Chapter 1359 Mi Ke's Face

Lao Xu looked at Mr. Li, who was brimming with enthusiasm, with a slightly nervous expression, and suddenly became calm.

After working for many years, he has already judged at this time that the former boss is definitely not here to trouble him.

Knowing this, why should I be afraid of him!

"Mr. Li, I am now an employee of Mishell Electronics, and I have been assigned by Director Shen to be in charge of interviewing new recruits."

"What's the matter, just say it, I still have a lot of people waiting here!"

Mr. Li laughed and said, "Brother Xu, I'm fine. It's not the time for you to leave. I'm in a hurry, and my hand is a bit out of luck."

"Haha, today I specially sent you all the wages and bonuses that you haven't had time to settle yet." As he spoke, Mr. Li took out a wad of money and handed it over.

For this wad of money, Old Xu is not polite.

After all, this is his hard-earned money for many days.Although before leaving, he had made up his mind that if he didn't want it, he wouldn't want it, but now that the money came to his door, why should he give it up?
What's more, this is the salary that his old Xu deserves!
"Thank you, Mr. Li!" Old Xu said with a smile.

"Thank you, you deserve it." Mr. Li laughed and said, "Old Xu, you have worked with us for a long time, and you are the best salesman under me."

"So, it's a big loss for me that you resigned and left. I really can't bear it, so I will give you an extra bonus of 2000 yuan."

"Although the 2000 yuan is not much, it is still my kindness."

"Hahaha, what a thought!"

Listening to the word "heart", Lao Xu understood it in seconds, but he was talking about bonuses, so he thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Li. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Li in the future."

Mr. Li cupped his hands again and again, and said with a smile: "This is natural, this is natural!"

"Old Xu, do you have time tonight? My brother and I want to send you a trip tonight, after all we are working together!"

Old Xu laughed and said, "Thank you Mr. Li, but I'm too busy here. I have interviews during the day and sort out materials at night."

"After all, Chairman Shen works vigorously and resolutely. What he pays attention to is that everything should be cleared every day. I have to sort out the work situation of the day and report it to him on the same day."

"Well, when I'm done with work, I'll invite Mr. Li to have a meal with everyone."

Although a trace of displeasure flashed in Mr. Li's eyes, on the surface, he still smiled and said: "Haha, you have a lot of work, so you should take care of yourself first."

"What about my business, don't worry, hahaha..."

After saying a few words, Mr. Li took the people away.Following the departure of Mr. Li and others, Lao Xu's expression gradually turned cold.

"This is your former boss?" Ma Yifei asked casually.

"Hehe, when I went to him to settle my wages yesterday, the rascal looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, as if I wouldn't give it to you, what can you do to me?"

"Now, not to mention taking the initiative to settle the wages, I also gave an extra bonus of 2000 yuan."

"After today's recruitment is over, I'll treat you to a drink."

Ma Yifei sighed, "Your former boss, your nose is really good enough."

Old Xu poohed and said, "He only gave me the money because he knew that I had come to work at Mishell Electronics and that I was reused by Mr. Shen."

"Otherwise, don't talk about bonuses, even my salary will be swallowed by me."

Ma Yifei was stunned for a moment and said, "Is Mr. Li having any business relationship with Mishell Electronics?"

"No, I work for him as a salesman, and I know his details very well. The things he sells have nothing to do with MiKe Electronics." "I think the reason why he took the initiative to give me the money was because he didn't want to be involved in MiKe Electronics." In a big company like Shell Electronics, you will make an enemy for yourself."

When Lao Xu said this, he patted Ma Yifei on the shoulder and said: "Old Ma, Mr. Shen is recruiting talents. We have caught up with a good time!"

Ma Yifei nodded heavily and said: "Brother Xu, I just came here and I don't understand anything. If there is anything, just arrange for me."

Old Xu put away the money in his hands, but in his mind, he still remembered the scene when he asked for wages yesterday.

Right now, he still can't do anything to Mr. Li, but one day, he will give this guy who knows how to do things a favor!
But now, his top priority is to do a good job in the work of Mishell Electronics, so as to win more trust from Chairman Shen and take up a higher position.

Shen Lin sat behind the desk and was in charge of the final interview.

He still recognized the abilities of Lao Xu and Ma Yifei very much. Those who passed the primary selection were basically very good talents.

These people have work experience and are unwilling to be trapped by dead wages, so one by one came here to start a business.

As long as they are brought to Mishell Electronics and a little training, they will become catfish that they put in the fish pond by themselves.

Just as Shen Lin was thinking about whether this recruitment site would be reserved for a long time and open on a regular basis, the phone on his desk rang.

This call is reserved for recruiters.

But after connecting the phone, it was Zhong Tianyang's voice that came from inside.

"Brother Zhong, how do you know my phone number?" Shen Lin asked in surprise after hearing Zhong Tianyang's voice.

Zhong Tianyang laughed loudly and said: "You are recruiting troops in Pengcheng, and you are going to take away all the senior talents of other people. You don't want them to know your phone number."

"Your phone number was told to me."

Listening to Zhong Tianyang's ridicule, Shen Lin smiled and said: "I'm just recruiting some management talents that Mishell Electronics needs. It's just a drop in the ocean, so people don't care about it!"

"Yeah, if it's just recruitment, people won't pay much attention to it, but you, the chairman of Mishell Electronics who has just caused a storm in Xiangjiang, recruited personally, how can people not pay attention to it."

Zhong Tianyang smiled and said, "Your movement this time is not small!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother Zhong, it's not that I have no choice. If it weren't for the big supermarkets like Jialifu not buying, I wouldn't have come out to mess around."

After the two of them chatted for a while, Zhong Tianyang smiled and said, "Chairman Shen, I'm sending you an invitation on behalf of my older brother."

"Please be sure to honor me tonight and have dinner together, what do you think?"

"By the way, Liang Jialuo is also here, let her go with you, so that you won't be unfamiliar and feel uncomfortable."

While speaking, Zhong Tianyang said: "My old brother has a very straightforward personality. If you have anything to say, just say what you need to say."

While speaking, Zhong Tianyang introduced the identity of the person who invited the dinner.

Shen Lin had read the Pengcheng newspaper for two days, and he was very familiar with the name Zhong Tianyang said. He knew that since Zhong Tianyang came to invite him, he must eat this meal.

After all, he still has to give some face-saving things.

"Okay Brother Zhong, I will definitely be on time for the appointment." Shen Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, after you come back, come to my place sometime." Zhong Tianyang said: "I have something to do, and I want to communicate with you."

(End of this chapter)

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