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Chapter 145 The factory manager panicked!

Chapter 145 The factory manager panicked!

Shen Lin was in a bad mood, but Factory Manager Liu, who was a few miles away, was in a good mood. He had a gathering with his old friends. Although he only drank a little wine, the chatting of his classmates filled his heart with the greenery of the past. Memories of the years.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, after seeing off his classmates, Director Liu wandered back to the No. [-] recruiting agency where he lived, humming a ditty while walking:

"I think back then,

Lao Tzu's team just opened,
There are only a dozen people and seven or eight guns in total.

When the "imperial army" chased me, I was dizzy,
Thanks to Mrs. Ah Qing,

She told me to hide myself in the water tank..."

Just as he leisurely opened the door of the guest room, Xiao Li, who came to the meeting with him, walked in quickly, helped him make a cup of tea, and asked him about tomorrow's arrangements.When Director Liu said there was nothing wrong, Xiao Li suddenly remembered and said, "Factory, someone sent a lawyer's letter just now, saying it was for you, and asked you to reply as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be serious..."

"Lawyer's letter, what is this?" Director Liu waved his hand and said, "Go and tell me about it and bring it to me."

Xiao Li quickly brought over the lawyer's letter. Director Liu didn't care at first, but when he saw the name on it, he was immediately surprised.

Not to mention the professor of the University of Political Science and Law, this lawyer's rank is higher than that of his immediate boss, this... This makes him not startled.

Immediately, seeing the look on the lawyer's letter, he became serious.

The content of the lawyer's letter is very simple. It is to tell him that if the Second Match Factory breaks the contract, the other party will not be polite and will sue them directly to the court.

Looking at the content of the lawyer's letter, Director Liu broke into a cold sweat. He came to the meeting this time mainly for the training of the rule of law.

At the beginning of the class, a big leader talked about the importance of being a company that abides by laws and regulations. If there is a meeting here and the defendant is sued by a lawyer who is much higher than himself, then I'm afraid his life will be difficult.

"Where's the person delivering the letter?" Director Liu asked hastily.

"Director, I've been away for more than three hours." Looking at Director Liu's expression, Xiao Li knew that this was a serious matter, so he hurriedly said, "Director, the other party left their contact information, this... this they said , we can find him tomorrow if we have anything to do."

"Let's have dinner tomorrow morning, and we'll go find that Shen Lin." At this moment, Director Liu had already thought of the lease contract for the old warehouse he had signed.

He can be sure that he has absolutely no intention of rescinding that contract!
There must be someone playing tricks in here!

Director Liu, who tossed and turned all night, thought about the lawyer's letter the most. The more he thought about it, the more troublesome he felt about it.

So after breakfast early in the morning, Director Liu took Xiao Li to the guest house of the University of Political Science and Law where Shen Lin lived, and went directly to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin had met Factory Director Liu before, but the two of them were not very familiar with each other. They only met once when signing the contract.

If it wasn't for the phone call yesterday, Shen Lin would have been polite with Factory Manager Liu, but now, when he thought of Lu Xiaorong being besieged, he lost the mood.

Now Shen Lin was full of anger, and it happened that Director Liu came.

"Xiao Shen, if there is a dispute over the contract, you can just tell me directly. Why do you need to find a lawyer like Professor Luo to waste his time." Factory Manager Liu said with a smile when he saw Shen Lin.

After saying that, he handed a Marlboro cigarette to Shen Lin.

However, Shen Lin did not accept his cigarette.

This act of ignoring made Director Liu's face stiff. He didn't expect that Shen Lin would be so shameless.

Regardless of even the most basic human experience, it seems that this matter is indeed not small.

People are going to get serious.

Shen Lin smiled coldly: "Director Liu, I don't want to go to court with your factory, but you forced this to happen."

"I invested tens of thousands of dollars in that old warehouse, and now it has become a landmark building that residents in our city are happy to go to."

