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Chapter 1589 The beginning of Mi Ke’s counterattack

Chapter 1589 The beginning of Mi Ke’s counterattack

Wen Zaisong is worried!

Bai Mingfu's life was equally difficult.

Early the next morning, Bai Mingfu left by car.

When they came, they were in a mighty convoy, but this time they left separately.

Of course, this kind of separation did not involve any words of rupture, but it was just that things suddenly went wrong for everyone.

If things don't go their way, they will naturally separate.

Bill Li left, Park Yisheng left, and he followed the driver on the road alone.

Thinking about the plan for more than a year, the biggest emotion in his heart was that he had done nothing wrong.

If he had not joined the anti-Mihu alliance, if he had not sold at a loss, then his Jiale Electric would have fallen directly under Shen Lin's attack.

So at this time, he just missed a move, he didn't...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Bai Mingfu sighed.

In a few hours, the car arrived at Donghai.

He had to fly back to Beijing from Donghai. After all, the head office of Jiale Electric was in Beijing. If anything happened, he could only deal with it if he returned to the head office.

Before the car entered the East China Sea, the people to greet him had already arrived.

He was the person in charge of the Donghai branch. However, although the person in charge had a smile on his face, Bai Mingfu felt that this subordinate was trying to force his smile.

"Why didn't the car pass by Mi Ke Electrical Appliances Mall?" When the car turned a corner, Bai Mingfu suddenly realized that the direction was wrong.

In the past, when he came to Donghai, he basically had to check out the situation at the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall, so the driver knew his habit and always took a fixed route.

But now, the driver didn't follow the fixed route.

This made him feel a not-so-good feeling in his heart.

Hearing Bai Mingfu's words, the driver said tremblingly: "Mr. Bai, this..."

"Mr. Bai, there is a road construction over there. Let's take this road. This road is easy and won't waste time at all!" the head of the branch, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, said with a smile.

But Bai Mingfu is not an ordinary person, how could he be deceived by such small means.

He said calmly: "Go to Mihu Electrical Appliances Store."

After saying this, Bai Mingfu closed his eyes.

Seeing Bai Mingfu who was silent, the branch manager hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Mr. Bai, I think we should..."

"You don't feel it here, only I feel it here." Bai Mingfu said coldly: "I don't want to hear such words from you again."

The branch manager was not talking, and the car quickly arrived at Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall.

It's really hard to live here, but it's not because of the traffic jam, but because there are too many people queuing outside the Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall.

Some people were even lined up on the road.

Seeing this situation, Bai Mingfu's face began to turn cold.

He knew what the branch manager didn't want him to see.

He knew even more that what he had been worried about had happened.

This time, Shen Lin may really have to give himself a hard time on price.

And once the two sides start a price war, he doesn't know how long he can sustain it.

"Stop!" Bai Mingfu thought for a moment and then shouted in a deep voice.

The branch manager wanted to speak, but looking at Bai Mingfu's livid face, he finally swallowed what he wanted to say.For him, admonishing Bai Mingfu under the current circumstances has no meaning at all.

Bai Mingfu got out of the car and quickly came to the crowd. He looked at the people queuing, hesitated for a moment, and then asked a young man: "Brother, what are you queuing up to buy?"

“Mike Electronics has a big sale, let’s buy something!”

"Don't you know? If you purchase electrical appliances worth 1000 yuan at MiKe Electronics, you can get a PHS discount coupon."

"How about buying a PHS that's [-] cheaper?"

When the young man said this, he said excitedly: "This kind of good opportunity is rare. It happened that my friend's TV was broken, so I dragged him here."

Listening to these cheerful words, Bai Mingfu glanced at the heated scene again, and he immediately guessed what MiKe Electronics was going to do.

Regarding this situation, he knew that no matter how much he looked at it, it would be useless, so he hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Let's go."

Yiye Zhiqiu, he already got what he wanted to know, so he left directly.

After getting back into the car, Bai Mingfu pondered for a moment, and then he said to the manager of the branch: "Faced with this situation, what are you going to do?"

The manager of the branch hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Mr. Bai's current Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall is just following us to compete with each other and burn money."

“Their prices are basically the same as ours, and they also give away coupons for rice shell products.”

"If we want to get this game back, I think... I think..."

Listening to this hesitant voice, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Bai Mingfu's eyes.

And the person in charge seemed to feel that his performance was losing points in front of his big boss, so he hurriedly said: "If I can reduce the price by another [-]%, I think everything will not be a problem..."

The price was reduced by another [-]%. When Bai Mingfu heard this, he felt the veins on his forehead pop.

"I will give you the right to reduce the price by another [-]%. Do you know how much we will have to pay next?"

Bai Mingfu's eyes widened and he looked at his subordinates coldly.

The subordinate nodded and said, "Mr. Bai, I've done all these calculations, but if we don't do this, we won't be able to grab the MiKe Electrical Appliance Store at all."

Bai Mingfu's face twitched. Although what he heard was the truth, to be honest, he really didn't want to hear this kind of truth.

But it’s not enough not to listen.

After a moment of hesitation, he finally said: "Don't you have any other options?"

"Mr. Bai, if we and MiKe Electrical Appliances Store continue to consume like this, there won't actually be much benefit. No one on either side can take advantage."

"If you can listen to me, I think it would be fine for us to reconcile with MiKe Electrical Appliances Market."

"From now on, they will sell their goods and we will sell ours, and everyone will make their own money."

Having said this, the branch manager said: "In this case, although we are not as good as MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall, I think we can still survive."

After listening to his subordinate's words, Bai Mingfu sighed.

He knew that his subordinates had a solution, but this solution needed the approval of Mi Ke Electrical Appliance Store.

And based on his relationship with Shen Lin, there is simply no possibility of Shen Lin's unification.

"I understand." After Bai Mingfu said this, he stopped saying a word.

Anyone who can become the person in charge here is naturally very capable, and he also knows very well that his suggestions will not be adopted.

Bai Mingfu would not do this!

While the car was driving, Bai Mingfu's eyes were attracted to a store where the sign was being taken down.

This was an unknown shop, but seeing the shop's sign being taken down, Bai Mingfu felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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