Chapter 1412 Unexpected Gains

Ma Xunchang took a deep breath, at this moment he had already made a decision.

But Shen Lin was very calm. What he talked about with Ma Xunchang was not in his plan, that is, they met by chance, so he came up with such an idea.

It is good for Ma Xunchang to agree. If Ma Xunchang refuses, he will not be disappointed either.

But this matter, he will continue to push forward.

After all, this industry will become more and more important in the future. If we can't build factories and train talents now, we will be greatly controlled by others in the future.

"Mr. Shen, if I were ten years younger, I would definitely cooperate with Mr. Shen to create a business together."

"However, I'm old now, and most of my children and grandchildren are old-fashioned people. Alas, I'm really powerless." Ma Xunchang said very solemnly.

Shen Lin looked at Ma Xunchang, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

However, although he was disappointed in his heart, he didn't show it, he just smiled lightly.

Just when he was disappointed, he heard Ma Xunchang say: "I have a friend whose son has worked in Texas Instruments for many years, and recently wants to come out and devote himself to this field."

"If Director Shen is willing, I can introduce him to you."

After hearing Texas Instruments, Shen Lin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't know what your family friend's name is?"

Ma Xunchang said in his heart that even if I introduce you, you don't know me!

But in front of Shen Lin, he vaguely focused on Shen Lin.Hearing Shen Lin's question at this time, he smiled and said, "My friend's son is called He Shaoyuan, and he used to be a famous child prodigy."

He Shaoyuan!
Shen Lin's heart moved!
Although he was an ordinary person in his previous life, he had heard of this name thanks to reading a lot of various foreign newspapers.

I know that this person has a lot of achievements in the fab.

Even back then, it once became a serious problem for some people.

Now if you can cooperate with him, and cooperate with him without too much entanglement, then the future...

With each thought flashing, Shen Lin already had a decision in his heart.

He looked at Ma Xunchang and said: "The person introduced by Mr. Ma, I naturally believe that if Mr. Ma can promote this cooperation, then we, Mike Electronics, are willing to cooperate with Mr. Ma to build a new VCD player processing factory. Mr. Ma how about?"

Ma Xunchang did not expect that Shen Lin actually agreed to his proposal, which was just a cover-up, and agreed so readily.

He looked at the smiling Shen Lin, and guessed what Shen Lin was thinking at this time.

But on the surface, he still said very simply: "Thank you very much for Mr. Shen's trust. I believe that our cooperation will definitely be successful."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "I will contact He Shaoyuan when I turn back. If Chairman Shen has any needs, you can talk to him." '

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Let's discuss this matter in detail after the new year."

Because it was Chinese New Year, Ma Xunchang didn't stay long, and he and Shen Lin exchanged contact information, then took his grandson and Ma Junling to leave.

Shen Lin sent Ma Xunchang to the door, but before the New Year's dinner, people from Dalin Temple came to tell Shen Xing's family that Ma Xunchang had passed ahead of schedule.

This meaning is naturally very obvious. In this matter, Ma Xunchang withdrew.

Looking at Shen Xing's family who was full of smiles, Shen Lin pondered for a while and said: "Uncle, I won't go to this top incense."

"However, we can't live up to his good intentions. Let uncle handle this matter."

Shen Xing's family said: "Shen Lin, I don't do business here. Why do I do that? I think it's better for you to go." Shen Lin Baili waved his hand and said: "Uncle, just listen to me."

"I think it's better for you to go."

Shen Lin's words were full of firmness. Seeing Shen Lin's expression, Shen Xing's family knew this matter, so they couldn't refuse, they could only agree.

During the Chinese New Year, Shen Lin was so busy that when Ma Xunchang was about to leave and sent someone to say goodbye, he didn't see Shen Lin.

However, Shen Lin and Ma Xunchang, who got on the phone, quickly pushed forward the matter that the two of them had finalized.

Ma Xunchang has already contacted He Shaoyuan, but He Shaoyuan still has concerns about this matter, and wants to meet with Shen Lin before deciding what to do.

Shen Lin was not surprised by He Shaoyuan's decision. After all, no one would make a decision on such an important matter just because of a few words from others.

Shen Lin said through Ma Xunchang that he was ready to meet He Shaoyuan at any time.

However, this meeting may have to wait until April or May next year, after all, it will have to wait for He Shaoyuan to come back from the United States.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the relatives who were supposed to leave for the New Year left Shen Lin in a mess, and were dragged by Lu Xiaorong to go to the temple fair with his son.

Wearing a down jacket, adjusting a flat mirror for himself, and changing his hairstyle, Shen Lin's image quickly changed into a gentle and elegant intellectual image.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's attire, and couldn't help but said, "You, if you put on two pens, you can pretend to be a school teacher."

Shen Lin didn't want to keep a pen in his pocket.

However, in Mishell Electronics, it seems that many people still maintain this habit.

Shen Lin looked at the smiling Lu Xiaorong, and said, "Just clean it up so that no one will recognize it, let's go, let's take the rice shell out to play."

While talking, he said to the little Guoke who was wearing a new suit: "Guoke, do you want to go shopping?"

"Dad, shopping is no fun, I want to watch TV at home." Xiao Guoke said with a little expectation: "Have you finished watching the latest rice shell Wangwang team yet?"

"Okay, come back and see. This time, when we go out, your mother and I will buy you delicious food."

In Xiao Guoke's heart, he really didn't have any expectations for delicious food.As the son of the big boss of Rice Shell Electronics, those delicious foods are not attractive to him.

But looking at the parents who were full of interest, Xiao Guoke could only follow out obediently.

Twenty minutes later, Shen Lin took Lu Xiaorong, a small fruit shell, to the place of the temple fair by car. It was not far from Paris Street, and it was connected to the shops on Paris Street. It was very lively.

Shen Lin's family of three, just like many ordinary families, was inconspicuous among the crowd coming and going.

"Dad, aren't those work clothes from your factory?"

"Oh, is there really a lot?" Guoke followed Shen Lin, looked at several tourists wearing rice shell electronic work clothes, and couldn't help but said loudly to Shen Lin.

Naturally, Shen Lin also saw these work clothes. In Shen Lin's field of vision, there seemed to be quite a few people shopping in work clothes. He saw more than a dozen in just a few minutes.

However, Shen Lin didn't care about these.

After all, in Dongzhou, it is very impressive to be able to work in Mishell Electronics. Some young workers like to wear the work clothes of Mishell Electronics when they go on a blind date.

"Okay, let's leave them alone, let's have a good time."

(End of this chapter)

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