Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 141 Auntie, are you here to cheat on your daughter?

Chapter 141 Auntie, are you here to cheat on your daughter?

"Big fellows, listen to my advice. Everyone knows Boss Shen's character. It is impossible for him to do such a thing of running around with money. Maybe he went to work!"

Sister Luo stood in front of many merchants and tried hard to persuade them not to mess around.

"Old Luo, why are you so naive? It's obvious that Shen has already run away! Don't forget, there's your money in it too!"

"Anyway, I just believe in one thing, Boss Shen will never run away!"

Sister Luo still stood firmly on Shen Lin's side.

I'm afraid that these angry merchants will hurt their daughter-in-law.

Lu Xiaorong never expected that suddenly one day, so many people came to her aggressively!

These are strangers, chattering.

There was a sentence, but she could hear it clearly.

These people asked her to pay back the money!
What money?I don't know these people at all.

But soon, she heard clearly why these people were looking for her.It's just this reason that made her dumbfounded.

Shen Lin ran away!

These people are the tenants of Paris Style Street, and they came here to let themselves pay for their rent.

How could Shen Lin run away? This is really a big joke.Shen Lin just went to Donghai to do some errands and will be back soon.

"Lu Xiaorong, do you think it's over if you don't say anything? Let me tell you, you have to refund the rent to us today!"

"Yes, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. If you run away in charge, who will we go to if we don't look for you?"

Lu Xiaorong, who quickly calmed down, said loudly: "Everyone, listen to me first..."

However, Lu Xiaorong's voice was originally low, and these merchants who felt that they had been cheated were all filled with righteous indignation at this moment, so Lu Xiaorong's voice was suppressed by waves of loud noises.

At this moment, Lu Xiaorong felt helpless.

Just when Lu Xiaorong was secretly anxious, Leng Qingguang, who was sitting there writing something, suddenly stood up, glanced around twice, and said coldly: "Shut up! This is our steel boss. The radio station of the factory, if you make trouble here, I will call the police station right now!"

As one of the few large enterprises in Dongzhou City, the General Iron and Steel Factory is a giant. It not only has its own school and hospital, but also has a police station in the living area.

Although Sister Luo and the others were among the first to get rich, most of them also knew the prestige of the General Iron and Steel Factory.

"I said comrades, we are all ordinary people, and it's not that we are here to make trouble here, we just want our hard-earned money back!"

A middle-aged man with a thin face and a hunchback said in a crying voice: "Most of my 2000 yuan was borrowed, and now it's gone. You made my whole family drink Northwest Wind!"

"Brother Tong is right. We didn't come to make trouble. It was Lu Xiaorong who was in charge of the house. She cheated our money and ran away. We were forced to do nothing!" A woman said angrily: "Yesterday we believed Shen Lin No rent back."

"I didn't expect that after only one night, he ran away without even saying hello. Who should we talk to for reasoning!"

"Lu Xiaorong, you have to give us an explanation today!"

Listening to these words, Leng Qingguang couldn't help but frown. These people were bluffed by him on the surface, but this was just a stopgap measure. It would be difficult to drive these people away if the matter was not resolved!
Li Xiaoli, who was standing aside, stood in front of Lu Xiaorong and said, "Whoever took your money, who do you go to?"

"If Shen Lin runs away, you should call the police. What's the use of looking for his wife! Didn't you see that she is still pregnant!"

Li Xiaoli's words made those quiet people start to move again.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaorong took the initiative to step forward and said: "Bosses, I know what everyone is worried about. I am here, and I can promise you one thing."

"Shen Lin didn't run away, and he can't run away either!"

"I can guarantee that my husband Shen Lin will never run away, let alone abscond with money!" Lu Xiaorong's voice was not high, but it was full of undoubted flavor!

"If Shen Lin didn't run away, you find him, as long as you can see him in real life, we will believe you!"

This person's opinion immediately got everyone's response, and some even said: "If Shen Lin appears here, we don't have to pay the rent now."

"Yes, if Shen Lin comes out, our rent can be delayed for a few days."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the menacing crowd, and instead of retreating, he took a step forward and said, "Shen Lin went to Donghai just for the problem of Paris Street. After he said it, he will solve everyone's problem."

"Since he promised everyone to solve the problem within three days, then I think, my husband, he will never break his promise."

"His home is still here, so please believe him and give him some time to wait for him to come back."

Lu Xiaorong's words calmed down the emotions of those merchants a lot, but the thin-faced Brother Tong said: "Lu Xiaorong, we also want to believe you, but your empty teeth are empty words, you let us How can you believe it?"

"You have to give us a promise!"

I want a guarantee, this request is the common aspiration of almost all the tenants, if they hadn't suddenly heard that Shen Lin had run away, they wouldn't be so terrified.

They felt that Shen Lin had a great possibility to solve the second match factory's house requisition issue. Even if Shen Lin couldn't solve it, he would still be able to return everyone's rent.

After all, it hasn't been long since everyone handed over the rent to him. It is impossible for Shen Lin to spend the money. What's more, Shen Lin returned the money from Boss Li and the others earlier, which made them more confident.

But the problem is, Shen Lin ran away at this time.

They couldn't find Shen Lin, and almost everyone had confirmed the fact that Shen Lin had run away. Now, although Lu Xiaorong said it firmly, they felt a little uneasy.

"Yes, Lu Xiaorong, you have to give us some guarantees."

"If you don't give us a guarantee, why should we believe that Shen Lin didn't run away? Why should we let us wait aimlessly."

Lu Xiaorong frowned. Although she was smarter than the average person, it was the first time she had seen such a scene, and naturally she had no experience in dealing with such things.

Just when she was surrounded by everyone again, a sharp voice came over and said: "Xiao Rong, don't they want a guarantee? Then give them the guarantee, aren't you holding Shen Lin's passbook?"

"The passbook of 7 yuan is deposited with them. If Shen Lin doesn't come back in three days, I will give them the money from the passbook. Isn't that all right?"

Accompanied by this voice, Lu Xiaorong saw Chen Hongying with her arms crossed.

At this time, Chen Hongying was very aggressive, she looked like a brave fighter.

Whether it was Sister Luo or Boss Tong, there were smiles on their faces at this time. For them, collecting the rent was the most important thing.

Since Shen Lin's passbook is in Lu Xiaorong's hands, it doesn't matter whether Shen Lin is there or not.The passbook is there, take out the money and give them a cent, everything is not a problem.

"Xiao Rong, it's okay. We believe Boss Shen didn't run away." Sister Luo came to Lu Xiaorong's side with a bright smile on her face.

"Yes, mortgage the passbook to us, and we will go back immediately."

"If you don't have the passbook with you, we can take it home with you."


Hearing these urging words, Lu Xiaorong was helpless for a while, and finally she decided to tell the truth: "Because I have to pay back the rent of those people who have refunded the rent, I gave the passbook to Shen Lin!"

These words immediately froze the smiles on everyone's faces.

The eyes of Li Xiaoli and other colleagues fell on Chen Hongying, thinking that Lu Xiaorong's mother is here to dig a hole?

(End of this chapter)

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