Chapter 1513 The new king bomb
Bai Mingfu's fighting spirit suddenly rose a lot when he heard Wen Zaisong's confident words.

He also believed that the final victory would still belong to them.

However, the current funding problem is still a problem, so after hesitating for a while, he still said: "Mr. Wen, I have a problem here, and I need to ask your brother for help."

"This time, Jiale Electric once again spent a lot of money in order to cooperate with the attack on Mihu Electronics. Now it has been owed four months just for the payment to the supplier."

Having said this, Bai Mingfu said: "I have no choice, so I asked Mr. Wen to coordinate some interest-free loans for us."

Wen Zaisong laughed and said, "Mr. Bai, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. If you need anything, just ask me."

"Even if I don't have time, Mr. Wen can still mention it to Mr. Park."

"We are allies, and at the beginning of this battle, I already said that if you, Mr. Bai, need anything, just say it."

"As long as it is what you need, we at Taiyu Electronics will never let you down."

At this point, he laughed again and said: "Let's do this. I will coordinate [-] million for you, and your finances will come to me to complete the procedures in two days."

Bai Mingfu felt relieved when he heard that Wen Zaisong had coordinated [-] million for himself.

Although [-] million is not enough for him to pay the merchants, with this [-] million, he can basically solve most of the problems.

As for the small part of the problem, that's not a big deal.

"Thank you, Mr. Wen. I believe that under your leadership, Mr. Wen, we will be able to win this time."

The two made an appointment to drink together again, and then reluctantly put down the phone.

However, Bai Mingfu's face was full of joy when he put down the phone, but Wen Zaisong's expression was a little gloomy when he put down the phone.

Wen Zaisong’s attack on MiKe Electronics also cost a lot of money.Compared with the clear bills of Jiale Electric, the money spent by Taiyu Electronics and the others cannot be seen in many places.

Today, MiKe Electronics still has not collapsed, which has made Wen Zaisong feel that his funds are a bit shaky.

Although Chairman Jin is [-]% supportive of this matter.

During the attack on Mi Ke, Chairman Jin also personally provided guidance, but one thing Wen Zaisong could feel was that the speed at which the headquarters company allocates funds was getting slower and slower.

Although there are some reasons for obstruction, Wen Zaisong knows that the head office is also very strapped for funds now.

Chairman Jin's grand goal is quite big. To achieve this goal, Taiyu Electronics can be said to be expanding rapidly.

In just a few years, Taiyu Electronics has become a top large enterprise.

Underneath all this glamour, there is a high level of financial stress.

After all, the acquired companies cannot make money immediately. All this is done with funds.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Wen Zaisong picked up the already cold water in the cup and took a few sips.

At this time, the rice shell electrons have reached their limit.

As long as the excellent assets of MiKe Electronics are swallowed up, Taiyu Electronics will be able to recover quickly whether in the stock market or elsewhere.

Only then can the problems of Taiyu Electronics be solved.

The chairman is right, only by relying on the growth of the enterprise can existing problems be solved.

Putting down the water glass, Wen Zaisong picked up the phone. What he can do now is to ask for support from above. Only support from above can allow them to continue their advantage over Mihu Electronics.

The time for MiKe Electronics’ winter conference is coming soon. As long as this time is grasped, the market’s confidence in MiKe Electronics will be in question.At that time, Shen Lin, whose capital chain was broken, was desperate.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Wen Zaisong picked up the phone again.

He needs more support!

In the MiKe Electronic Communication Equipment Research Center, Shen Lin was playing with the finalized PHS.At this time, Shen Ling was holding a PHS that was as big as a palm. Compared with a mobile phone that was the size of a brick, this PHS was much smaller.

And it is still used for local phone consumption.

Looking at the red PHS in his hand, Shen Lin said to Lian Shaofeng who was standing aside: "President Lian, have the registration for this PHS been completed?"

"Everything has been done. Donghai City has given us a lot of help in this regard."

"There are many things that are promoted by Donghai."

"We have obtained all the procedures and can go public at any time." Lian Shaofeng reported to Shen Lin, his voice full of excitement.

After the PHS was built, he was full of confidence. He knew that this PHS would definitely become another king of MiKe Electronics.

After all, he often uses Big Brother and knows the gap between the two.

Although PHS has shortcomings in terms of signal, the advantages of price, tariff, and appearance can completely offset all these.

"Dr. Shen, according to your request, the PHS launched this time comes in three colors, namely black, red and white."

"For the PHS trademark, after we obtained the right to use it, we also registered it."

Shen Lin held the PHS prototype in his hand, and suddenly his heart moved. He said to Lian Shaofeng: "President Lian, the names of these three colors need to be changed."

Lian Shaofeng was stunned for a moment, how to change these three colors.

It's obviously black, white and red!
Just when Lian Shaofeng was a little confused about what Shen Lin meant, he heard Shen Lin say: "Our three colors should be ivory white, agate red and obsidian black!"

"With this kind of publicity, people will think that our products are more advanced."

Lian Shaofeng was also a genius in business, but he was full of admiration for Shen Lin.

After all, I have been thinking about something for a long time. Sometimes, just a thought from Dong Shen can make me know how many times better.

For this, he was filled with admiration from the bottom of his heart.

"Ivory white, agate red and obsidian black!" After repeating Shen Lin's suggestion, Lian Shaofeng couldn't help but pat his thigh and said: "Dr. Shen, your opinion is absolutely right."

"What we have is red and white, it sounds a bit too old-fashioned."

"To use your term, I think... this is a qualitative improvement."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I just had an idea, it's just an explanation."

"The real hard part is that you, the general manager, were able to create the product in such a short period of time and do it so well."

Lian Shaofeng's face showed a trace of joy, but he still said modestly: "Director Shen, you have bought us a complete set of technology. If we still can't make this product, then we are too incompetent." ”

"Director Shen, I think this PHS phone can definitely become the flagship product of our Mihu winter conference."

Looking at Lian Shaofeng, who was full of expectations, Shen Lin patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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