"You're going to take back your words. Isn't this too much pressure?" Factory Manager Liu was so angry at Shen Lin that he lost his temper. As the director of the Second Match Factory, he was not willing to show weakness like this, so he said: "Xiao Shen, Litigation is not good for anyone."

"If we have to take back the old warehouse, you may not be able to win this lawsuit."

"If you want me to say, you should negotiate with the person in charge of this matter in our factory. Of course, I will also participate in this matter."

From Director Liu's words, Shen Lin felt the meaning of his words, which was to save him face, and under his attention, the matter of taking back the warehouse slowly passed.

If it was yesterday, Shen Lin might have accepted it, but now, Shen Lin doesn't accept it.

He smiled and said, "Director Liu, you can see clearly that your name is signed on this lease contract."

"Once Ye Yichen tore up this contract, others will say that it was you, Director Liu, who tore up this contract."

Shen Lin spoke calmly, but his voice was full of firmness: "When the time comes, you will be the first person to be prosecuted."

"Paris Style Street was destroyed. What everyone remembers is that you, Factory Director Liu, destroyed it because you are the factory director."

"I'm also planning to ask the media to follow up and report on this matter. It won't take long for your name to be known to every household, young and old!"

Shen Lin raised the contract in his hand, and said calmly: "It took more than a month to destroy the contract I signed. If you are so dishonest and contradictory, your reputation will grow. Do you think that outsiders should What do you think of you?"

Director Liu's heart sank!
He originally thought that for breaking the contract, he was also responsible for lax management.He is the leader of the match factory, what is the leader?It is the helmsman and the leader. He needs to grasp the team and lead the team, and it is impossible to do everything by himself.

But according to what Shen Lin said, he will be in big trouble!
Leaving aside the loss of the lawsuit, once Shen Lin did what he said, he would be famous in this city!
It's just that he became famous not because of his reputation as Director Liu, but because he broke his promise!
What do those factories that have a cooperative relationship with the match factory think of themselves?And what would the above-mentioned competent units and leaders think?Among other things, making such a troublesome thing at least shows that his control ability is still lacking...

Thinking about it this way, the cold sweat in Director Liu's heart increased a lot. He immediately changed his attitude and said: "Xiao Shen, with such a big match factory, it is difficult for me personally to cover every corner and every corner."

"Don't worry, although I'm not responsible for this matter, I will definitely ask about it personally, deal with it seriously, and never allow this kind of thing to happen.

"Thank you Director Liu for your support to our individual merchants." Shen Lin saw that Director Liu was subdued, and knew about this matter, and he couldn't push it any longer, so he calmed down and said sincerely.

However, no matter how sincere his attitude was, it was still a bit awkward for Director Liu, after all, the young man's idea just now made him feel cold.

You said, this kind of young man who looks so young is actually such a wise and scheming guy. Can you expect him to suddenly become a pure and friendly person, and can you still talk to him?
Although he was slandering in his heart, he smiled and said, "It's only right for me to ask. After all, the contract has been signed, and you cannot be treated unfairly."

"Xiao Shen, I'm delaying your business, let's go, I invite you to eat authentic duck blood vermicelli soup, haha, let's chat while eating!" Factory Manager Liu sincerely invited.

"Director Liu, I'm afraid you haven't seen the situation clearly. I'm not negotiating with you, but giving an ultimatum."

Shen Lin sat still.

"Huh? An ultimatum?" Director Liu felt a little bad in his heart.

"I have already contacted the lawyer, and the lawyer's letter has been sent to you. All the relevant materials for the lawsuit are in place, and the lawyer has also contacted the reporter."

"Now tell you two things."

"First, in the name of the match factory, announce to the public that the ownership of the warehouse belongs to me, Shen Lin. Second, severely punish Ye Yichen! It's a severe punishment!"

"If Director Liu refuses to agree, well, we'll see you in court."

"This, this, Xiao Shen, we don't have to do this..." Director Liu broke out in a cold sweat.

This is called hatred in my heart!

You Made!Ye Yichen!

If I don't kill you, I'll take your surname!
(End of this chapter)

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