Chapter 134

After a busy day, Chen Hongying walked towards the cafeteria with her lunch box.

Since Shen Xingye was the factory manager, it has been a rule that all employees can eat a working meal at half price in the factory cafeteria after work.

Although this work meal is not too rich, in this era of scarcity of supplies, most workers are still willing to enjoy it, and they go home after eating.

Firstly, it can save some meal tickets; secondly, it is just to get together for fun.

"Hongying, why do you still eat with us? You have such a rich son-in-law, you can't eat delicious food every day? Those who fly in the sky, those who swim in the water, and those who run on the ground, don't want to eat anything. !"

Seeing Chen Hongying coming over with food, several old sisters laughed and teased her.

In the past, if someone said that Shen Lin was her Chen Hongying's good son-in-law, then Chen Hongying must be impatient, because she looked down on Shen Lin, and wished that her step-daughter would have divorced Shen Lin long ago, and even that the new son-in-law would choose her They are all quietly scouted!

But now, it is different from the past. After listening to the ridicule of the sisters, I feel a little flattered in my heart. This feeling of being admired by the stars is really good!

This boy Shen Lin is really good recently, among other things, look at the street he made a fuss about, it has become a hot topic in the factory recently!What does this mean?It shows that my daughter is quite discerning!
She felt very comfortable in her heart, but tried her best to cover it up: "You are still a young child, so worrying is so tiring! Earning a small amount of money is also hard money. How can I, a mother, dare to do it randomly! "

He Chaoying sat aside, looking at Chen Hongying who was about to burst into laughter, filled with emotion.

Although Chen Hongying had caused Shen Lin a lot of embarrassment in the past, she couldn't change one thing, that is, Shen Lin was her son-in-law.

This made people feel a toothache, one squeeze was not close to five fingers, in the end, Shen Lin could play with Ye Yichen in the palm of his hand, but he could only laugh and cry with this intolerant mother-in-law!

"Hongying, I heard that your Shen Lin collected 7 yuan a day. Is this true?" A gray-haired female worker asked curiously.

Chen Hongying looked at the curious faces around her, took a bite of the food and said, "I'm not sure about this, I just heard from Xiaorong that Shen Lin rented out one of those warehouses for 2000 yuan."

"There are more than 30 warehouses, each with 7 yuan, so that's more than [-] yuan!" The gray-haired female worker stopped her chopsticks in mid-air and said, "Based on our current salary, even if we don't eat or drink, it will take us many years to reach that level." This number!"

"This is seven ten thousand yuan households!"

In factories, ten thousand yuan households are also enviable. After all, even in factories, there are not many ten thousand yuan households.

Not to mention, Shen Lin's [-] yuan household.

Hearing that there are seven households worth ten thousand yuan, Chen Hongying felt that her heart was soaring to the sky, and her whole body was extremely comfortable.

"Oh, my son-in-law, it's not that he doesn't have a regular job, he can only earn some money for food. If you want to rely on me, I can't wait for him to go back to the factory to find a job, after all, this is considered stable."

It's a pity that Chen Hongying's emotion caused all the old women around to roll their eyes and respond to her.

This Chen Hongying, you now know that you are protecting your son-in-law. A few days ago, you were still brazenly making trouble with him!
If it had been before, someone would have turned her back, but now, even though Chen Hongying was telling lies with her eyes open, no one exposed her.I don't know when, in the eyes of this group of old sisters, Chen Hongying has risen, and she has begun to be worshiped by everyone.

To be realistic, what if someone is in a hurry?Don't borrow money for urgent matters. When the time comes, don't you have to ask others?Hugging the buddha's feet for a while may not work, it can only be a good relationship with Chen Hongying at ordinary times.

Although it is not necessary to go through Chen Hongying to borrow money from Shen Lin, but at a time like this, no one who borrows money is willing to offend Shen Lin's mother-in-law.

