket, and quickly handed the box of Ximei Cigarettes he just bought to Fatty Liu.This Ximei cigarette costs two or thirty cents a box. In the county town, even ordinary workers would not smoke such expensive cigarettes.

And Shen Lin gave Fatty Liu a box of Ximei cigarettes basically every day from the second day of selling the scrap.

"Brother Liu, the things are in the car. If I don't bring them to you, I have no place to put them."

He skillfully took the cigarette from Shen Lin, and the smile on Fatty Liu's face became more accommodating. He glanced at Shen Lin's car and said, "Xiao Shen, according to our rules here, we don't accept things on rainy days. .”

"However, since you have already come, Brother Liu can't let you come here for nothing, just move your things over."

Shen Lin is also very familiar with the rules of the scrap yard, knowing that there is no such thing as what Fatty Liu said.

But Fatty Liu said so, and he couldn't refute it, so he could only smile and say, "Thank you Brother Liu."

After exchanging the car full of waste products for banknotes, Shen Lin waved goodbye to Fatty Liu.Because of the rain today, Shen Lin didn't earn as much as yesterday, but the money in his hands now totaled 50 yuan.

50 yuan is worth a month's wages of a skilled worker!
Compared with the money he earned today, Shen Lin was even happier that this time he not only received an old color TV, but also received a good-looking radio that didn't seem to have any serious problems.

While the butcher shop was still open, Shen Lin bought a catty of fatty meat with the meat ticket he had begged for this morning. When he got home, he could make some lard, and the stir-fried vegetables were also delicious.

ps: The new book sets sail, if you like it, remember to add it to the bookshelf!

(End of this chapter)

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