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Chapter 1303 Crazy at the opening of the sale

Chapter 1303 Crazy at the opening of the sale

A VCD that can play movies!

The price of a VCD is less than 3000 yuan!
This kind of news, along with the press conference and news reports, spread to the ears of most people in almost a day.

For this kind of VCD player, ordinary people will naturally not buy it. After all, this thing is still a bit expensive!

But some people who can't afford a laser video recorder, have a little money at home, and are looking forward to the movie, can't help it.

They feel that this VCD seems to be easier to use than a video recorder, and the price is only one-quarter of the price of a video recorder. It is cheap and practical, so why not buy it?

Therefore, on the first day of the sale of Mishell's new products, some people rushed to the entrance of the familiar Mishell electric appliance store early in the morning.

Walson didn't line up outside the Rice Shell Electric Mall like everyone else did. He just came to a single room in a small building opposite the Rice Shell Electric Mall.

Although he also participated in the sniper attack on MiKe electrical products, he still wanted to check the sales of the MiKe VCD that Shen Lin took out.

Although not in their shopping malls, the sales of other shopping malls also have great reference value.

In addition, he hasn't got the prototype yet, so he wants to get one to see if this machine is what he needs.

That is, at seven o'clock, the line outside the rice shell electric appliance store had already reached a hundred meters away. The security guards of the rice shell electric store felt that there were too many customers and began to maintain the order of the queue.

Looking at the team that looked like a long dragon, Walsen already felt a certainty in his heart.

That is this VCD. I am afraid it really needs to become a phenomenal product. Otherwise, there would not be so many people crowded here.

If Shen Lin, a wicked and smoky guy, hadn't been so stubborn and had set the export price by 1000 yuan, he should have placed an order for this shrewd guy right now.

But now, because of that guy's reckless behavior, he wants to unite and suppress this new product.

However, looking at such a hot sales situation, can suppression work?
Just as Walson was thinking quickly, he saw a familiar figure not far away.

I also ran into an acquaintance here, and Walsen felt a sigh of emotion in his heart, and he was still ready to say hello.

But before he passed, he had already walked over.

This is a woman who looks in her 30s and is not too beautiful, but she gives off a lean aura.

This is a purchasing manager of a medium-sized supermarket from Europa. Walson has never dealt with her before, but in the clamor for Mi Ke's ultimatum, Walson didn't care about this most noisy woman. strangeness.

"Mr. Watson, are you here to watch the sale of VCDs?" The woman came to sit next to Watson and asked straight to the point.

Walson frowned slightly when the woman sat down casually across from him, but in the end, he said, "Yes, Miss Justin, you came here for this matter, right?"

"For the evaluation of a product, it is best to look at its sales, which was given to me by an old senior of mine."

"Although I am very optimistic about this VCD, sometimes, hearing is believing and seeing is believing in many things."

"So I came here specifically to see if this VCD was as popular as I imagined."

Miss Justine said with a smile, "In the current situation, I can only say that my judgment is still very good."

"At the very least, MiKe Electronics' VCD sales are more popular than I thought."

Walson smiled and said, "Yeah, it's not beyond my expectation."

Having said this, he glanced at the opened shopping mall door and said, "Ms. Justin, what do you think will happen if this kind of VCD is sold over there?" "I'm afraid it will be the same. In this situation, after all, there are still a few ways for people to have fun. This Mihu VCD is not only much more convenient than a video recorder, but also much cheaper."

When Justin said this, he pondered for a while and said, "For most of us, the price of Mishell Electronics is not unacceptable."

It's not that it's unacceptable, of course, it's a recognition of the price, and even thinks that the price/performance ratio is quite high.

Listening to Justin's words, Walson nodded. Although it was 1000 yuan higher, it was only less than [-] dollars in conversion.

For their customers, two hundred dollars is not a big deal.

"You are very accurate, but as the first traitor, you will always be targeted by others. Even in the end, everyone has made a lot of money in this matter."

While the two were talking, the sale had already started.The first person who walked into the rice shell electric appliance store was already holding a large beautifully printed box, and came out happily.

And just as the man was about to leave, many people had already gathered around him.

"Let's see what the VCD looks like."

"Oh, this packaging is really good, with a full sense of design. Mi Ke never disappoints in this regard!"

"Hee hee, take it out and have a look."

Facing so many people, the young man who bought the VCD first frowned and prepared to hide away.

He was also planning to go home and take a look at the function of the VCD. He would have no time to chat with these people.

Just as he was about to leave, the crowd around him was separated, and a female reporter with an interview microphone walked in.

"I'm a reporter from a TV station. May I ask you a few questions, sir?"

Looking at the tall, good-looking female reporter, the young man who wanted to leave suddenly stammered, "Of course."

"Sir, may I ask why you want to buy a VCD?"

This question may sound a bit silly at first, but the young man who bought the VCD honestly answered: "I bought the VCD because it is cheap and has the same function as a video recorder."

"No, it seems that its function is better than that of a video recorder."

After hearing the young man's answer, the female reporter asked: "You were the first to buy a VCD. When did you come here?"

"I came here at twelve o'clock last night. The main reason is that I have to work at noon today and I don't have time to line up, so I came early."

Having said this, the young man smiled and said, "No more, I'll go back and see how my VCD is doing."

"By the way, Mishell Electronics also gave away [-] discs, which is really considerate!"

While speaking, the young man raised the disc in his hand.

At this time, more and more people came out of the mall with their own VCDs.

Most of the audience that had surrounded the young people left at this time, and some even looked at the long line, and finally stomped their feet and walked to the end of the long line.

(End of this chapter)

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