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Chapter 1419 Follow Mr. Shen to buy a house

Chapter 1419 Follow Mr. Shen to buy a house
Just when Shen Lin made up his mind not to drink less this time, accompanied by a light knock on the door, Mi Yuan, who was wearing a light yellow down jacket, walked in.

Seeing Mi Yuan, Shen Lin froze for a moment.

Speaking of which, Mi Yuan is already an employee of MiKe, and her current position is that she has become a P5 level manager of MiKe.

However, since Mi Yuan joined Mi Ke, the relationship between Shen Lin and Mi Yuan has decreased a lot.

It can even be said that for more than half a year, the two have had no contact at all.

Mi Yuan is in Mi Ke City in Beijing, while Shen Lin spends most of his time in Dongzhou.

In terms of reporting work, with Mi Yuan's current status, she has not reached the point where she can directly report to Shen Lin.

So the current relationship between the two has become a lot stranger.

Seeing Mi Yuan walk in, Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, you are late this time, you will have to punish yourself with three cups later!"

Regarding Li Qingbo's teasing, Mi Yuan smiled at him.

Mi Yuan knew very well that she was really late.

After all, it was Shen Lin who invited him this time. No matter from what point of view, he should have come earlier than Shen Lin to be considered rude.

As for Li Qingbo's words, it was obviously a relief for him.

She smiled and said: "There is something urgent at home, so I am late, and I will make a fine drink later."

Hearing Mi Yuan's fine drink, Shen Lin waved his hand with a smile and said, "Our banquet hasn't started yet, so Mi Yuan can't be considered late."

"So, those who celebrate the Chinese New Year today, don't talk about drinking fines."

Shen Lin's words made Mi Yuan's originally calm heart rippling again, this beloved man!At any time, he can make you feel his warmth, although this "considerate" and "fraternity" spirit is very likely not only to himself, but also to others.

After everyone sat down, the main speakers were Li Qingbo, the landlord, and Lu Daqing, while Mi Yuan and the others responded with a smile.

Of course, Shen Lin was the center of this meal, and almost all the topics revolved around him.

Mi Yuan sat beside Sister Dan and didn't talk much. Of course she was absent-minded about what the meal was for today, and her eyes always passed over Shen Lin quietly, just restraining her inner emotions.

I haven't seen him for more than half a year. He seems to have lost some weight, but he has also become more energetic.

The changes in the working environment these days, coupled with her mother's illness, made Mi Yuan very busy.

But corresponding to busyness is fulfillment.

The reason why she was able to be promoted so quickly could not be said to have nothing to do with Shen Lin's arrangement, but it was more due to her own ability.

Mi Yuan was originally a business elite in her unit, and she graduated from university, so she is a rare college student in the Mishell Electric Store.

After buying it, she put forward a lot of suggestions for the rice shell electric store, and even had three or four suggestions, which should be promoted in all stores.

These things are enough for her promotion.

And Shen Lin's recommendation naturally became an accelerator for her promotion.

"In the past year, all of us have made a lot of changes and improvements. Mr. Shen, I suggest that our first glass of wine be a toast to our days from last year. What do you think?"

Li Qingbo raised his wine glass and proposed to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin picked up the wine glass and clinked glasses with everyone: "Brother Li is right. Although this year has passed, our achievements have left traces. This cup is a tribute to last year!"

With Shen Lin's support, everyone's wine glasses touched together.

As she drank a glass of wine, Sister Dan smiled and said, "When it comes to last year, you and I can't compare."

"Everyone, it was the spring breeze and the horseshoe disease. Everyone has his own progress and achievements. For example, Lao Li, you are now a person with the word "bureau"; Lu Chu has also become the focus of inspection for progress; Mi Yuan As for my sister, she is now the P5 management of MiKe. This year’s share alone is more than my salary in several years.” “As for Director Shen…”

"I don't seem to have made much progress. I just kept going." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Shen is still Mr. Shen."

Sister Dan smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, you should be humble. Who doesn't know now that your rice shell has become a dominant player in the domestic electronics industry."

"I went outside to investigate, and people said that if you use Mike's electric vehicle and VCD player technology, you can build a big company with any one of them."

"But now, the cores of these two products are all in the hands of Mishell Electronics."

"Hey, you said that people are jealous or not."

Sister Dan's words caused everyone to burst into laughter.Although Sister Dan's words were somewhat self-deprecating, they actually made sense.

Although she herself has made some progress in salary, compared with Shen Lin and others, there is still a big gap in this progress.

After a burst of laughter, everyone clinked two glasses again.

Because of the past friendship and drinking a lot of wine, everyone let go.

Sister Dan smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, everyone, do you know? Mi Yuan has already bought a house in Beijing. It's a small courtyard. I went to see it. It's very nice."

"Although it's on the third ring road side, the environment is nothing to say about. It's comfortable, quiet, and very livable. It looks pretty good."

Hearing that Mi Yuan bought a house, not only Li Qingbo and Shen Lin were surprised, but also Shen Lin.

In his feeling, when everyone has money, they basically change their lives, and there are not too many people eager to buy a house.

"Mi Yuan, don't you have a place to live in Beijing? Why did you think about buying a house?" Li Qingbo, as an old leader, asked with concern.

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "I looked good at the time, and I happened to have a bonus from the company in my hand, so I bought that small house."

Speaking of this, she pondered for a while and said: "I actually have another reason for buying a house, that is, I don't know if Chairman Shen would like to let me talk about it?"

Hearing Mi Yuan say this, Lu Daqing was taken aback. Do Mi Yuan and Shen Dong have any secrets?Is this joke a little too big?

Suspicious in his heart, he couldn't help asking tentatively: "What does this have to do with Chairman Shen?"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment and then said: "Here are all our own people, if there is anything you can say or not, just say it!"

"I think the development of our company in this period, especially the opening of stores in the rice shell electric store, basically means that we can buy our own buildings to open stores, and we will definitely not rent houses to open stores."

"That's why I feel that Chairman Shen can't go wrong with the things he is optimistic about."

Shen Lin did not expect that this was the reason why Mi Yuan bought the house.Although Mi Yuan's approach is very simple, it cannot be said that it is unreasonable.

Looking at the smiling Mi Yuan, Shen Lin couldn't help but said, "Mi Yuan, you are very smart in business."

Sister Dan glanced at Mi Yuan and said, "If this is the case, I have some savings, and I will invest in a house later."

Speaking of this, she turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, many people are envious of your rice shell garden. I have several friends who want to ask, when will your rice shell be able to develop a community, and everyone will have it if you sell it." Qualifying house to buy."

"Let me tell you, as long as you build the house according to the rice shell garden, it will definitely sell well."

"I can't guarantee it for others, but my old sisters will definitely buy it as soon as possible."

Everyone present believed Sister Dan's words.

At this time, Li Qingbo bought a house in Mike Garden through his relationship with Shen Lin.He who lives in Mike Garden feels that the difference from living in an old family home is too great.

So he said with emotion: "Chairman Shen, I think that Sister Dan's suggestion is not impossible to consider!"

(End of this chapter)

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