Chapter 1365 Who is he?

"Baby, mom is a bit strange. How can a smart and cute baby like you fight with children? Can you tell mom what caused you to lose your temper?" After receiving the small fruit shell, Lu Xiaorong hugged Looking at his son, he asked patiently.

Xiao Guoke put her arms around her mother's neck, and said aggrievedly: "Mom, I didn't fight, it was Han Xiaoqiu who was always pulling the children's braids, I told him not to pull them."

"I'm not fighting, I'm stopping him from doing something bad."

Looking at the upright little Guoke, Lu Xiaorong didn't know what to say for a while.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Son, stopping children from doing bad things shows that you have a sense of justice. Dad feels very proud! But if he doesn't listen, you should tell the teacher."

"Let the teacher handle this matter, after all, you are still young."

Xiao Guoke listened to his parents' instructions, pouted and nodded.

Lu Xiaorong looked at his son who was a little depressed, and said with a smile: "Baby, have you missed your mother these days?"

"I think so, I look forward to my parents coming back soon every day." Xiao Guoke raised his head and asked with tears in his eyes, "You guys won't go out again this time, will you?"

"I don't know if your dad will go out soon, but don't worry, I will definitely not leave my little baby for a while!"

"Great, great!"

Xiao Guoke plunged into her mother's arms and said coquettishly.

Shen Lin looked at his son's cute and cute appearance, and suddenly realized that he must devote enough time to accompany his child's growth.

Although earning money is important, the future of children is even more important.

After making up his mind, Shen Lin said to Lu Xiaorong and Xiao Guoke: "Then this afternoon, let's find a place to have a good time."

"Then we'll have a meal out, and after dinner, we'll come back."

Before Lu Xiaorong could answer, Xiao Guoke excitedly agreed: "Okay, okay! I'm going to the zoo, Xiaopang said the zoo is fun!"

Visit the zoo, go to the park, eat...

When Shen Lin and the others returned home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the exhausted little Guoke fell asleep in his arms.

When Shen Lin walked into the house with the small fruit shell in his arms, he found that there were several people sitting in the living room, and Lu Dahai was drinking tea with him.

These guests included not only the principal Li of the kindergarten, but Shen Lin also saw Luo Xiaoli and the principal Ma whom he met today.

Seeing such a situation, Shen Lin frowned subconsciously, but there was still a smile on his face instantly.

Anyway, when people come, they are guests.

"Hahaha, hello, Principal Li, I didn't know you were here. I took my child for a run all afternoon. If I wasn't too tired, I wouldn't want to come back just now!"

While handing his son to Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin greeted Director Li with a smile, then smiled at Luo Xiaoli and said, "Hello, Mr. Luo."

Although Luo Xiaoli sat in the living room of Shen Lin's house for an hour, she was full of doubts. She didn't know why Director Li and Director Ma insisted on dragging her here.

And when it came, Principal Li's expression was very serious, which made her dare not even ask.

Luo Xiaoli was very envious of the rice shell garden near the lake.

She is a student of Gongda University, and she has long coveted the house in Mike Garden.

But she knew that a house like Rice Shell Garden was simply not something she could live in.

Those who can live here are either experts from the school or professors from various departments.In their kindergarten, only Principal Li has an apartment here.

It wasn't until she saw Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong walking in with Xiao Guoke in their arms that Luo Xiaoli suddenly realized that the director had pulled her here this time to apologize to Xiao Guoke's parents.

But...but this is nothing!

Luo Xiaoli felt that this was a trivial matter, a little friction between children.Such a small thing, what is worth coming over.

Luo Xiaoli was a little overwhelmed by Shen Lin's greeting, while Principal Li smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Luo is our excellent young teacher. He is still very enthusiastic in his work."

"We came here this time just to explain to Chairman Shen..."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Principal Li, we adults don't have to bother about things between children. I think it's better to let Mr. Luo handle it."

"Actually, children's affairs are nothing at all. Once adults get involved, simple things will be complicated. What do you think, Mr. Luo?"

At this time, Luo Xiaoli said very naturally: "Yes, this is a trivial matter."

As soon as she said this, Luo Xiaoli suddenly found that Director Ma was staring at her, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.

Luo Xiaoli was taken aback, and when she was at a loss, she heard Shen Lin continue: "Mr. Luo is right, a small matter, it's over."

Director Li said: "Since Mr. Shen said that Mr. Luo will handle it, then follow Mr. Luo's handling."

"As for that child, we are going to be transferred to another class."

Luo Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, she had been with Principal Li for such a long time, and she had never heard that Han Xiaoqiu would be transferred to another class.

For this kind of adjustment, she was unwilling in her heart.

After all, there is no need to adjust the child's class if there is a small conflict.

But just when she was about to argue, Shen Lin said: "Principal Li, there is absolutely no need for this. Children don't hold grudges."

"They may have been arguing for toys three minutes ago, but before their tears were wiped away, they got mixed up and played together again."

"So, let Teacher Luo handle this matter, and we don't want to get involved."

Luo Xiaoli was relieved when she heard what Shen Lin said.Although Han Xiaoqiu was very naughty, as a teacher, she really didn't want the child to be transferred because of this trivial matter.

"Mr. Shen, you have worked hard all the way, so we won't disturb you." Director Li was relieved to see that Shen Lin was unwilling to pursue this matter.

Shen Lindao: "Director Li, we..."

Before Shen Lin finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.Chen Hongying opened the door, and saw a group of people walking in.

Luo Xiaoli saw that the person walking in front was the principal she had only seen once from a distance.The principal with a smile on his face walked in front. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, we uninvited guests were planning to interrupt tomorrow, but I'm afraid that you are too busy to see you..."

Principal Li saw the principal and others coming, and hurriedly pulled Principal Ma and Luo Xiaoli, and walked gently towards the door.

Shen Lin watched their actions, first greeted the visitors, and then sent them out the door with a smile.

After walking out of Shen's house, Luo Xiaoli couldn't help but said: "Director, who is Guo Ke's father? Why even the principal is here."

Director Ma, who felt that he had passed the test, looked at the surrounding garden-like environment and said, "Xiaoli, have you seen this place? It was all built by Chairman Shen."

Listening to Director Ma's words, Luo Xiaoli was in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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