"Hongying, I heard that the Second Match Factory is going to take back the old warehouse, and the tenants are looking for Shen Lin to refund their money!" An old sister carrying an aluminum lunch box hurried over and said. "Impossible. The Second Match Factory signed a 15-year contract with Shen Lin, and Shen Lin has only paid one year's rent. How can they take over the warehouse at this time?"

Chen Hongying stood up suddenly, and said with a gloomy face: "Shen Lin put together things and invested a lot of money in the old warehouse, and now he has just recovered the cost. How could they take over the warehouse at this time."

"Shen Hong, who made up your news, I'll go find him!"

In hardware and machinery factories, female workers, especially older ones, are basically synonymous with toughness.At home, they can control their husbands to obey, let him go east and dare not go west, let him beat dogs and dare not chase chickens. In the factory, they are not afraid of male workers. It will also make you unable to get off the stage.

Chen Hongying was enjoying the sense of superiority brought by Shen Lin's earning money. If someone came to disrupt the situation so quickly, of course she would not do it!
Shen Hongshen whispered to Chen Hongying mysteriously: "Now many people know about it. According to someone's analysis, someone may be jealous of your family's Shen Lin making money, so they want to cut off Shen Lin's money!"

"It's against them, what do they want to do? Is it easy for my family, Shen Lin, to earn money? They actually do this, and they are not afraid of cutting off their children and grandchildren, and the children they give birth will have no assholes!"

Chen Hongying looked at the direction of Shen Hong's finger, and suddenly thought that there are no waves without wind, and this is probably true.He didn't care about eating anymore, and cursed: "The group of grandchildren from the second match factory, I knew they were not authentic. How can a person from a small match factory do things so wickedly?"

"Their old warehouse was vacant for four or five years before Shen Lin rented it. Now that Shen Lin has built the old warehouse, they want to take it away. There is no way!"

"I'll go find them and ask which wicked and smoky grandson came up with the crooked idea!"

The sisters also responded one after another.After all, what was originally a dirty warehouse was used by Shen Lin’s waste, and it turned into the current golden lump. It’s not right for the young man to enjoy the fruits of victory. The price of the soil is taken away.

This, isn't this deceiving too much!

"Hongying, don't worry. I heard that Shen Lin has stabilized most of the merchants, and he has also gone to negotiate with the second match factory." Luo Youcai, the workshop director of the second workshop, was eating at the side. Hongying said: "Now there should be new news."

Chen Hongying didn't care about eating, so she put down her chopsticks and said to Shen Hong, "Shen Hong, please pack my lunch box later, I'll go and see what's going on first."

While speaking, Chen Hongying left the cafeteria in a hurry.

"Hey, once this son-in-law is rich, he is different. Chen Hongying seems to have returned to Shen Lin when the old factory director was the factory director." Someone said sourly.

Shen Hong, who was packing Chen Hongying's lunch box, put down her chopsticks and said, "Zhao Vinegar Bucket, don't just talk sour things here, you can find such a rich son-in-law if you are capable."

"Oh, I forgot, your eldest is already married, it seems that you have to work overtime with your old man tonight to give birth to a second girl sooner!"

Shen Hong's harsh words made the middle-aged female worker angry at once, her face flushed and she said, "I mean Chen Hongying, what are you doing? There are so many people who praise other people's stinky feet, you may not be able to stand on top what!"

"I just can't understand people like you. Poor people look down on you, and rich people are jealous. Either roll your eyes or make sarcastic remarks. Why, you have the ability to come and fight with me!"

When Luo Youcai saw that the two were fighting tit for tat like a fighting cock, he felt a headache. These two people are not easy to save fuel, and these old women must not be allowed to fight, so he could only stand up to persuade the fight, and the cafeteria became a mess for a while .

Chen Hongying didn't have the heart to pay attention to these things, she hurriedly walked towards Shen Lin's house, thinking of the 7 yuan passbook, which was about to fly away with wings, she felt her stomach hurt.

Seeing that it was almost time to reach my daughter's house, I saw Shen Lin roaring from a distance driving a motorcycle tricycle.

Regardless of the other Chen Hongying, she stopped Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, how is the warehouse?"

(End of this chapter)

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