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Chapter 132 Shen Lin's Art of War: Playing Hard to Capture

Chapter 132 Shen Lin's Art of War: Playing Hard to Capture

As a tenant of Shop No. [-], Sister Luo has an influence that cannot be ignored in the eyes of the merchants.At this time, hearing Sister Luo's words, some people fell into deep thought.

"Sister Luo, I have always respected you, but it's wrong for you to take advantage of Shen Lin and steal everyone's money!" Boss Li felt his teeth itch after hearing Sister Luo's statement.

If everyone followed Sister Luo and believed in Shen Lin, wouldn't it appear that they had fallen into trouble, selfish and despicable?
You are simply putting me, Li, in an embarrassing situation!

Sister Luo is not a weak person, so she immediately sneered and retorted: "Boss Li, you have to pay attention to the truth in your words, otherwise, you will spray manure all over your mouth and pollute the air! You said that I cheated everyone's money, what is your basis? If you don't tell me one, two, three today, don't blame me for being rude!"

"In addition, the reason why I choose to trust Boss Shen is because I don't think Boss Shen can give away my reputation because of my 2000 yuan!"

Speaking of this, she added: "To be honest, when I was renting the No. 1000 shop the day before yesterday, someone offered to pay an extra [-] yuan in rent, and asked Boss Shen to give him the No. [-] shop."

"At that time, Boss Shen hadn't confiscated my rent, nor had he signed any contract with me. As long as he nodded, he could charge an extra 1000 yuan."

"However, Xiao Shen is not tempted at all. Does he think he has too much money? No, I think what people value is his reputation! The goods are genuine at a fair price, and there is no deception!"

Sister Luo's words made everyone present stunned. This young man is really not easy. He only needs to move his mouth, and the extra 1000 yuan can be put into his pocket.

"I also came to pay the rent at that time. I can testify that what Sister Luo said is true. The one who wanted to rent the second shop was Boss Du who sells hardware." A chubby middle-aged man hurriedly said.

The proof of this middle-aged man made Boss Li, who was still questioning, speechless for a while. At this time, he even scolded Boss Du severely in his heart. This guy is simply a pig teammate. what!
Du Beikang, why are you so deceitful!
"I also believe in Boss Shen, isn't it just a week, I'm willing to wait." Another person stood up and said loudly.

In just a short time, more than a dozen people stood up and expressed their support for Shen Lin. First, they felt that Shen Lin could not cheat their rent from Sister Luo's words; It is a store business that is not willing to make money today.

What's more, Shen Lin has already stated his position.

In fact, the tenants are taking advantage of someone like Shen Lin who fights tigers alone and eats meat for everyone. Is there any reason not to believe him?
What's more, even if the store cannot be kept, Shen Lin will return their rent to them.

The risk here is not too great.

Boss Li looked at the people around him who expressed their trust in Shen Lin, and couldn't help but said: "Everyone, your arms can't hold your thighs, and Shen Lin can't keep Paris Street."

"The sum of your money is tens of thousands. If he takes the money and runs away, even if you cry, you won't be able to find a place to go."

"If you want me to say, if you want to feel at ease, you have to put this money in your trouser pocket!"

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "I have collected the rent from everyone, and it has been deposited in the bank. I can ask someone to bring over the passbook and hand it over to everyone, so that someone you trust will keep it."

"In this way, even if I, Shen Lin, run away, the money will not be able to escape."

Shen Lin's tone of voice was not high, but it was sonorous and forceful, and there was a sound on the ground. In just a few words, there was a sense of proportion and weight. Several merchants who were planning to return the rent first, like Boss Li, stopped one by one. pace.

In the end, most merchants chose to trust Shen Lin. Only four or five merchants had a good relationship with Boss Li. Those who were persuaded by Boss Li that it was difficult for Shen Lin to keep their warehouses chose to take the money and leave.

