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Chapter 1548 The Influence of Silence

Chapter 1548 The Influence of Silence

Yu Zichen sat on the sofa, listening to the words of the two middle-aged men in front of him with dull eyes.

Of these two middle-aged men, one is the boss of his record company, and the other is Tian Yuanchong's father.

Yu Zichen had some knowledge of Tian Yuanchong's father.

Not only does Kingfa's company do a lot of business, it is also very energetic.

This was also the reason why, although she hated Tian Yuanchong extremely, she had to go far away from home.

And these two people were persuading her.

Or maybe he wanted to convince her to do something.

But not only was she unwilling to do this, but when she heard about it, she felt extremely sick in her heart.

How could these people do this?
"Xiao Yu, Director Shen helped you, why don't you go over and say thank you, don't you think?" His boss, Boss He of Pailang Records, said to Yu Zichen with a smile.

"I heard people say that Xiaoyu is a person who is willing to endure hardships, is capable, and knows how to be grateful."

"If it weren't for these reasons, I wouldn't have let you, Xiao Yu, come to my company."

"After you go to Director Shen to thank you, you can also tell Director Shen about Xiao Tian."

Looking at Boss He's smiling face, Yu Zichen hesitated and finally couldn't help but said: "Boss He, didn't you say... didn't you say that you would only stay in there for a few days at most?"

"Do you need to go to such trouble?"

Before Boss He could speak, Tian Yuanchong's father had already said, "It doesn't matter if you let that bastard stay for a few days. If that's all, I don't need to pay attention to him at all."

"But it was Director Shen who he offended."

"Director Shen of MiKe Electronics is not a man of faith."

"Since he says he won't forgive me, what kind of trouble might he cause to me in the future?"

"The reason why I came to ask you to come forward this time, Xiao Yu, is to make Director Shen put down this matter."

"I can guarantee you that after this incident, that brat from our family will never bother you again, Xiao Yu."

"As for the rest, let that kid suffer a little, it's not a big deal."

Listening to what Boss Tian and his company boss said, Yu Zichen hesitated for a while and finally said: "Director Shen and I are not very familiar."

"To be honest, we just met on the plane, and then I caused such a trouble for him. I asked him to do something, but he might not do it."

"I...I can only give it a try."

When he heard the words "try it", Boss Tian said happily: "Xiao Yu, if you give it a try, you will be a big help to us. Regardless of whether Director Shen lets go of this matter or not, what I said before will count."

Boss He also smiled and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Yu, I promise you that I will also be indispensable."

Half an hour later, Yu Zichen was driven to Mihu Building in a Mercedes-Benz.

Yu Zichen had seen this legendary building before, but only glanced at it from a distance.

Now, not only did she have to enter the building, but she also wanted to meet the owner of the building.

"Miss Yu, the office area of ​​MiKe Electronics is on the top floor. I can only deliver it to you, but don't worry, I will wait for you downstairs." The driver looked at Yu Zichen and said carefully.

Yu Zichen smiled at the driver and said, "Uncle Chen, please wait a moment."

Following the marble steps, Yu Zichen arrived at the gate of MiKe Building. After registering in front of the security guard, Yu Zichen arrived at the top floor where MiKe Electronics is located.

But looking at the office area with people coming and going, Yu Zichen didn't know what to do for a while.

Just when she felt embarrassed, she saw a petite girl walking over on high heels.He was no stranger to this girl. She was the girl who was recommended by Tian Yuanchong.

"This...this sister, can you wait a moment?" Yu Zichen didn't know what to call Fang Xiaomei for a moment, so his words were a little stiff.

Fang Xiaomei also knew Yu Zichen, but she didn't expect that Yu Zichen would appear here.

After being stunned for a moment, he smiled and said: "You are not that..."

"I'm Yu Zichen, we met at the airport." Yu Zichen said quickly.

"Yes, why are you here?" Fang Xiaomei said with a smile, "Let's go to my office first."

Yu Zichen was pulled by Fang Xiaomei and came to a separate office.

Although there are a lot of items in this office, the overall look is clean and tidy, giving people an extremely high-end feel.

"Drink water." Fang Xiaomei poured two glasses of water from a cup, and then said with a smile: "I forgot to introduce you. My name is Fang Xiaomei. I am Director Shen's secretary. What is your name?"

"My name is Yu Zichen, you can just call me Zichen." Yu Zichen said with a smile: "Xiaomei, I think we are about the same age, so you don't mind if I call you this."

Fang Xiaomei waved her hand and said: "The name is just for others to call, so why should you mind."

Speaking of this, Fang Xiaomei smiled and said: "Zi Chen, why are you here? Are you looking for Director Shen?"

"I'm here to see Director Shen." At this point, Yu Zichen said in a deep voice: "Originally, I didn't know you lived here. It was Tian Yuanchong's father and Mr. He from our company who told me."

"They invited me here because they wanted to ask Director Shen to let Tian Yuanchong go."

Facing Fang Xiaomei, Yu Zichen did not hide anything, and said very frankly: "Originally, I was unwilling to agree to this matter, but...but I..."

Yu Zichen wanted to explain, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

For a moment, there was a trace of sadness in her heart.

After listening to Yu Zichen's words, Fang Xiaomei understood everything in her heart instantly.

This is Tian Yuanchong's father. He found that intercession was no longer possible, so he invited Yu Zichen over.

And Yu Zichen herself was a girl who ran away to avoid Tian Yuanchong. Now facing Tian Yuanchong's father, she naturally had no resistance.

After pondering for a while, Fang Xiaomei asked, "Zi Chen, what conditions did they give you for coming over?"

"They said that Tian Yuanchong should be taught a lesson, and they didn't care if he stayed there for a few days."

"What they want is Director Shen's forgiveness."

When Yu Zichen said this, he hesitated a little and said, "Also, Boss Tian promises that his son will never pester me again."

Fang Xiaomei looked at Yu Zichen's appearance, and felt a trace of pity in her heart.

After all, it is really not a good thing for a girl who is about the same age as herself to be entangled with someone like Tian Yuanchong.

"Since this is the case, then come with me and let's go meet Director Shen."

While talking, Fang Xiaomei saw Yu Zichen's trembling hands. She smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, Director Shen doesn't eat people."

"Don't worry, your matter will be fine."

Having said this, Fang Xiaomei stood up and glanced at the closed door not far away, and then said: "Let's go, Director Shen should be free at this time, let's talk to him."

"It's okay for you to have something to worry about."

(End of this chapter)

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