Chapter 1586

"Bill, what happened?"

Bai Mingfu could not remain calm at this time.

After Shen Lin said that he had paid back the money, and after Hansen called Shen Lin in York, he already felt that things were not very good.

Thinking of his investment in dealing with MiKe Electronics, Bai Mingfu felt tense in his heart.

After all, the impact of this incident on him was too great.

Li Bier looked at Bai Mingfu who came in a hurry and said blankly: "Director Shen has paid back all the debts."

"There is no debt relationship between MiKe Electronics and Caoqi Bank."


Looking at Li Bier who looked at a loss, Bai Mingfu couldn't help but said: "How is this possible? How come Shen Lin and the others have 8000 million US dollars."

"Don't you mean they don't have that much money?"

Li Bier was shaken heavily by Bai Mingfu, but at this time, he couldn't explain it at all, because he didn't know the reason for this matter.

Park Yisheng, who was standing aside, quickly rushed over at this time.

The price Taiyu Group paid in this matter was too high.

It can be said that Taiyu Group has given away many of its interests in order to block Shen Lin's channels for obtaining funds.

There are even many, all important interests.

If you can hold MiKe Electronics in your hands, then all the efforts will be worth it, and it can even make their company's stock price rise sharply.

But now, MiKe Electronics has repaid the loan from Caoqi Bank, which means that they cannot take any advantage from MiKe Electronics.

He could already think of the impact this incident would have on the entire company.

This is not a small impact, but...

Facing the two hurried companions, Bill Li helplessly spread his hands and said, "I don't know why, Mr. York Hansen didn't say anything."

"But Director Shen really paid back the money."

Park Yisheng looked at Bill Li who couldn't say anything, and couldn't help but rush towards Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, you... tell me, what is going on?"

"Who lent you the money?"

Shen Lin spread his hands and said, "Pu Yisheng, I don't have to explain this matter to you, but I can tell you one thing, that is, those who do unjust things will be punished by themselves."

"You'd better take care of yourself."

While speaking, Shen Lin had already turned around and left.

Looking at Shen Lin, who looked casual and natural, Park Yisheng's face twitched. He really didn't know what he was going to say at this time.

Bai Mingfu, who calmed down, felt tremendous pressure.

He knew very well that since Shen Lin had survived this wave, what happened next was their business.

Shen Lin's victory was actually their doom.

"Director Shen, I admire you!" Bai Mingfu knew that staying here would be embarrassing and conspicuous, so he was ready to leave.

Shen Lin said to Bai Mingfu: "Mr. Bai, I am interested in purchasing your Jiale Electrical Appliances. Can we talk about it?"

Bai Mingfu's face twitched. He came here this time to take over Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall as his own. But now, Shen Lin said that he wanted to acquire his own Jiale Electrical Appliances. This...

"How much money is Mr. Shen prepared to pay?" Bai Mingfu asked in a deep voice after taking a breath.Shen Lin smiled, did not speak, but stretched out a finger.

Looking at Shen Lin's extended finger, Bai Mingfu's face suddenly turned cold: "Director Shen, you want to buy my Jiale Electrical Appliances for [-] million. Don't you look down on my Jiale Electrical Appliances too much?"

"You should know how much I paid to build Jiale Electric."

Shen Lin looked at the aggressive Bai Mingfu, shook his head and said: "It's not [-] million, you guessed too much."

It's not 1000 million, it's [-] million.

But Bai Mingfu couldn't accept this 1000 million.

He snorted and said: "Dr. Shen, with the price of 1000 million, I have nothing to say. I think we should just wait and see."

"I'll pay you one dollar to buy your Jiale Electrical Appliances."

"You should know how much debt you owe. At this time, Jiale Electric is just an empty shell." Shen Lin said lightly: "If I buy it, you will be debt-free and light. But if I don't buy it, it will be for nothing." Anyway, I’m afraid what you are facing is the creditor’s pressure to pay.”

"At that time, what Jiale Electric will face will not be a one-dollar acquisition, but insolvency."

At this point, Shen Lin said calmly: "I'll give you a day to think about it. If Mr. Bai can't figure it out, then we can only speak with facts."

Speaking a few words with facts made Bai Mingfu's face become even more ugly. He knew very well that once he spoke with facts, he would face an even greater dilemma.

But he couldn't sell his business for one dollar, and he couldn't do it.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end he said nothing.

At this time, Park Yisheng had woken up.He looked at Bai Mingfu who looked a little heavy and said: "Mr. Bai, you don't have to worry too much about this matter. Our Taiyu Group will still support you."

"You have the market, we have the strength, plus the funds from Caoqi Bank."

"The general trend is mine. Why should you take Shen Lin's two threatening words to heart?"

Although Park Yisheng often makes mistakes, the few words he said this time were very good.

Looking at Pu Yisheng with a smile on his face, a hint of smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

He felt that this Park Yisheng was not a loser, at least there was some truth in what he said.

But is things really as simple as Park Yisheng thought?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin calmly said to Park Yisheng: "Mr. Park, go back and say hello to General Manager Wen, saying that I wish him a good mood in the future."

After saying this, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Bill Li again and said: "Bill, if you come to Dongzhou, I will treat you to a meal no matter what."

"Besides, you are very tired after walking all the way. Let's take a break and go to Ermei Restaurant later to try their authentic food."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled again and said, "They were really messing around at noon."

It was time to eat. Bill Li really couldn't eat this meal. He waved his hand and said: "Director Shen, let's go back. I still have some things to do..."

Looking at Bill Li who was evading, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Your car won't be repaired for a while. Now that I'm out looking for food, won't others say that I, Shen Lin, am not a friend enough?"

"We'll have a meal and the car will be repaired at the same time. It won't be a waste of time."

Having said this, Shen Lin patted Bill Li on the shoulder and said, "This matter is settled, so don't refuse."

Li Bier looked at Shen Lin's expression, and for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

Bai Mingfu sighed. He knew in his heart that they had to eat this meal whether they wanted to or not.

After all, this is Dongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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