Chapter 1580 A Dream

Shen Lin had a dream!

In the dream, he embraced a figure passionately. This figure looked very much like Mi Yuan, but he could not grasp the figure's face vaguely.

In this daze, Shen Lin opened his eyes.

He looked at the neat clothes on his body and felt relieved.

It is indeed a dream!
Just when he felt it in his heart, he felt a little headache.

Drinking white wine or red wine really makes people get drunk easily!
He opened his eyes wide, looked around, and found that he was lying on a wooden bed that was not too wide.

Although the bed is a bit old, the sheets are very clean and even smell of sunshine.

"woke up!"

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about what happened, Mi Yuan had already walked in.

She picked up the water glass placed next to Shen Lin and said with a smile: "I wanted to talk to you about something, but I didn't expect that you drank so much before."

"It's only been three glasses of red wine and you're already drunk."

"Drink some honey water to nourish your stomach!"

Shen Lin was feeling thirsty. Hearing Mi Yuan's words, he was not polite and drank a glass of honey water in one go.

After drinking the honey water, he said: "Mi Yuan, it was you who helped me over."

"No, Mr. Shen, you don't look fat, but it's not easy to lift you up." Mi Yuan gently stroked her hair with her palms and said, "I can't let you, boss, sleep on the table."

"What time is it now?" Shen Lin looked at the lights in the room and couldn't help but ask.

"It's almost eight o'clock. Do you want to have dinner here or go back to eat?" Mi Yuan said: "If you want to eat here, I will make some for you."

Mi Yuan's words made Shen Lin complain in his heart.

If you say this, doesn't it mean that you don't want me to eat here? After all, if you do it again, I will trouble you.

Shen Lin stood up from the bed, moved slightly and said, "I have a lot of food in my stomach now, and I can't eat anything."

"Mi Yuan, I'd better go back."

Mi Yuan nodded and said, "Dr. Shen, you might as well go back. After all, it's late at night."

"I don't care if people see you never come back, but you can't."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan suddenly said: "Shen Lin, we are also old friends. I think your life has been successful enough."

"So I hope that no matter what happens to you, you will not be discouraged."

"Because, compared with many others, you are a success."

Listening to Mi Yuan's words, a smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.He smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, what you said is a bit wrong."

"It should be true. Compared with most people, I am successful."

"And I won't fail this time either."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Okay, it's time for me to leave. If I stay here with you, I will make the room smell like alcohol."

As he spoke, he strode out.

Looking at Shen Lin walking out, a strange expression flashed across Mi Yuan's face.

This expression seemed to be relieved, but also seemed to have some regrets.

When he reached the door of the room, Shen Lin wanted to open the door, but then he thought of one thing, and that was his dream.

Although Mi Yuan's words told him that this was a dream, that dream gave him a feeling that was too real.

This feeling has been lingering in his mind.

"Mi Yuan, I...I didn't do anything to embarrass you, right?" Shen Lin asked Mi Yuan a little unconfidently.

"What can you do to embarrass me? Apart from being a little heavy and having a hard time letting me help you to rest, what else can you do?"

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin and said casually.Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan, who looked natural and casual, and couldn't help but smile softly.

He waved towards Mi Yuan and said, "Okay, then I'm leaving."

While talking, Shen Lin walked out of Mi Yuan's room.

Looking at Shen Lin leaving, Mi Yuan's face showed a hint of smile, but this smile instantly turned into sadness.

And in the end, this sadness turned into a smile, a smile of relief...

Shen Lin shook his head and walked slowly back to his home. At this time, he was almost sober from the wine, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Did I really just have a dream?But this dream was really a bit too real, so real that he...

As thoughts flashed, Shen Lin thought of Mi Yuan's calm look when she left.

This look is so natural!
If something really happened between the two of them, Mi Yuan would not behave like this. It seems that she really thinks too much.

From now on, if I drink white wine, I will definitely not drink red wine.

Determined, Shen Lin quickly returned to his residence and put the matter aside.

After all, his plan was about to begin, and there were still many things he needed to do.

In Donghai, Bill Li is changing clothes in the company's dressing room.

This time he was dressed very formally because he was going to the headquarters of MiKe Electronics in Dongzhou to deliver the final paperwork to MiKe Electronics.

After this document was sent, it meant that the patents mortgaged by MiKe Electronics fell into the hands of Caoqi Bank according to the contract.

As long as this document is delivered, it means that the biggest hidden crisis of MiKe Electronics is about to break out.

A brand that people are proud of is reduced to ashes in their own hands.

Although there was some reluctance in his heart to do this, there was no other way, he needed this job.

What's more, if he doesn't do it, others will do it.

The outcome was already determined anyway, so why should he struggle.

Taking out the PHS in his pocket, Bill Li looked at the contacts on the PHS, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not make the call.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that there is no need.

Liang Jialuo will definitely blame himself to death for this matter, but there is nothing he can do.

He is just an ordinary worker, he can't solve any problems.

Putting the PHS into his pocket again, he strode to York Hansen's office.

York Hansen was looking at a document, and when he saw him walking in, a slight smile appeared on his face.

"My dear Bill, you look really handsome today."

"I'm very happy to see you now."

"I believe that when you return victoriously, there will be a promotion appointment letter waiting for you."

As York Hansen spoke, he handed the document he was looking at to Bill Li.

Bill Li took the document with both hands, glanced at it gently, and found that the content on it was exactly as he thought.

But these are not important anymore.

He said respectfully: "Thank you Mr. Hansen for your respect for me. I will never let you down."

"Hahaha, okay, Mr. Bill, some friends are coming later, and they will go to Dongzhou with you."

York Hansen patted Bill Li on the shoulder and said, "You need to communicate more with these friends. They will be your help in reaching higher positions in the future."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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