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Chapter 1337 What I Said Is Evidence

Chapter 1337 What I Said Is Evidence

Lose the evening dress!

Although Lu Yuehong didn't know the price of this big beauty's evening dress, she knew it was very expensive just by looking at the style.

Although my family is not without money, if such an evening dress is lost, it will hurt my muscles and bones.

What was even more difficult for Lu Yuehong to accept was that she stood there without moving, but the other party bumped into her, so why did she have to pay for it?

So she argued: "just now I stood here without moving, you hit me. I... How can I pay for your evening dress?"

Because she was a little emotional, Lu Yuehong's voice suddenly became louder.

At the reception, the eyes of many people have already gathered here!
Although this is just a small matter, most of the people attending the reception are basically idle and chatting.

What's more, the person who was sprinkled with red wine at this time was a famous star like a big beauty.

For a while, many people looked at Lu Yuehong and the beautiful woman with curious eyes.

Some people have already joined in!
"Haha, I bumped into you. Who would believe what you said?" The beautiful woman looked at Lu Yuehong and sneered: "Do you think that if I bumped into you, I would let you pay compensation? ?joke!"

"Ask everyone, will I do this?"

The words of the big beauty immediately made many people stand up for it: "Yes, I don't think Wang Meimei would do this."

"It's not that we don't know Wang Meimei's character, we trust you."

"Girl, if you do something wrong, you must at least admit it. It's a matter of attitude. If you are as stubborn as you and refuse to admit your mistake, you will have to pay a price."

"Young man, it's useless for you to quibble here."

"Oh, who brought this man, why don't you know him?"

In the midst of this messy discussion, an attendant walked quickly.As the organizer of the reception, Boss Ma absolutely does not allow any problems with his reception, so he arranged for special personnel to deal with emergencies in an emergency.

"Excuse me, what happened?" While the attendant was speaking, his eyes fell on the beautiful woman.

The big beauty said calmly: "A little girl bumped into me and spilled wine on my evening dress."

"I just wanted her to apologize, but she said I hit her myself."

"As for her attitude of refusing to admit it, I found that I can't let it go lightly like this. I have to let the person who did something wrong pay the price for what she did wrong. Only in this way can she remember it deeply!"

The words of the big beauty immediately made many people cheer.

"Big beauty is right, I support Wang beauty!"

"It is to make this kind of person pay the price!"

And the attendant looked at Lu Yuehong twice, and then said: "Miss, where is your invitation letter?"

Hearing about the invitation letter, Lu Yuehong froze for a moment.

She immediately whispered: "Our invitation letter was handed over to you when we entered the door."

When the attendant heard what Lu Yuehong said, there was a hint of understanding in his eyes.

In this reception, Boss Ma personally sent a car to pick up the most high-end guests, so there was no need for invitations.

As for the guests in the second category, although they came by themselves, they are very well-known. Such guests also do not need an invitation letter.

After all, their faces are resounding invitations.

There is also a third class of guests, these guests come with invitation letters, such as big beauties, but their invitation letters are very high-end and do not need to be taken back.

As for Lu Yuehong, they belonged to the lowest class of guests. The purpose of withdrawing the invitation letter was to prevent them from using the invitation letter indiscriminately and bringing in those who did not come to the reception.

Now, since it was confirmed that the person who bumped into someone was the lowest-ranked guest, the attendant had already made a decision in his mind on how to deal with it.

"Miss, if you hit someone, you have to admit it. You can negotiate with Meili Wang later on the issue of compensation, but you should still have the attitude you should have." "If you continue to be dishonest and irresponsible, Then I will have to clear you out of this cocktail party."

"After all, we don't welcome liars here."

Lu Yuehong's face was flushed red at this time, she never thought that she would be accused of dishonesty.

The one who bumped into me just now was obviously a beautiful woman, and she was simply...

Just when she was angry in her heart, she heard the big beauty continue: "I don't have the heart to argue with her too much, just ask her to pay for an evening dress."

While speaking, the big beauty was about to leave.

"Don't go, you just hit me, why did you say that I hit you,, how can you turn black and white!"

Lu Yuehong's anger, in the eyes of many people, was a kind of exasperation.

At least, in the eyes of that attendant, it was a kind of nonsense.

At this moment, William Lu came out quickly. He was talking with someone just now, and when he saw his sister had a conflict with someone, he quickly walked over.

"Yuehong, what are you talking about?" After yelling at his sister, he said to Wang Meimei: "Miss Wang, this is because my sister is ignorant, so you just don't remember the villain's mistakes, and give me a lesson." One chance for her."

"We will definitely compensate you for this evening dress."

When he said this, Lu William's heart was bleeding. Although he didn't know how much the evening dress cost, the clothes that could be worn by a beautiful woman on such an occasion must be of great value.

"If it's an ordinary dress, I wouldn't care." The beautiful woman said, "But it was specially made by me in Paris."

"The clothes alone cost me more than [-] dollars."

"So, we can't leave this matter alone."

More than [-] U.S. dollars and a piece of clothing!
Hearing this number, Lu William felt his head buzzing.Not to mention that he is about to lose his job now, even if he has a job, he won't be able to afford so many dollars at once.

Unless...unless you sell your house.

However, if the house is sold, where should the family live?

And Lu Yuehong stood there blankly, she couldn't believe what she heard.

More than one hundred thousand US dollars!

This is not a small amount. If the money is taken out, their family...

For a moment, Lu Yuehong felt fear and grievance, she said excitedly: "I... I didn't bump into her, she bumped into me herself."

"I shouldn't pay for her evening dress, I..."

Wang Meili did not speak, but the attendant had already said at this time: "Sir, I would like to ask, how did you get your invitation?"

"After all, it seems that your names are not among the invited guests."

Lu Weilian's face darkened immediately. He was just about to explain when someone suddenly said, "I can prove that it was Miss Wang who accidentally bumped into Lu Yuehong just now."

"She should not pay any damages."

Hearing these words, Lu Yuehong, who was already in despair, suddenly felt hopeful.

But the beautiful woman who was still complacent and felt that everything was under her control changed her expression.

At this moment, more people's eyes fell on the speaker.

Under the attention of countless people, Lu Xiaorong walked out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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