Shen Lin is still very satisfied with such a result. The reason why he made the matter public is actually to solve unstable factors like Boss Li.

Hearing that the wind is the rain, if this kind of person doesn't know how to quit, he will cause more troubles for himself in the future.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Lin completed a wave of "big reshuffle".

Shen Lin was very moved by the shopkeepers who still firmly believed in him at this time, and he would definitely not treat them badly in the future.

As for those who choose to leave, he will not keep them.

In terms of the art of war, this trick is called "playing hard to get"!
"Since you don't believe me, please start moving the goods now. When the goods are transferred, come to me to collect the rent." Shen Lin said decisively: "If there is nothing else, let's go ahead." Luo Sister and other merchants were all talking about this matter.

"clap clap"

After these merchants left, a burst of applause came from the door, and along with the applause, Boss Du walked in from the door with a smile on his face.

The skinny Boss Du's face looks like a blooming chrysanthemum, extremely bright.

"Boss Shen, it's really a good trick. You cut and beat, cut the mess quickly, and stabilized the situation in front of you." When Boss Du was speaking, he sat down opposite Shen Lin very naturally, looking into it. The appearance of my own home.

Shen Lin glanced at the skinny Boss Du, and it made people uncomfortable to see that he was determined to eat himself.

"Thank you, Boss Du, for your compliment. If there's nothing else to do, Boss Du, you can find a place to get busy. I don't have time to receive you with my business."

"Hahaha, Boss Shen, don't reject people thousands of miles away. I am here this time to solve problems for Boss Shen."

When Boss Du said this, he pointed to the surrounding decorations and said, "Shen Lin, to be honest, you transformed a dilapidated warehouse into what it is now in a month. I still admire you, brother!"

"But, when you do things, you can't just rely on your own cleverness, but also take into account some people's sophistication. What is this called? It's called the right time, place and people, and only in this way can you succeed."

Speaking of this, Boss Du touched his head, and said with a smile: "I am not as smart as you, but I understand the world better than you! So, this place will eventually belong to me."

"If you hadn't rejected me at that time, all I wanted was a No. [-] store, that's all. But unfortunately, I extended a hand of friendship to you, but you rejected me."

On Boss Du's skinny face, there was a trace of pity: "You are forcing me to take all these into your own hands."

"Shen Lin, your arms can't hold your thighs. Next, the Second Match Factory will refund you [-] rent. No, you have already rented it for a month. According to the contract, you need to pay one month's rent."

"So the rent is only 2000 yuan. I can't make you work for nothing. I'll give you another [-] yuan for decoration. Wherever you come from, you can go there!"

Shen Lin looked at Boss Du who was sure of him, and sneered in his heart. It seemed that Boss Du was the one behind this matter.

He looked at Boss Du coldly, and said calmly, "Do you think the decoration here is worth 2000 yuan?"

"Boss Shen, no matter how much you spend on the decoration here, it is of no use to you. The only one who can give you the money is me."

"2000 yuan is not much, but at least it can make up for the loss." While speaking, Du Beikang took out two stacks of banknotes from his purse.

Shen Lin looked at the banknotes that Du Beikang handed over, and said with a cold smile, "Thank you, Boss Du, for your kindness. Unfortunately, I'm not going to give up this place."

"This place still belongs to me, Shen Lin."

"Don't say it's you, even if it's Ye Yichen, he won't be able to accept it."

"Also, let me remind Boss Du that my piece of fat is not tasty, so don't break your teeth!"

Du Beikang looked at the confident Shen Lin, and his heart trembled for no reason.But then he comforted himself, in the current situation, Shen Lin had nowhere to go, so he was afraid of him.

He put the 2000 yuan into his purse and said, "Boss Shen is young and courageous, but let me tell Boss Shen that every day I pass, my bid of 2000 yuan will be reduced by [-]."

"Haha, I hope that after a few days, you will still be as strong as you are today!"

(End of this chapter)

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