Chapter 1534 Internal Price
"According to our news, at ten o'clock this morning, MiKe PHS officially started selling. Before the sale, there was already a long queue in front of the counter..."

On the TV screen, a long queue was waiting eagerly, and there was even a screen that specifically scanned the length of the queue.

"Next, let's interview the staff of the business hall."

"Hello, are the MiKe PHS supplies sufficient?" the reporter holding the microphone asked with a smile.

The person being interviewed was a capable woman in her 30s. Her expression was not only excited, but also slightly nervous.

"Our inventory is still very sufficient. This time we cooperated with MiKe Electronics and have a total of [-] units in stock..."

As the interview ended, the reporter had already turned the microphone around and said: "Many people have watched the PHS press conference. Now let's go interview consumers and see why this PHS is so popular. "

"Hello, brother, are you here to buy a PHS?"

"This is natural, otherwise, who would be bothered by queuing here." The elder brother, who looked to be in his 40s, said with a smile.

"Brother, why do you want to buy a PHS?"

"I'm in business. In the past, when people were looking for me, they were sometimes very anxious when they couldn't find them. I just wanted to have a portable phone."

"After Big Brother was launched, I also thought about buying one, but the price was really beyond our reach. It was too expensive!"

The elder brother who spoke waved his hand and gestured: "A mobile phone costs [-] to [-] yuan, which is equal to my income for more than a year, and the phone bill is also expensive, and it is not convenient to carry..."

"The PHS from MiKe Electronics costs more than 5000 yuan, and it is still available via local calls. This is really friendly to us."

“It can be said that the price is very reasonable and suitable for my use!”

"Thank you for accepting our interview!" the reporter said with a smile.

The elder brother smiled and joked: "You're welcome. If you could talk to the sales office, just let me buy a PHS first. I'm still in a hurry to get to work!"

Naturally, there is no way to fulfill this requirement. After all, there are still many people waiting for PHS.

"Sister, why did you buy a PHS..."

The news was broadcast for more than a minute. Although it was not long, the subsequent comments about PHS made everyone who came to watch it from MiKe Electronics very excited.

In the canteen of MiKe Electronics, thousands of employees put down their chopsticks and watched the news on TV with excitement.

For these employees of Mihu Electronics, it is an exciting thing to have their products on TV.

What's more, the pictures shown on TV are still so exciting.


“Our product is a hit!”

"I want to buy a PHS too! This thing is really good!"


Various discussions were going on one after another. Cheng Zhenyuan, who was eating in the cafeteria, watched the situation on TV and couldn't help but said to the fat aunt next to him: "Fat aunt, go back and join forces with PHS to see if we can give it to ourselves Employees, get an internal price?"

Fat Aunt naturally would not refuse Cheng Zhenyuan's arrangement.

She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll contact you later."

"Our factory produces PHS. If others can't buy it, we can't afford it!"

"Tsk, tsk, this time with PHS, our factory will definitely be able to make a lot of money."

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled, PHS had just started, and it was so popular that it was impossible not to make money.

Looking at the smiling fat aunt, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "In the cities where we started sales today, in just half a morning, all the tens of thousands of PHS units we prepared have been sold out."

"Just this alone can bring back a lot of funds." The fat aunt smiled and said while eating: "Mr. Cheng, if Director Shen doesn't build the wafer factory and focuses on Mihu Electronics, we..."

"Okay, this is not your concern, just mind your own business." Cheng Zhenyuan waved towards Fat Aunt and said coldly.

The fat aunt also knew that she had said the wrong thing, so she did not dare to say anything more.

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at the fat aunt who was eating quietly, and couldn't help but smile when he thought of Shen Lin's plan.

At this moment, music sounded in Cheng Zhenyuan's arms. He casually took out an obsidian black PHS, and heard a call from his secretary: "Mr. Cheng, I heard above that our PHS is selling well. Wait a minute." He will come to express his condolences to us shortly.”

When Cheng Zhenyuan heard the news, the smile on his face suddenly grew a little wider.

He stood up and said: "Okay, I understand, you should be ready to receive it."

After hurriedly grabbing a few mouthfuls of rice, Cheng Zhenyuan said to the fat aunt: "Let's go, the leader above expresses condolences to us. You and I will go and greet you."

"Okay!" Fat Aunt replied excitedly.

In the Tongguo Shabu Shabu Restaurant in Beijing, Shen Lin raised his wine glass and said to the staff of Mihu PHS in a room full of people: "Here, let me toast you all."

"The success of our PHS project this time is inseparable from everyone's hard work."

"The company and I personally will not let everyone's hard work go in vain, and the benefits that should be given to everyone will definitely not be less."

Hearing Shen Lin's promise, many people quickly raised their glasses and said, "Thank you, Director Shen!"

"Dr. Shen, let me toast you!"

"Dr. Shen, I wish our PHS will get better and better."


Amid everyone's congratulations, Shen Lin drank the wine in the cup.He smiled and said: "Everyone, although our PHS sales are good, it does not mean that we can sit back and relax.'

"In the coming days, if we want to make money and continue our good life, we must not be self-satisfied."

"Only through our continuous innovation can our rice shells develop better."

Shen Lin's words caused a burst of applause.

Because it was a celebration, Shen Lin didn't say much. Instead, he drank two glasses with everyone with his wine glasses. After eating a few chopsticks and shabu-shabu, Shen Lin found an excuse to leave.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay, but Shen Lin knows that as long as he is here, basically everyone can't let him go.

It's better to finish what you need to say, and then leave the excitement to everyone present.

Lu Dongsheng didn't stay long, he followed Shen Lin out.

"Director Shen, everyone's fighting spirit is very high. I think PHS will soon become one of the most profitable projects of our MiKe Electronics." Lu Dongsheng handed Shen Lin a bottle of water and said with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The PHS still has quite a few flaws, and it is destined to be a short-term product."

"However, during the implementation of PHS, we still need to continue to research and develop new functions. Only in this way can we ensure that we will not be eliminated in a short period of time."

"In addition, for the PHS research team, you must come up with a reward plan as soon as possible."

"You must spend the money you should spend, and you can't be picky and picky."

Lu Dongsheng nodded and said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will arrange for someone to do it right away, and I will come up with a plan for you the day after tomorrow."

Having said this, Lu Dongsheng pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, I received a call today, saying that I want to invite you to join a technology enterprise association. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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