Chapter 1510 Regret Medicine

Wei Zhifeng was regretting, but he was not the only one who regretted it.

In a certain hotel, the factory manager Jiang with a pale face was yelling angrily at a young man in a suit: "Didn't you say that Mike Electronics didn't have so much money, and they had to give up more money in the end?" interests?"

"Aren't you saying that as long as we suppliers get in touch, he will have to let us assemble the VCD player ourselves?"

"Did not you say……"

Hearing Director Jiang's crazy roar, the young man in suit frowned.

He has said these words, but this director Jiang is a bit too naive. Will what he said can be realized?

Did he trust himself too much?

How did he become the director of the factory!
Slandering Director Jiang in his heart, the young man in a suit said flatly, "Old Jiang, this incident was an accident."

"We have already calculated that the capital chain of Mishell Electronics should be broken."

"But who would have thought that Lu Xiaorong, the proprietress of Mishell Electronics, would sell a book for tens of millions of dollars in royalties."

"The money you get is not from MiKe Electronics, but from Lu Xiaorong's royalties."

"Actually, if there is no such accident, Mike Electronics, which has no money to pay, will eventually compromise with you."

"They eat meat, you can not only drink soup, but also earn a lot of money."

Listening to these words, Director Jiang showed a trace of helplessness on his face.

Before he came, he actually knew the news, and the reason why he yelled was to get some benefits.

This time, he participated in the money exchange organized by a caring person. In fact, he wanted to get the authorization to produce VCD players from MiKe Electronics.

In Lao Jiang's view, this thing is a gold mine, but it is controlled by Mike Electronics.

He doesn't need to ask for all of them, as long as they are authorized to produce, he will soon make a lot of money.

But what he didn't expect was that Mishell Electronics actually had a proprietress.

Moreover, she was a proprietress who, after writing a book, made money that he could never earn in his entire life.

It's more than 1000 million, and it's still a beautiful knife. Thinking about it, it makes him feel chills.

After taking a breath, he said to the young man, "Then tell me, what should I do next?"

"Mishell Electronics no longer accepts our products."

The young man had already made plans for this matter. When he heard Lao Jiang's question, he said with a smile: "This matter is easy to solve. Can you contact some people to produce VCD players?"

Hearing this statement, Old Jiang suddenly opened his eyes wide and said, "Do you have a patent authorization?"

"No, if we had it, we would have produced it a long time ago." The young man glanced at Lao Jiang with an idiot's look, and then said leisurely: "I mean, you produce without a brand, in a small business The kind of VCD player sold in the market."

Hearing this, Old Jiang's eyes widened immediately, and he said angrily to the young man, "Do you know that this kind of DVD player is worthless at all."

"If I sell the DVD player you mentioned, I won't make any money at all!"

Hearing Old Jiang's words, the young man said, "Other than this way, what else can Factory Manager Jiang do in your factory?"

"Although I don't make much money, I can still make money."

"What's more, do you have any new options now?"

"But don't worry, after we defeat Mishell Electronics, our promise will still be kept, and then you will have authorization."

Speaking of this, he said confidently: "You know who we are with, so you don't have to worry too much about this matter."

Director Jiang lowered his head helplessly. As the young man said, he had no other choice. If he didn't cooperate with them, he would be the only one who would be unlucky in the end.Even if I regret it now, it's too late.

Slapping his palm on the table heavily, Director Jiang said angrily: "Okay, I'll listen to you again, but let me tell you, if you can't fulfill your promise, don't blame me for being rude."

"I also know people over Shen Lin and Shen Dong."

"Although it is difficult for me to return to Mishell Electronics, Chairman Shen also wants to know who is contacting people to deal with him."

"What do you say?"

When the young man heard the threat, his face turned livid, but in the end the young man didn't speak, but smiled coldly.

Director Jiang has no way to regret it, but some people have already started to find ways to regret it.

For example, Wei Zhifeng, as Cheng Zhenyuan's cousin, wanted to get this matter back after he found out that he had made a bad move.

The first thing he thought of was not his cousin Cheng Zhenyuan.

He knew who his cousin was, and it was impossible for him to help him.

So, the first thing he thought of was technical sister Qiu.

Sister Qiu is in charge of this matter, as long as she nods, everything can be smoothed out.

Sister Qiu is also Cheng Zhenyuan's old subordinate.

Since I am Cheng Zhenyuan's cousin, Big Sister Qiu might give me some face.

So that night, he brought two bottles of good wine to Sister Qiu's house.

As a senior executive of the company, Sister Qiu also has a townhouse in Mike Garden, but when Wei Zhifeng knocked on the door, he found that many people had already gathered in Sister Qiu's home.

Wei Zhifeng knew most of these people.

There are even quite a few, and we met this morning.

It's just that some time ago, they met at the financial office of Mishell Electronics, but now, they met at Sister Qiu's home.

Because they were acquaintances of each other, after meeting, several of them nodded towards Wei Zhifeng.

Wei Zhifeng found a corner to sit down, and before he had time to ask about other people's situation, he saw the door pushed, and Sister Qiu came out.

She glanced at Wei Zhifeng and the others and said, "Everyone, don't waste your time with me. When I got off work today, I had already faxed the non-cooperation agreement you signed to me. Shen Dong."

"So it's useless for you to come to me today."

Speaking of this, she smiled at everyone and said: "I have been busy all day today, and I really don't have the heart to entertain you anymore. You are all tired, so let's go."

Hearing these clean and neat words, Wei Zhifeng felt chills in his heart.

He knew that there was no possibility of redemption for this matter.

After all, everyone knows that Chairman Shen is not easy to talk to.

Some left hesitantly, while others said to Sister Qiu full of apprehension: "Sister, you should also respond to Chairman Shen, we were also deceived."

"In fact, in our hearts, we are all looking forward to the good performance of Mishell Electronics."

"Chairman Shen, please give us a chance."

As for these words, although Sister Qiu said that she would definitely tell them, Wei Zhifeng felt that the possibility of telling them was not too great.

(End of this chapter)

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