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Chapter 152 A thunderbolt from the blue sky, good people don't pretend to be good

Chapter 152 A thunderbolt from the blue sky, good people don't pretend to be good
Ye Yichen was not the only one who saw Shen Lin's bright smile.

Many people's first reaction was whether there was something wrong with Shen Lin's head.

If there was nothing wrong with his head, how could Shen Lin smile so happily?

Shen Lin's abnormal behavior shocked Zhao Honglian, the mother, and Sister Luo and other merchants were also at a loss.

Chen Hongying, who was holding a rolling pin, saw this silly son-in-law, and really wanted to take a rolling pin and give Shen Lin a hard stick.

What time is this? I'm going to scare your wife to death. If I wasn't here to support you, your shop would have been forced to clean up long ago. You still have a smile on your face!

"Ye Yichen, when did I ask you to take back the old warehouse that I rented out, when did I ask you to tear up the contract you just signed? How dare you decide on such a big matter? Who gave you the power!" A low voice said. A suppressed angry voice sounded from the crowd behind Shen Lin.

Hearing this voice, Ye Yichen's first feeling was that he heard it wrong.

This voice is very familiar, but the owner of this voice, he should not appear here, because... because the owner of this voice should still be in Donghai now!

Shen Lin took a step towards Lu Xiaorong's position, and suddenly gave up a vacant seat, and the speaker was completely presented in front of Ye Yichen's eyes.

The terrified Ye Yichen couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

He couldn't believe it was real, but his eyes told him that what he saw was real.

Director Liu, this person is Director Liu whom he regards as a tiger skin.

"Oh, it's Director Liu." The mule was standing beside Ye Yichen. At this moment, he screamed, and his robust body took a step back involuntarily.

For the factory manager, Mule was still full of fear.

"Liu...Director Liu, you...why are you here?" Ye Yichen trembled in fear.

Factory Manager Liu glared at Ye Yichen: "Why, you can be here, Section Chief Ye, but I can't be here?"

"You just said that I urged you to take this warehouse back in a hurry. I asked you when I urged you. Tell me clearly."

When Director Liu came here, he had already made up his mind to teach Ye Yichen, a reckless guy, a severe lesson.

But he didn't expect that this guy pretended to be a good person and pushed all the bad things on his head.

Just as Shen Lin said, he signed the contract, and Ye Yichen even charged him with all the crimes, and let others think of him after that.

Old Liu, do you want to work in the future?
In the workplace, you cannot compete with the leader for credit.If you do a good job, it means that the factory manager has good leadership; if you make a mistake in your work, it means that you did not understand the instructions of the leader and implement them in place.

Why did this damn Ye Yichen reverse this established rule?The most disgusting thing is that he just made a shit bowl and put it on his head!

Tolerable or unbearable!
So at this time, Director Liu was very annoyed.As soon as it came up, it was a heavy stick.

Ye Yichen was a little flustered. He looked at Director Liu, who was full of anger, and knew that today's matter might not end well.

"Director Liu, haven't urged me, what I said just now are all excuses,'s all for the sake of promoting work."

Ye Yichen spread his hands and said, "Uh... uh, you have been away on business for the past few days, and our factory's products can't be put away. Director Li asked me to take back the old warehouse. I know it's difficult to handle, so... so I just in your name."

"After all, you are our factory manager, so everyone will feel that it will be easier for us to take back the old warehouse if we can't help ourselves."

After saying these words, Ye Yichen felt that his back was drenched in cold sweat, but he felt relieved a lot at this moment.

He believed that based on his relationship with Director Li, Director Li would never leave him alone.He could only insist that it was all for work. Even if Director Liu was angry, he couldn't bear a heavy punishment.Director Liu snorted, smiled softly and said, "Are you sure it was Director Li who asked you to take it back?"

"I'm sure, this is indeed..."

Ye Yichen hadn't finished speaking when someone shouted angrily: "Ye Yichen, stop talking nonsense here, talking nonsense, and tearing up the contract as soon as it's signed. When will my old Li let you do it!"

Accompanied by the roar, a man in his 50s, with stubble all over his face, wearing denim short sleeves and a blue-black coat with four pockets, came out of the crowd furiously.

Ye Yichen's face twitched, he was tongue-tied at this moment, not knowing what to say.

Director Li glared at Ye Yichen heavily, his gaze was full of blame, he snorted and said: "Just now Director Liu asked me why I took back the old warehouse, I said I didn't know about it, I didn't expect it, what's in it It was you who played tricks."

"You... Are you deluded by eating lard or something? You still make this kind of mistake when you're old."

"Let's go, let's go back to the factory and reflect on it."

Listening to Director Li's words, Ye Yichen was completely stupid. He knew that this time, he really played off.

On the side of Factory Manager Li, Factory Manager Liu has already laid an ambush, and this time he completely buried himself.He felt that his legs were a little weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Mule waited for a few young men to stand beside him, and when he saw that he was about to fall, he quickly stepped forward to give him a hand.

Under the signal of Director Li, Ye Yichen was escorted away.For such a situation, Director Liu did not stop him.

The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized, Ye Yichen's matter is not over yet, but he can't continue to deal with it here.

"Everyone, Xiao Shen found me and told me that I was deeply shocked when someone said that our No. [-] Match Factory would break the contract and take back the old warehouse!"

Factory Manager Liu looked at the surrounding merchants and said sincerely: "I have never made such a decision, and the Second Match Factory will not make such a unilateral decision to break the contract."

"Please believe that we value the reputation of No. [-] Match Factory very much. We will strictly follow the contract and will never breach the contract."

After saying all this, Director Liu nodded towards Shen Lin, and then strode towards the outside of Paris Style Street.

Sister Luo and other merchants were very excited at this time. Although Director Liu didn't say much, they knew that their shops were saved.

Not only that, but Director Liu's promise also made them feel that they will definitely be able to work in this geomantic treasure land for a few more years in the future.

And the person who accomplished all this was the young man who stood aside without saying a word!

Following Factory Manager Liu's departure, Sister Luo and the others surrounded Shen Lin. She hesitated for a moment, then said to Shen Lin in embarrassment: "Boss Shen, brother Shen Lin, sister... sister has to give I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have listened to rumors and thought you ran away."

"Because of this, I... I even asked Miss Xiao Rong to write an IOU. Look at what I did, it's really..."

"I also ask Brother Shen Lin and Sister Xiao Rong to forgive me!"

Shen Lin was taken aback when he heard Sister Luo's words. He didn't expect such a thing to happen on the day he left.

Shen Lin's silence made Sister Luo and the others look nervous.

After all, their affairs are not authentic, no, they are a little too selfish!

ps: The fourth change today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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