Chapter 1492 Peace and Joy
In the office of the rice shell factory, Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan were sitting on the sofa.

Cheng Zhenyuan's expression was a bit serious, but Shen Lin looked extremely leisurely at this moment.

"Mr. Cheng, there are some things, you don't have to worry too much, listen to me, nothing will happen."

Shen Lin knew very well what Cheng Zhenyuan was worried about, but he couldn't explain Cheng Zhenyuan's worries to his right-hand assistant.

After all, he was fishing.

And still catching big fish!

If this fishing is successful, the income of Mishell Electronics will be very large.

However, Yu is not stupid. With a huge amount of money invested, Shen Lin knows that these big fish will be very vigilant.

There are even some fish that will conduct a detailed investigation of their entire rice shell electronics when they are engaged.

In this case, Cheng Zhenyuan is the focus of their investigation.

In order not to let his plan fail, Shen Lin only had to wrong Lao Cheng.

Looking at the indifferent Shen Lin, Cheng Zhenyuan was really anxious in his heart.

He almost said in a trembling voice: "Chairman Shen, I know you are full of confidence in your plan."

"But do you know why everyone is so concerned about the factory? It's because everyone cares about the factory."

"They all know that if the factory collapses, their life will not be easy, so they are like this."

"You can't just make decisions and not pay attention to what they think."

Shen Lin handed Cheng Zhenyuan a cigarette, and then said: "Mr. Cheng, you should know that the two of us, the one who wants the best of Mike Electronics the most, should be me."

"I can get more money only if Mishell Electronics is better, don't you think so?"

"And once the rice shell electronics falls, the first unlucky person is also me."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin looked at the time and said: "Everyone has already arrived, let's go over, don't keep everyone waiting."

Although Cheng Zhenyuan felt a little uncomfortable, he also knew that Shen Lin was right. At such a time, the people in the meeting should not be kept waiting for a long time.

When the two walked out of the office, there were already many people waiting outside, and these are the current backbone of Mishell Electronics.

Qiangzi, Photon, Lao Lan, Lian Shaofeng and others...

Each of them is at least a millionaire now, and each of them has a virtual shareholding of Mishell Electronics...

It can be said that they are the biggest beneficiaries of the development of Mishell Electronics, and they also do not want Mishell Electronics to fall.

Shen Lin smiled at the crowd and said, "Let's go, let's meet with everyone. There are some things that make sense and everyone understands."

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, everyone present followed Shen Lin to the venue.

The chairs in the venue were all ready. Shen Lin looked at the chairs, and instead of sitting down, he walked over, picked up the microphone in front of him and said, "This time, everyone is standing, and I will also talk to everyone. Stand together."

Speaking of this, he continued: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. On this beautiful day, I wish everyone a happy full moon, good luck, peace and joy!"

Cheng Zhenyuan and the others who came with Shen Lin looked at Shen Lin standing on the rostrum, and they all consciously did not take their seats, but stood silently in a row behind Shen Lin.

The workers below were also silent at this time.

They watched Shen Lin standing on the rostrum one by one, but all kinds of thoughts kept churning in their hearts.

Xiao Liu is a new worker at Mishell Electronics, and he has seen Shen Lin on TV in the past.

Looking at Shen Lin who was talking eloquently at this time, while admiring him, endless yearning arose in his heart.

Whenever I am, I can also speak loudly in front of everyone like Shen Dong.

But although he thought so in his heart, he also knew that the gap between himself and Shen Lin was really too big.

It is impossible for him to talk so chicly in front of everyone like Shen Lin.

"Everyone should have resentment during the festival this time, and the target of this resentment is still me, Shen Lin."

Hearing this sentence, the originally peaceful venue suddenly buzzed.

Many people started talking with their companions.Fatty Li, who was standing next to Xiao Liu, couldn't help but said: "Oh my God, Director Shen really dares to say that!"

In fact, the various workshops are even more lively at this time.

The workers who had stopped their work were all attentively listening to Shen Lin's words.

After all, this concerns each of their interests.

"Mr. Shen really said everything, but I really don't blame Mr. Shen. After all, if it weren't for Mr. Shen, our family would not have a job." A middle-aged man in his 40s said: "This man We all know how to be grateful.”

"No, our radio factory was not doing very well in the past two years. Now that the brother factories in the provincial capital have collapsed, we are living more and more prosperously. It is not because of Chairman Shen."

"If it weren't for Chairman Shen, how would we be where we are today."

All kinds of words came and went one after another.


"I can understand these complaints!"

"After all, it's really unreasonable to give everyone a catty of mooncakes during the big festivals."

"If Mishell Electronics didn't make money, people wouldn't blame me so much. But now, we Mishell Electronics not only made money, but also made a lot of money."

"Under such circumstances, it is not too much for everyone to ask for a little welfare."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, Xiao Liu felt a little emotional in his heart. He felt that Shen Lin's words spoke his heart.

The reason why he felt uncomfortable was because he felt that the company made money, but did not pay benefits during the holidays.

"I don't think everyone's request is too much. To be honest, if I were in your position, he would have the same idea."

Shen Lin held the microphone and continued, "I also really want to distribute this benefit to everyone, because it doesn't cost much after all."

"But to be honest, I can't do it now."

"It's not that I'm reluctant, but that the company doesn't have that much money in its books."

When Shen Lin said that the company didn't have that much money in its books, the whole meeting place fell silent.

All of them stared at Shen Lin closely.

They had heard all kinds of rumors, but now, Shen Lin, who is the person in charge of Mishell Electronics, told them this in person, which made them look extremely expectant and worried.

Why doesn't the factory have so much money?

"We made money, but there is no money in the books. Where did the money go?" Shen Lin spread his hands lightly and said, "I can answer everyone here, our company's money has been invested in Jing On the round factory project."

"Now our fab is in the critical stage of construction, so most of our money has been invested in this project."

Discussions from all around slowly rang out, but still no one stood up to speak.

Shen Lin then continued: "Then someone said that you, MiKe Electronics' current industry, whether it is MiKe VCD players or other MiKe products, are selling very well."

"As long as you catch one, you can eat it for most of your life. What are you fussing about?"

"The fab has a lot of investment and slow results, and even a careless move may bring disaster to Mishell Electronics. Why do you bother with it?"

Old Chen didn't speak all the time, but at this moment, he couldn't help but patted his thigh and said, "Yes, why does Chairman Shen have to mess with this fab?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to work on our DVD player?"

"Is our product still hard to find?"

Xiao Liu looked at Lao Chen who was muttering, but didn't speak. In his heart, he agreed with his companion's opinion.

But at this moment, what Xiao Liu wanted to know more was Shen Lin's answer.

After all, since Chairman Shen asked this question, he would definitely give them an answer instead of just asking a question.

In Xiao Liu's mind, when all kinds of thoughts were surging, he heard Shen Lin say: "I have only one answer to everyone's question, and that is no!"

(End of this chapter)

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