Chapter 1517 Invitation to class

In Beijing in winter, even the air is cold and unkind, it's really a bit cold.

For Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong, who live in the north, they can still endure this kind of cold snap.

This time the couple came together. Shen Lin naturally wanted to hold a winter press conference for MiKe Electronics. As for Lu Xiaorong, he came to be interviewed because of the huge sales of Harry Potter.

Although the courtyard is often unoccupied, there are regular people who clean it regularly, and the two of them had already been notified of cleaning before they came to Beijing, so when they arrived, everything was ready.

Because there were enough rooms, Fang Xiaomei and other secretaries and attendants also lived in the courtyard.

"Shen Lin, sometimes I think it would be good for us to live here and let Xiao Guoke find a good school nearby." Lu Xiaorong warmed his hands with a cup of water while admiring the blooming wintersweet in front of him with interest. He said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong, a hint of endearment flashed in his eyes, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, then let Xiao Guoke come to school here."

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm just sighing, don't listen to the wind and it will be rain. If Xiao Guoke goes to school in the province, my parents will be a little unhappy."

"The teaching quality in Dongzhou is pretty good. Otherwise, how would you teach your eldest brother, a doctor with first-class academic results!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The teaching level in Dongzhou is okay, but if you go to school here, it will be easier for Xiao Guoke to take the college entrance examination."

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment. She really had not considered her son's college entrance examination.

Now after hearing what Shen Lin said, Lu Xiaorong immediately said: "Yes, we should consider now that our son will go to college."

"But when you come here, your focus is on Dongzhou..."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "If we are not here, we will go to the East China Sea. Although our strength makes it easy for our son to study abroad, I think it is better not to study abroad before master's degree."

"As for work, as MiKe's business will increase in the future, although MiKe Electronics' headquarters will not move, MiKe Electronics needs a branch. Now I am hesitating where to put it."

"By the way, the second volume of Harry Potter is ready for release."

"The person in charge of our company over there called and said that he would like to invite you, the landlady, to do a signing. Do you want to go?"

Lu Xiaorong is no stranger to autograph signings. As a famous writer, how could he not do autograph signings?

However, this was her first time going out for a book signing. It was just her own company, so she didn’t need to care about anything else. The most important thing for Lu Xiaorong now was whether she wanted to go.

"Do you want me to go?" Lu Xiaorong hesitated and asked.

Shen Lin said: "The Harry Potter series has now become a hot-selling trend. I think you should increase your popularity at this time."

"After all, in many cases, visibility is very useful."

Lu Xiaorong has a deep understanding of Shen Lin's words over the years, whether she has been with Shen Lin or as her status has improved.

Hearing what Shen Lin said at this time, he pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll go there."

"But during this period of time, Xiao Guoke..."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong and said with a smile, "Why don't you take Xiao Guoke around for a spin, so that your son can broaden his horizons."

"Let's forget it. The teacher told me two days ago that Xiao Guoke's learning attitude these days is a bit perfunctory again!"

"If you take him around to have fun at this time, it will be difficult for him to calm down if he is too happy to play."

Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "Even if I go out, I have to take advantage of the summer vacation. At that time, we will sign the third book..."

Just as the couple was chatting casually, the doorbell rang.Shen Lin walked over and opened the door, and saw Shen Hai and a middle-aged man walking over.

"Brother, I was telling Xiaorong that I would go to your house later to grab some food. I didn't expect that you came first."

Shen Lin smiled at Shen Hai, who was becoming more and more scholarly.

Shen Hai said: "Call our dad today. He said you want Jingli, so I'll come and pick you up."

Having said this, Shen Hai introduced to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, this is my colleague Professor Li Mo. Professor Li is in charge of the construction of the School of Business Administration at the school."

Shen Lin was not too familiar with business management theory, but he still knew about the famous management school.

At this time, after listening to Shen Hai's introduction, he smiled and said: "Professor Li, welcome, you are an expert in business administration. We, Mihu, will have to ask you for advice in the future!"

Professor Li shook hands with Shen Lin heavily and said, "Dr. Shen, when it comes to management experts, you are the real expert."

"As for those of us, we can only talk on paper at best."

"After all, only through practice can we gain true knowledge. When it comes to asking for advice, we should be the ones asking for it from you."

A few people modestly returned to the living room.Lu Xiaorong made tea for a few people and then went about his own business.

Professor Li, after chatting for a while, said straight to the point: "Director Shen, the main purpose of my coming here this time is to hope that you can give a class to our management students when you are free. "

"After all, the most they learn from us is theoretical knowledge. As a leader in our corporate management, your experience will be very useful for their future development."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "I actually feel a sense of fear when I give a lecture. Now if you ask me to give a lecture, Professor Li, you are simply making things difficult for me!"

"No, Professor Li, I can't mislead others, you'd better hire someone else."

Looking at Shen Lin with a determined look on his face, Professor Li pondered for a moment and said, "Dr. Shen, I know that asking you to attend class is a bit overwhelming."

"But as the leader of MiKe Electronics, the management examples you have experienced are difficult for us to compare with."

"When the time comes, you don't have to go to class according to the script like we do. You can share the examples you encountered in the process of managing your company with our students."

Having said this, Professor Li said: "I know it is not easy for you, Mr. Shen, to come to Beijing, so I would like to ask Mr. Shen for your help."

Chen Hai also followed: "Shen Lin, Professor Li is sincerely asking for your help. I think you can help Professor Li just once."

"You don't need to think of this as a class, just think of it as chatting."

Shen Hai's words moved Shen Lin's heart. He pondered for a moment and said, "Since Professor Li is so kind, I will go and chat with you about some management matters."

"But we agreed in advance that it's just chatting, not class."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, a smile suddenly appeared on Professor Li's face.

For Professor Li, it is a huge achievement to be able to invite the famous chairman of MiKe Electronics to give lectures in person.

He smiled and said: "Okay, I will listen to Director Shen."

"My visit to Beijing this time is mainly for the winter press conference of Mihu Electronics. Why don't we put this meeting after the winter press conference."

(End of this chapter)

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